Thursday, July 2, 2009

The Crucixion of The Virtuous Woman: Intro

I have been struggling with this topic for a long time. I have always loved the essence of woman and what made woman who she was. As I look at woman today I do not like what I see. Usually it is the faults and problems of men that you hear about. One has to be watchful of one that points the finger at someone and shouts out loud about it, because usually they are doing it to keep eyes off of them and the crimes they are doing behind everyone's back. Therefore, this author is going to talk about today's woman. Because I am an African-America man, my writing is mostly about the African-American woman of today. However, this does not mean that women in America of different ethnic backgrounds do not have the same similarities or problems. These problems can be seen in any country in the world, it just so happens to be abundant in North America and Europe.

This piece was inspired by many things. My love for theology, woman, men's issues with today's woman, women in my life and above all Eve. Still, the greatest influence to write this piece came from listening to Jill Scott's poem "The Thickness". No matter how I may feel about Jill Scott and her hypocrisy, her music is excellent and this poem really moved me. I would listen i think about woman and how she relates to this poem. So, I saw the woman in the poem as today's woman and how she has changed for the worse. I saw the narrator as the essence or natural spirit that is woman or woman of antiquity watching her in sadness. Thus through this poem, I came up with the idea that the true essence of woman has been crucified and needed to be resurrected. I would listen to this poem and change up the lines in the poem a little bit saying that, "She's been degraded, exploited, corrupted, polluted, not celebrated, crucifed and assassinated by her sister's very own hatred." "May she be resurrected." So I would think about this poem and ask myself why has this happened? I began to look for answers and observe.

Although this is a blueprint to an actual piece I will come up with that has alot of objective facts, this is still my opinion. This is what me and alot of men talk about with each other and search for answers to this. However this is not directed to all African-American women, but if this is you, then I am talking about you. This is dedicated to woman who will one day be my wife and the women who each had a piece of her inside of them good, bad or indifferent. This is also a "calling out" to the African-American woman. When i first wrote about woman I titled it "Callings to Ishshah" of "Callings to Woman". It wrote it as if man was calling to woman hoping that she heard him. As dedicate this also to myself as self-centered as it may seem. It is a reminder for me to keep my passion and to remember to do what I am passionate about and be world class at it, which is teach and write. If I am wrong then I will say that I am wrong. Until then, I will forever "write what I see and see what I write."

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