I wrote this on a message board I frequent alot and thought I would bring it here. Hope you like it.
"It's been a while since I've done a think piece like Black Women Zombies, but i had to write this down. I was listening to KRS One speak on youtube, and he was talking about putting women in their proper place. He further goes on to say that in Hinduism when the woman is out of order the whole family is out of order. Suddenly something clicked in my head. Amerikkkan Women especially Black Women ARE OUT OF ORDER. I then realized that Feminism and the Government has gotten women so far out of order that they are out of control. They are actually like Hurricanes and Tornadoes just spinning out of control. We all know that women are the weaker vessel and it is easily to drive them off the path better than it is for one to drive men off the path. Now as Blacks we have seen how the government and feminism and even the Willie Lynch Syndrome has gotten these women out of order. But the key thing that has gotten Black women out of order is Single Parenthood. You take a man out of the equation and there is NO ORDER. What does a woman know about Order anyhow they don't even understand JUSTICE if you look at the divorce rates, child support, alimony, etc. Also we can see their brutality when it comes to violence.
For instance, now maybe it's just me, but the most brutal fights i have seen in my adolescence were girl fights. But what does it show, that women are not taught justice, order, honor, fairness etc. Everything real men are taught. The Courts as the brothers on the board have shown that Judges give out "special brands of Justice" to women (aka Pussy Passes) even when they are out of order. Now what gets me is that women want a man to be "in order" and "to go in order" but the woman herself is out of her. The best example of was when Shockalate was talking how the man has to be the hunter and what not but she herself was not in order as Brotha Quest 07 proved. Women themselves have they own order they have to follow. Everything in this world has a natural order and when something goes out of order, the natural order is out of balance.
Now as I have said before, Single motherhood has gotten women out of order. And what do you have? A very high rate of children delinquency. Any child psychologist will tell you that mother-father relationship is key in the development of the child. But if there is no relationship, the child becomes underdeveloped. Thus the child become off balance. True Fathers bring the balance to their families and to the home. They literally bring the order to the family. But if there is no Father present, where is the order? Women always talk about they want a "good man", which they are saying they want a man that will bring some order, but they themselves are persons of or adhere to order. Think about it, you're always fighting with a woman because realistically she does not want to grow the fuck up. Women today are in what I like to call their 2nd Childhood. You got to treat them like they are your damn kids and then when they do something, they act like they do not know right from wrong. And when you tell them something, what is the number one thing you here? YOU AIN'T MY DADDY! I'M FUCKING GROWN! DON'T TALK TO ME LIKE I'M SOME DAMN KID! Yet and still these are the women that act their shoe size and not their age.
When you have women who are out of order themselves, then you have children, communities, society itself all out of order. My Uncle Told me this and I never have forgot it, "REAL MEN LOVE ORDER." However, we have at least two generations (and that number may be too generous) of men raised without order in the home. So that breeds chaos within state and future generations that know nothing about order. Why? "Because Mama can't teach what Mama don't know." BMV is all about family. What this means is that we are men who believe in order, (And we will let a bitch burn if she does not respect that). You know how when you have a judge tell a defendant "you're out of order?" Well these women are way out of order, but it takes Strong men, Spartans, to put them back into order. Not just them but these damn simps they got roaming around here. Now i'm not saying marry ankles. Let them hoes burn to a damn crisp. But what I am saying is restore order back into family, community, state, courts, government etc. Do what the Bro's here do everyday and continue to Speak out about the injustices we see everyday. We Spartans may be outnumbered but we can out endure the enemy and it is endurance that wins wars.
I hope I got my points across. I just really needed to write this for myself. Respect to the Bruhs on the board."
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