Today I was thinking about the title of Steve Harvey's first book "Act Like a Lady, Think Like A Man". I don't know why I was thinking about it I just was. Then I thought "Why Act Like a Lady? Shouldn't you be a Lady instead of Acting Like one?" Then it hit me. Those that are not Ladies have to impersonate one or "Act Like". If you are a Lady you need not act like one for that is who you are. How many women are truly Ladies in this new society, that is rampant with hoish antics and feminist doctrine? Better yet how many women are truly women? I remember a female radio host asked me what I was looking for in a woman and I told her that she has to be a woman first and foremost. I said that because in my eyes there are a lot of "Liliths" and not enough "Eves". A lot of mutated, decayed, cold blooded, soulless and spirit empty females and not enough soulful, full of life, spirited filled, and of course virtuous women. There souldn't really be any book that tells you how to "act like" a lady for a woman should be a Lady. There is no book to tell me how be a man, I just am. Like the image of God "I am". So should woman be for "she is". Ask yourself, are you a actress? Because only actresses act. Now don't get me wrong we have a lot of women and men who act like they are this and that and they really not. Thus this is why the world is a stage for it's players and not a living natural soul as it was made to be and still is. To be a woman is to be truth, I know so many women say that they are real. Of course they are, they are flesh and blood and living, maybe not spiritually alive but living nevertheless. But to be woman is to be true because woman is true to herself. She may fall and make mistakes, but she will rise again. She does not act. Why are "women" acting like ladies and not being them? makes you wonder don't it?
Which brings me to the Think like a Man part of the title. I been reading a way better book titled "The Way of the Superior Man' by David Deida. In it he states that a man shouldn't try to make a woman think like a man it takes away from her feminine core. I agree with him. We as guys do want our women to think like men because it so much easy if she did. But if that happened, then we kill the core feminine spirit that is within her. I mean who wants to come home to a woman who thinks just like you? Where is the balance? Where is the Yin and Yang factor? Now that is a mistake on our part. We shouldn't teach or expect our woman to think like we do because they are NOT men they are Woman. But that doesn't mean that they can not think like a Human Being. The problem is is that there is so much division between Men and Women that we can't bring balance to ourselves and each other is because we see each other as "different". We see each other as different species when we are the same. We are both Human Beings. As human beings there are alot of things we have in common. Based on that commonality we should have unity, companionship, and understanding. Understanding is key. I can't expect my woman to do certain aspects that expect from another man because she is not one. But what I can expect is for her to have the common courtesy, respect, thinking, and understanding as a human being. We should not want to take away from our woman but enhance her. Inspire her to be better, have them learn from us and we learn from them. Where does it say that as the man, I have to be the "bad guy" to our children because I'm the "disciplinarian" while the mother is the nurturing innocent saint. There would be no heroine and villain if both parents where united and had a common understanding. We should take the time to understand each other and our relationship to each other. I don't want my woman to think like a man and I dont' want "feel" like a woman (what i mean by feel is to be highly in tuned with my emotions). I use to say that women need to recognize the fact that they are the weaker sex. I didn't say it to be mean, I said it to inspire and for them to understand that by looking at that they can get on the path to becoming strong. Women have to stop trying to be strong like a man. Be strong like only a woman can. Stop trying to be Annie Oakley. "Anything you can do I can do better.." ummmmm... NO. How about "Anything you can do, I can do, but I'm gonna do it my way." I shouldn't expect a woman to do the same as a man cause she is a woman, but I can expect her to do it in her own feminine way. There is nothing more sacred, spiritual, sexy, or inspiring than a woman being a woman. That's Why women in some foreign countries got American women beat hands down, because they are not trying to be dudes they are being women. It's like this if a man wanted another guy he would be gay. This is why we shouldn't try to push our masculine traits on our women, but we should pass on human traits that both men and women should have.
We should be complementary opposites to each other. through our union there is balance and order not chaos and destruction. Lets stop "acting" and let's Be. Being a woman is not a curse, I know this indoctrination would make you think so but it's not. Find strength in who you are. We both men and women should not be competing on who is the better sex. We should be united and love what is in us to be. It is beautiful to be a woman just as it is great to be a man. Stop "Acting Like" and Learn how to be. That where the enlightenment and transcendence begins. Be a Mother, Be a Wife, Be a Lady, Be a Human Being, and Be a WOMAN.
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
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