Monday, October 11, 2010

Why Some People Have Issues With Men: Misandry

This is a good article and I thought I would share it.  Enjoy

What masculinity means in the 21st century
by Anthony Synnott, Ph.D.

Why Some People Have Issues With Men: Misandry

Misandry is not in everyone's dictionary but it's out there.
The word misandry may not be in everyone's computer dictionary, but the reality is out there. A reality without a name, however, is largely invisible.

We are all familiar with misogyny: the hatred of women. This has been well-researched for decades. We are less familiar with misandry: the hatred of men, or more broadly, the hatred, fear, anger and contempt of men. It is worth some consideration, especially since misandry is by no means restricted to women. Indeed some of the most male-negative people out there are men.
There are several levels, dimensions and causes of misandry which we need to separate, though they tend to be all stirred up and muddled together in any given discussion.
1. Reality: First we must acknowledge that misandry is partly reality-based to the degree that it is in part a reaction to misogyny, and to the real or perceived oppression of women by men. It's Newtonian physics and the Marxist dialectic: the harder you hit your head against the wall, the harder it hits you back. Misogyny generates misandry.

2. History: Misandry is also based in history, or herstory, or a misreading of history. Most of the major villains of the last century have been male: Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, Idi Amin, Charles Taylor, Ceaucescu, Slobodan Milosevic, Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden. But the misreading of history is three-fold. First, their villainy was a matter of power not gender. Second, women with absolute power have sometimes been absolute villains too. Third, we cannot ignore the male heroes, including those who fought against the tyrants and eventually deposed them, or died trying. It is poor scholarship and short-term politics to portray men as solely villains and to ignore the evil women (no names mentioned) and the good men.

3. Today: About 90% of all murders in North America are committed by men. The Top 10 on the FBI Most Wanted List are usually all male. Most of the corporate CEOs and CFOs arrested recently from Enron to Bernie Madoff have been men; Martha Stewart was a lowly exception. So there seem to be real grounds for misandry. But this is the Cyclops syndrome: to see with only one eye, in only one dimension and only half of reality (as with #2 above). Cyclops people stereotype the male by the actions of a minority, define the exceptions as the rule, ignore the majority, and ignore too the minority of female villains for a cleaner, clearer (supposedly) picture. Most murderers are male but most males are not murderers, and some women are. This is not rocket science. But misandry is less about reality than politics.

4. Personal: Some misandry is likely to be grounded, like misogyny, in bitter personal experiences. Many women say that that they have had unpleasant personal experiences with men: fathers, brothers, lovers, co-workers, bosses etc. But I suppose that we have all been hurt by members of the opposite sex, and by members of our own sex too; however, to extrapolate from a minority to the general is surely unfortunate, even if understandable.
How prevalent misandry and misogyny are today in Euro-America is not clear. I have not found any gender attitude survey statistics. It is also not clear whether misandry is grounded more in historical understanding or personal experience or gender politics; but certainly misandry is deep-rooted in our culture.

5. Political Demonization: This new sexism, reverse sexism, is widespread in feminist and pro-feminist literature - or propaganda, one might say, - but largely ignored. One does not criticize feminism! But a fair number of feminists have criticized men in sexist terms. Marilyn French called men "the enemy." Germaine Greer wrote that that: "women have no idea how much men hate them." Betty Friedan, amazingly, referred to suburban domestic life as a "comfortable concentration camp" for women, and to their husbands a SS prison guards. Rosalind Miles described men as "the death sex." Valerie Solanas wrote "The SCUM Manifesto", the Society for Cutting Up Men, and Robin Morgan obligingly publicized this hate literature. Alice Walker's "The Color Purple" won the Pulitzer and is totally misandric, as are the best-sellers by Terry MacMillan. The movies were also were also very popular among women. Misandry sells. Why these black women should demonize black men, compounding sexism and racism, I don't know. It just reinforces racism.

6. Angelization: The political demonization of men is complemented by the angelization of women in a moral bi-polar totally sexist evaluation of gender: women/good and men/bad. Elizabeth Cady Stanton stated in 1848: "In my opinion, he [man] is infinitely women's inferior in every moral virtue." Maria Montessori: "Perhaps...the reign of women is approaching, when the enigma of her anthropological superiority will be deciphered. Woman was always the custodian of human sentiment, morality and honor." And as I noted earlier, it is not just women who are male-negative. The anthropologist Ashley Montagu explained that: "Woman is the creator and fosterer of life; man has been the mechanizer and destroyer of life...Women love the human race; men behave as if they were, on the whole, hostile to it...It is the function of women to teach men how to be human." His emphasis. Women as human: men as subhuman, again. Then again, Ellen Sirleaf Johnson, the President of Liberia, was asked recently: "Do you think Africa will be peaceful and war-free if it has more women in leadership positions?" She replied in classic male-negative vein. "I have no doubt of that...[women have]
a sensitivity to human-kind. Maybe it comes from being a mother" (Time 11 May 09:6).

7. War: Misandry escalated in the 1990s.The battle of the sexes became the war against women. Susan Faludi subtitled "Backlash: The Undeclared War against American Women." It was mostly about media criticism of feminism - the "war" was sheer hyperbole - but it won another Pulitzer. Marilyn French went further and wrote "The War against Women." In Canada after Marc Lepine killed 14 women in a school shooting, the federally funded Committee on the Status of Women submitted a report entitled "The War against Women" citing the 117 women murdered in the previous year but ignoring double that number of men murdered in that same year. Misandry again, ignoring male victims for political purposes, and the downstream consequences for men and women have to be in:

8. Law: The homicidal war against men kills mostly men. Men are the principal victims of homicide. But never mind reality. Politics is all. The U.S. government passed the "Violence against Women Act in 1994, and this was followed soon afterwards by similar legislation in Canada. Forget the far greater violence against men and, especially in the States, black men, and in Canada First Nations men. There is a massive disjunction between legislation and need, thanks in part to our double standards and the Cyclops syndrome of selective perception...and also the failure of men to "man up." It is not only the Criminal Justice system which discriminates against men, so does the health system, the education system and the welfare system. It is all consequential to this same misandry. (see references below)

9. Popular Culture: Misandry is now institutionalized in popular culture. Joke books, fridge magnets, T-shirts, coffee mugs, newspaper cartoons, TV sitcoms all deride all men all the time. There is no equal opportunity contempt, which in some respects is probably a good thing, but one wonders about the need for contempt. T-shirts say: "Women Rule. Men Drool" and "Boys are smelly. Throw rocks at them." - an advocacy of violence which would be unconscionable were the sexes reversed. "Dead Men Don't Rape." Nor do most living men, of course. "So many men. So little ammunition." "What do you call a man with half a brain? Gifted." And so it continues. One joke book is titled "Men and other Reptiles" and another is "101 Reasons why a cat is better than a man." The consequences of such male-negativity are not clear, but such negative affirmations seem likely to have, and to have had over the decades, a negative impact on both sexes: self-loathing and/or a resistance-generated misogyny among men, and contempt for men among women.

10. The Media: Our sit-coms portray men as bumbling fools and idiots and usually overweight, with the women as sensible, together and attractive. Everybody might love Raymond, but he's an idiot. The same idiots are re-played every night: Beavis and Butthead, Trailer Park Boys, The Simpsons, Home Improvement...We may laugh at such sexism, not recognizing it as such, but we do not laugh at racism nor sezist misogyny. To appropriate Jean Kilbourne's film on advertisements that objectified women, they are "killing us softly." We are all constantly being bombarded with messages that men are stupid and it would be surprising if we were not internalizing them. Sit-coms may be comedies but watching them is like going to school: we learn the values and attitudes being taught.

11. High Culture: Sit-coms might be defined as low culture, but misandry is everywhere. Dr. Phil (Ph.D.) put on a show recently: "What's Wrong with Men?" and he found some pretty miserable specimens of manhood to destroy and despise in public, almost entirely a female public. But surely equity demands equal time for "What's Wrong with Women?" He has had some pretty miserable specimens on his show occasionally. But no. This is misandry for fun and profit. Equity might also demand a show: "In Praise of Men!" But no.
Similarly Time Magazine published these jewels from their journalists: "we have plenty of examples of...economies in which women do all the arduous work while men sit around smoking and pontificating in coffee houses and barber shops" (Caldwell, 24.8.09:23); and another is talking about the new fMRI machines which scan brain activity: "it may be that boys are cads because they are not wired to be the other way" Cloud, 17 July 2009). So brain functions are morally bad for males, cads all, but good for women: angels all. And both these journalists are men.

12. Sexism: Michael Kimmel, who owns Men's Studies in the States, is particularly misandric, opening his book "Manhood in America" (1996) with a long list of male villains - not a hero, hard working man, good father, Nobel Peace Prize winner, not a useful Newton, Darwin, Freud, Einstein, Gandhi, Mandela, King, Carnegie Medal winner in sight. It's amazing. Then in "Men's Lives" he adds more villains and this suggestion: "Perhaps we should slap a warning label on penises across the land. WARNING: OPERATING THIS INSTRUMENT CAN BE DANGEROUS TO YOUR AND OTHERS' HEALTH" (2004:565. His emphasis). One wonders if he is wearing this label on his own penis. Does he practice what he preaches? Oh well. But such is the "scholarship" on men these days: dehumanizing.

More: two of the more misandric and dehumanizing observations are the University of Toronto, which hosts the Institute for Women and Gender. Hmm. A number of other universities demonstrate the same misandry. And in March 2009 I received an invitation to attend the Canadian Conference on the Prevention of Domestic Homicides; but it was hosted by the Centre for Research and Education on Violence against Women and Children - no mention of men except by implication as committing all the violence but never the victim. Back to the binaries again: men bad, women good; and no awareness that women commit about 10% of all homicides, and 15-25% of the domestic homicides and that (Canadian) mothers commit the majority of domestic homicides of children under 12.

To conclude: misandry is everywhere, culturally acceptable, even normative, largely invisible, taught directly and indirectly by men and women, blind to reality, very damaging and dangerous to men and women in different ways and de-humanizing. This post is to help make it visible and to deal with it - as we have dealt with, or tried to deal with, misogyny, racism and homophobia.

For references, please see my "Re-Thinking Men: Heroes Villains and Victims" (London: Ashgate, 2009); and especially the major works by Paul Nathanson and Katherine Young "Spreading Misandry" "Legalizing Misandry" and "Sanctifying Misandry"(Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press, 2001, 2006, 2010).

Saturday, October 9, 2010

It's not about a being a punk

I have been watching the movie "Harlem Nights" since I wasn't aloud to.  There's one scene where Eddie Murphy's Character is telling Richard Pryor's character that he is not a punk and he's not afraid to go after and kill anyone that tries to kill him.  This is when Richard Pryor's character says that it's not about being a punk.  He then goes on to say, "What they gon right on your tombstone? Here lies a man 27 years old. He died, but he ain't no punk.  That's not cool."  It got me to thinking about something.  We overvalue how other people will see us.  That's what is called peer pressure.   That is something that you experience in high school, but when you are an adult, the influence of others cease to affect you for you are not a child anymore.  People give their opinions on the actions we do and they critique us through our actions.  We must remember that that is there opinion.  And I have to say this.... DON'T LET NO ONE'S OPINION DICTATE WHAT YOU DO AND HOW YOU ACT. In the movie "Angus", George C. Scott use to tell his grandson "screw em".  That's what's I'm gonna tell you as well, FU** EM'.  They are not living you life and the advice that they do give you only help that said proponent i.e. them not you.  Stand firm in you adulthood and your own mind.  You don't need to prove anything to know one but yourself.  You don't have to do something to prove a point to someone.  That's just another act of control and peer pressure.  Do what you want to do and if someone don't like it, tell them to go f*** yourself. 

This is why I am a stern supporter in MGTOW (Men Go Their Own Way) because for too long we have let women and society influence how we act on things just to prove that we are a man. You don't have nothing to prove to no one that you are a man.  They didn't make you a man.  

"When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things".-1 Corinthians 13:11

That verse says a lot.  Yet we still act and think like children. The greatest minds and people were not influence by what others thought of them.  They were their own person and did what they wanted and went their own way.  When you stand in wisdom and logic, you can defeat a lot of arguments brought to you.  That talk with Jesus and the Devil is a prime example.  Let people say that you are this or that and what ever fu** them.  You live your life, I'll live mine.  I think we can all learn a lot by being our own person for that is leadership and true freedom and true knowledge of self.

The Tao of Scholar2414

One of my bro's did this for me when I posted this thought in a thread on our forum.  I'm honored he thought my words were inspiring to be a WMD.  Much respect and honor to BMV and the PSG...  This is suppose to be an archaeological find and more of this Tao is suppose to be translated (that is the gist of the story).  I submitted another piece hopefully it's worthy.  Anyway, Enjoy...

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Why Don't You Change?

We always hear about how people have taken out time to change themselves only to realize that they haven't changed at all.  Old habits die hard or not at all and bad habits corrupt good morals.  But has anyone really seriously asked that question as to why don't they changed?  I mean really go into the darkness of themselves and really see who they really are.  Do we look at the world around us truthfully and ask ourselves what's wrong with us in this world and not what's wrong with the world?.  All the time we hear about how crazy and messed up the world is when all reality we are shifting blame on that which has nothing to do with the problems and ills we are facing, for it is us who are the problem as well as the answer.  So why don't we change? We had a election all about that but did one person think about where that change was going?  There are so many excuses we hear about why a person cannot change and what some else did to stop that change from occurring.  Are we not masters of our own destinies?  If so, why do we give that power to another to do as they will with it when that power realistically belong to us?   Are we that so much like children and like peter pan that we never want to grow up?  Maybe this why very few take what is called, "The Road not Taken".   Why?  Because everything else is easy to do.  It's easy to fall into a vice, or something that is immoral and not virtuous.  But it is hard to walk a "straight and narrow path".  So why don't we change?  Are we waiting for something to change around us?  Or we just really don't give a fuck?  Ask yourself that and look within yourself and see what you find.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Vikki Veil

We have songs like pornstar, i'm in love wit a striipper, etc.  Our community is in love with slut behavior.  But what if that behavior becomes the face of majority of your female population.  We hear women say that that is all men care about, but why do you adhere to the base function of male barbaric sexual behavior.  Is it because you benefit from that? Hmmmmmm..... Anyway back on topic.  I remember watching Paul Mooney and he said black men all have a police story.  I could instantly identify with that instantly.  The same is with this song.  I have never dated a porn star but I have dated women with the same behavior.  You ask those questions when you care for someone and you wonder why they do the things they do.  But it teaches you a lot, especially to never deal with that kind of behavior.  My friend told me her granddad said, "A dick has no conscious.", because of that you NEVER LET YOUR DICK PICK WHO YOU FALL IN LOVE WITH OR WHO YOU LOVE IN GENERAL.  

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Much More Than Just A Friend by Lally

 This is from a magnificent person on how they felt about me.  She is dear and special. Te quiero Lally

Much More Than Just A Friend
by Lally
I go online and see you on and automatically my smile gets bright
I dont know what it is about you that makes me fall without a fight.
You are my friend and maybe more
But these feelings that i keep inside are hidden in my core.
I wish i would just blurt it out and say just how i feel.
But sometimes when i open up, I shut back down by fear.
Its funny how i care for you but try to keep you away.
It seems like thats the only way i know that you will stay.
I fear that once i let you in our relationship will fade.
Im just afraid of re-living some mistakes ive made.
You mean much more than just a friend.
Like i told you before ill ride for you till the end.

We both been hurt, we both have cried. 
We both had our share of lonely sighs
I wish i knew where this could lead
Because maybe then we would both be freed 
Emotions would show what i have been hiding 
and maybe you will show me what ive had trouble finding 
But these are just lil thoughts of wat i really feel 
Wish i could let go of him and see whats really real 
He is a good man to me indeed 
But maybe you Scholar is what i need 
Its hard to know if this is true. 
Because i just cant take the chance to losing you.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Smarten Up!

You ever watch gangster movies?  In some of them you would see the young mobster messing up and then the older and wiser mobster would slap him and tell him to smarten up?  Well this is why this piece is meant for all the simps, thugs, manginas, or any male who is lost.

Why do you protect these women?  I don't get it at all.  I understand why "the powers that be" protect and shelter them.  They get in return money, votes, blind following, servitude, generational indoctrination etc.  However, what are you all getting?  Are you getting a good, strong, and independent black woman?  Are you getting a future wife?  Are you getting a good mother for your future children? Or are you getting some bull shit?  See i couldn't understand why so called good women would protect the bad ones.  You know they have that blind loyalty to "the sisterhood", but then I realized that that was who they were.  Me personally, I would protect any of you poor excuses for males.  The reason why is because you do not represent my character and integrity as a man and you make me look bad.  Because of that, I don't hang around males like you or invite you into my inner circle of fraternal male brotherhood.  Do you see my point?  If a "good woman" will protect a bad one, then is she not a bad one?  So what are you guys getting?  No man of character would want a woman like that, yet you all do.

Look at what they say about you.  You're gay, in jail, dogs, weak, players etc.  You have a very big group of women who are hostile toward you yet you have relationships with them and they have relationships with you.  Talk about a pair of contradictions.  I'm gonna need you all to realize that these women are not your friend, ally, help meet, lover etc.  They will lock you up, kill you, leave you, lie to you, rape your ass in court, and bring on massive levels of stress on you.  I remember I was dating this girl and she was a ho, unbeknown to me at the time, but i remember a homeboy of mines told me to my face that that girl didn't love me.  He did it so funny that he rapped it.  So I'm telling you these women DON'T LOVE YOU.  They will do great harm against you.  Then their "sisters" will come behind them and say "not all women are like that".  Hell they will say that because of one woman I think all women are bad.  Do you know how feminized you have to be to feel and think that way?  .Yet in today's society the feminazation of men is becoming more and more a reality. Thus the he-motional actions and sworn fealty of simps and manginas.

And if a thug, bad boy, rebel etc. does not think he is a pussy beggar just as well as the simps and manginas, then he is sadly mistaken.  He is a mockery, because his whole persona is built on attracting and getting pussy as well as the false sense that he is being a non-conformist which is nothing but a lie.  His confidence is built on the pussy women has given him and a huge ego.  This is where "swag" comes into play.    Swag is a false sense of confidence given by the ego.  I have women tell me that I have "swag" and I correct them and tell that I have no "swag" for I am much more and swag is just an ego tool for the mediocre and I am more than that.  These guys are generally sorry sacks of mediocrity.  They saw an image that attracted women and were socially accepted in certain circles and they imitated as if that's who they are.   None of these guys have the courage to be themselves so they choose to be like everyone else. And women encourage and are turned on by the mediocre so they in turn are the mediocre as well.  It is the false confidence of swag that women find attractive, thinking that the guy will take care of them and they don't.  They fuck them and leave, but they love that pretty boy swag.  Bitch shit!  True confidence isn't basic.  It is deep inside and it is carried by good morals, honor, integrity, and character.

Reputation is everything.  These women may not care about their reputation, but you should.  It tells people who you are and what kind of person you are.   Your negligence of this is fool hardy. Pay attention and be mindful.  You need a lot more than your balls and your word, which probably don't mean shit, because u don't protect your reputation.  Establish the man you want to be and not what you see on t.v., what you think women want you to be, what women say they want, or what is cool.  Stop kow towing to these women like they are the last empress.  Stand up and Smarten Up.  Always remember this:  Women give life but pussy KILLS.  Not only does it kills, it's and indiscriminate killer.  Ask yourself are you a man or a low ass bitch ass animal and what do you want a Woman or PUSSY.  The choice is yours. You decide.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

10 Things I’ll Teach My Sons About Women

I plan on writing a few things real soon.  But this was a good find and I just had to post it. Enjoy

10 Things I’ll Teach My Sons About Women
[This guest post was written by Micah Sparacio, originally posted on his eponymous blog]

Sometimes the truth is not comfortable.

So if you’re not comfortable with a reality that betrays our ideals, don’t read on.

The most important thing I’ve learned about women is that you’ve got to be indifferent to their attempts at harnessing you in an emotional net and controlling you. Sounds harsh, but you’re the man. You need to be in charge of yourself. You should not be controlled. You need to lead. You need to make decisions. Forget all the nonsense about equality. Women don’t want that, even if they say that they do (duplicity of intentions is not uncommon in relationships).

What’s important is to understand how women operate at a biological and emotional level. Ultimately, women are not looking for nice guys. They are looking for strong, confident, powerful men. Men who make them feel secure… comfortable. This makes sense from an evolutionary perspective as women needed men they could rely on to protect both them and their children.

So don’t fall victim to the stories about intentions… the narratives about what they need… the pleas for a nice man. It’s tough. But if you forget everything else, remember this one rule: don’t let a woman ever gain control over you at an emotional level. Don’t let her push you around with guilt or pleas for sympathy. Stand up to her when she’s wrong. There’s nothing wrong with providing comfort or offering a compliment… in fact, you should master these skills … but don’t let her manipulate you into giving them. At that point she’s controlling you.

The story you’ll hear preached from the rafters of our society is that women are just looking for a few nice [read: controllable] men. Reject this narrative at all costs.

Instead, focus on being a man. Confident and capable. And don’t be afraid to embrace the higher virtues like humility (just don’t confuse it with cowardice) and strength (but reject the self-obsessed pride that destroys so many celebrities). Women don’t necessarily need these things, but remember, your goal should be to become a great man, not a poser who’s trying to pick up women.

You must become the man you want to become without regard to women… it is only then that you will find that the task of gaining and keeping the attraction of a woman is as simple as breathing. And by doing this you can beat the jerks and the thugs (the one’s who get all the girls) at their own game.

The man who spends his life catering to every whim and fancy and emotional confusion that the average women goes through is quite simply not going to be able to attract or hold onto that woman for very long. He will be used and abused and have his heart broken. There’s no reason to go through this.

So, with that introduction, here are the ten things that I hope my boys come to understand about relating to women.
1. Be confident

Women are attracted to confidence. The irony is that your confidence should not be for the sake of women. It should be natural. Make yourself the best man you can be. Let your confidence derive from who you are. Aim to be the best man you can be simply because that’s who you want to be.

Biologically (and thus subconsciously) women gravitate towards big, strong men or men with confident personalities (sometimes coming through in humor, but humor isn’t necessary). Both of these are ancient signals that the man will help her offspring survive (remember, women are motivated and act at a subconscious level, even if they don’t agree at a conscious level).
2. Smile at rejection

Historically, women have been the rejectors and male the pursuers. This is just how the world works. Like it or not, you’ve got to be thick skinned and realize that rejection is just part of the deal for men.

The good news is that unlike the past, there are billions of women out there. So just move on. Don’t let rejection rock your confidence. Learn, improve, and move on.

You can treat rejection the same way you treat the training for a sport. A necessary evil.
3. Maintain other interests

Never allow a woman to consume all of your thoughts or all of your time. Harder said then done. But there are a number of reasons that you should maintain other interests (hobbies, friends, etc.)

The most important reason is that by having a life outside of your relationship or your obsession, you won’t fall hard when the relationship ends. It helps you stay grounded. It helps you move on when the time comes.

Remember: you never want to be consumed by a woman, because then she’s in control. And she really doesn’t want that. Trust me.
4. Enjoy the company of guys

Make sure to have a core group of guy friends that you spend time with on a regular basis. Have fun. Be active. Be a guy. Tell dirty jokes.

And never abandon your guy friends for a woman. If the woman tries to dominate your time, it’s time to move on. It may be hard, but the minute the woman starts trying to control you like she’s your mother, the relationship is stale and it’s time to get the hell out of dodge.
5. Understand hypergamy

At a biological (subconscious) level women are always trying to upgrade. Men have a hard time understanding this because for most men, at a subconscious level, all that matters is that a woman have a certain level of fitness. Any woman who meets that threshold is fair game. Doesn’t matter if she’s an upgrade or downgrade.

With women it is different. Women are constantly keeping their eyes out for an upgrade (usually in the form of acquiring more power). But they are also constantly keeping their eyes on other women that might be a threat to their current situation (flirting with other women on occasion, within view of your partner, is a great way to fight hypergamy).

So why does this matter? Well, because awareness is the key here. Don’t for a second think that the girl you are with transcends her biological nature. Be prepared. Women are not nearly as innocent as the media portrays.

But it matters even more because you can do things to control hypergamy. 1) don’t be a pushover 2) don’t give her emotional control over you (once she’s dominated you, she’ll definitely start looking for the next guy) 3) keep relationships with other women and flirt from time to time

Most importantly, prepare yourself for reality. Don’t get caught of guard. Know what you want. Keep an eye out. Confront. And be prepared to walk away.
6. Be ready to let go

There are a billion fish in the sea. There is no one woman who was made just for you. Don’t buy the Disney nonsense. Sure, there are some women who will fit your personality better than others and certainly some that will be more attractive than others. But the sea is so large… don’t despair.

The minute your girlfriend or partner starts jerking you around or treating you like she’s your mother or using shaming language of any kind or just acts like an entitled princess, it’s a sign that it’s time to walk away. But there might be other signs too. Is the girlfriend spending too much time with other guys? Let her. But not on your dime. Don’t think. Just end it. And once you end it, stick to your guns. Be patient. You won’t have to wait too long for the next potential “friend” to come along.
7. Enjoy the company of other women

Remember, you’re the man. You’re in charge of your life. And really, at a biological level (forget the socio-cultural sublayer), that’s how she wants it. Keep female friends. Keep your girlfriend on her toes. Give her subtle cues that, sure you’ve chosen to be with her, but you could also walk away at any moment and replace her.

Oh, and don’t hesitate to flirt with other women from time to time. It’s the antidote to hypergamy.
8. Get good at something

Gaining skill is about the best confidence builder there is. Men need to build, to create, to invent, to solve problems. I don’t care if it’s learning how to play the guitar (the obvious chick magnet) or learning how to hunt deer (less so). Find something you enjoy and throw yourself into mastering it. And don’t get in the habit of giving up. Learning is a long process and often it takes a lifetime. Just stick with it and keep working through those plateaus.

By having a skill or a set of skills, you will gain independence and self-reliance. You will feel confidence in your abilities. And you will always have something to fall back on and gain comfort from if the people in your life fail you.
9. Ditch the nice guy stuff

A friend once said to me: “Things changed when I became a nice guy. Women started to hate me.”

Your goal is not to be nice. Your goal is to be a confident you. There’s no need to be an arrogant prick or a bad boy. You can beat the thugs and pricks and bad boys at their own game. All they have going is that women perceive them to be strong, confident men. And that’s what women want. You can outdo them by being strong and confident and smart.

Oh, one other thing. It’s out of fashion, but you shouldn’t be afraid to maintain the high ground as an honorable gentleman. A guy who treats his woman well, but who also isn’t afraid to walk away with dignity when she starts playing games.
10. Your body matters

Screw the nonsense that it’s what’s inside that counts. Sure, in an ideal world, that would be true. But this is not an ideal world. That’s one thing I am certain of.

Treat your body like a hobby. Turn it into the most fit machine you possibly can, but have fun with it. Go for hikes. Enjoy nature. Learn to gain peace from solitude. Eat the fuel your body needs. Don’t put junk in the gas tank. Eat lots of meat, vegetables and nuts and drink lots of water.

And do it for yourself. Not the women.

Bonus: Most women don’t want to be reasoned with about everything. Not that you won’t find a rare gem of a woman (like your mom:-) who loves reason and is governed by it. But don’t count on it. Most women prefer to consent via the emotions (“does it feel right?”). If you want something, lead her there. Make it feel right. Want a gun in the house? Focus on the emotions related to security. Women want to feel safe and secure, so make sure she knows you’re getting the gun to protect the family.  

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Advice to Young Men from an Old Man

Words of wisdom from the Old to the Young. Enjoy

Advice to Young Men from an Old Man

1. Don’t pick on the weak. It’s immoral. Don’t antagonize the strong without cause, its stupid.

2. Don’t hate women. It’s a waste of time

3. Invest in yourself. Material things come to those that have self actualized.

4. Get in a fistfight, even if you are going to lose.

5. As a former Marine, take it from me. Don’t join the military, unless you want to risk getting your balls blown off to secure other people’s economic or political interests.

6. If something has a direct benefit to an individual or a class of people, and a theoretical, abstract, or amorphous benefit to everybody else, realize that the proponent’s intentions are to benefit the former, not the latter, no matter what bullshit they try to feed you.

7. Don’t be a Republican. They are self-dealing crooks with no sense of honor or patriotism to their fellow citizens. If you must be a Republican, don’t be a “conservative.” They are whining, bitching, complaining, simple-minded self-righteous idiots who think they’re perpetual victims. Listen to talk radio for a while, you’ll see what I mean.

8. Don’t take proffered advice without a critical analysis. 90% of all advice is intended to benefit the proponent, not the recipient. Actually, the number is probably closer to 97%, but I don’t want to come off as cynical.

9. You’ll spend your entire life listening to people tell you how much you owe them. You don’t owe the vast majority of people shit.

10. Don’t undermine your fellow young men. Mentor the young men that come after you. Society recognizes that you have the potential to be the most powerful force in society. It scares them. Society does not find young men sympathetic. They are afraid of you, both individually and collectively. Law enforcement’s primary purpose is to suppress you.

11. As a young man, you’re on your own. Society divides and conquers. Unlike women who have advocates looking out for them (NOW, Women’s Study Departments, government, non-profit organizations, political advocacy groups) almost no one is looking out for you.

12. Young men provide the genius and muscle by which our society thrives. Look at the Silicone Valley. By in large, it was not old men or women that created the revolution we live. Realize that society steals your contributions, secures it with our intellectual property laws, and then takes credit and the rewards where none is due.

13. Know that few people have your best interests at heart. Your mother does. Your father probably does (if he stuck around). Your siblings are on your side. Everybody else worries about themselves.

14. Don’t be afraid to tell people to “Fuck off” when need be. It is an important skill to acquire. As they say, speak your piece, even if your voice shakes.

15. Acquire empathy, good interpersonal skills, and confidence. Learn to read body language and non-verbal communication. Don’t just concentrate on your vocational or technical skills, or you’ll find your wife fucking somebody else.

16. Keep fit.

17. Don’t speak ill of your wife/girlfriend. Back her up against the world, even if she’s wrong. She should know that you have her back. When she needs your help, give it. She should know that you’ll take her part.

18. Don’t cheat on your wife/girlfriend. If you must cheat, don’t humiliate her. Don’t risk having your transgressions come back to her or her friends. Don’t do it where you live. Don’t do it with people in your social circle. Don’t shit in your own back yard.

19. If your girlfriend doesn’t make you feel good about yourself and bring joy to your life, fire her. That’s what girlfriends are for.

20. Don’t bother with “emotional affairs.” They are just a vehicle for women to flirt and have someone make them feel good about themselves. That’s the part of a relationship they want. For you it is a lot of work and investment in time. If they are having an emotional affair with you, they’re probably fucking someone else.

21. Becoming a woman’s friend and confidant is not going to get you into an intimate relationship. If you haven’t gotten the girl within a reasonably short period of time, chances are you won’t ever get her. She’ll end up confiding to you about the sexual adventures she’s having with someone else.

22. Have and nurture friendships with women.

23. Realize that love is a numbers game. Guys fall in love easily. You’re going to see some girl and feel like you’ll die if you don’t get her. If she rejects you, move on to the next one. It’s her loss.

24. Don’t be an internet troll. Got out and live life. There is not a cadre of beautiful women advertising on Craigslist to have NSA sex with you. Beautiful women don’t need to advertise. The websites that advertise with attractive women’s photos and claims of loneliness are baloney. All they want is your money and your personal information so that they can market to you. The posts on Craigslist by young “women” seeking NSA sex, and asking for a picture are just a bunch of gay troll pic collectors. This is especially true if the post uses common gay lexicon like “hole” as in “fuck my hole” or seeks “masculine” men, or uses the word cock (except in the context of “Don’t send a cock shot.”) There are women on Craigslist. They are easily recognizable by their 2-5 paragraph postings. Most are in their 30's or older.

25. When you become a man in full, know that people will get in your way. People who are attracted to you will somehow manage to step in your path. Gay guys will give you “the look.” Old people will somehow stumble in front of you at the worst time. Don’t get frustrated. Just step aside and go about your business. Know that these are passive aggressive methods to get you to acknowledge their existence.

26. Don’t gay bash. Don’t mentally or physically abuse people because of who they are, or how they present themselves. It’s none of your business to try to intimidate people into conformity.

27. If your gay, admit it to yourself, your parents, your friends and society at large. Be prepared to get harassed. See rule 14. If someone threatens you or assaults you, call the cops. Have them arrested. You have no obligation to self sacrifice because of who you are. As a gay person, you’ll have more social freedom than straight men. Use it to protect yourself. Be prepared to get out of Dodge if your orientation makes your life unbearable. Move to San Francisco, New York, Atlanta, or New Orleans. You’ll find a welcoming community there.

28. Don’t be a poser. Avoid being one of those dudes who puts a surfboard on top of their car, but never surfs, or a dude with a powder coated fixed gear bike and a messenger bag, but was never a messenger. Live the life. Earn your bona fides.

29. Don’t believe the crap about the patriarchy. More women are accepted and attend college. More degrees are awarded to women than men. Women outlive men. More men commit suicide. Men are twice as likely to be victims of violence, including murder. If you consider sexual assaults in prisons, twice as many men are raped as women (society thinks prison rape is funny). The streets are littered with homeless men, sprinkled with a few homeless women. Statically, women are happier than men. The myth that girls are being cheated by are educational system is belied by the fact that schools are bastions of femininity, mostly run by and taught by women. Girls outperform boys in school. It is the boys in school getting fucked over, and prescribed ritalin for being boys. Real wages for men are falling, while real wages for women are rising. Just because someone says something enough times, doesn’t make it true. You have nothing to feel guilty about.

30. Remember, 97% of all advice is worthless. Take what you can use, and trash the rest.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Not of This World

We all have heard of that book "Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus". I ask myself why are men and women are from different worlds? The only answer that I can come up with is that you have a lot of people that are not of this world. Face it Men ain't from Mars, Kryton, or Tatooine and neither are women. You separate the genders and they forget how to interact with each other. Like when women buy those self help books on how to get a man and what not. I'm like you have to be damn retarded to have someone tell you the basics of human social interaction that you really learn when you're damn four. It's like people that say they are a professional life coach or motivational speaker. What the fuck? Who can coach you on life? If one needs someone to coach them on life that tells you that one is not living. Man and Women are different but we are both human. We are both of this world and though are functions are different in this world, it is those difference that create a balance between us and makes up complimentary opposites. Feminism has caused the separation between men and woman in "the real world." None can better show this than in the African American community. For forty years now the separation have grown larger and larger and larger. Many Black women have become the enemy to many black men, their children, and themselves.

I had this thought, that someone has to be inhuman if they want someone to treat them inhumanely. What woman would sign up for ill treatment other than someone that don't see themselves as human or nothing at all. Everything that is traditional and great about woman and that has kept us alive as a species they frown and scoff at. To entrust someone with the teaching and building of character within your children and future generations after is a very very big responsibility. Yet they have Out of wedlock babies and have slutish behavior that shows they anything but character, honor, integrity, responsibility etc. There are somethings women have that men don't and vice versa. However, honor, integrity, character, responsibility etc. are universal traits that are NOT just reserved to men. But that's what they want, they want you to be moral and upright while they be immoral and unrighteous and have the nerve to say that you have to accept them for who they are. What if that ain't you? I was thinking about biblical times and how you would always see something in the bible like "And Adam knew Eve". In some chapters you would see that world "know". So I thought to myself, "God knows his creations and like him man and woman know each other. When judgement comes god will either recognize you as one of his creations or he will say "I know the not. So if we as men know women, then how come I do not know the women that say they are women? That's because they are not women. That are not of this world (Thus the title Not of this World lol)." It's amazing how in other cultures the women prefer their men to be men but in ours they want you as anything but. Man is so foreign to them, they don't know what one is. As such these women are foreign to us men. And what happens when something or someone is foreign to you? You become skeptical of them, defensive, fearful, and hostile. And these "women" are so hostile to us because of that fact. But they are not hostile to the low-lives of society, because they know them, they come from the same world.

I had many women tell that they are a natural flirt. Now any smart person will tell you that there is no such thing as a natural flirt. It is all leaned behavior. There are alot of things that feminism has spewed out of it's rotten crouch and called it natural when in fact it is all learned behavior. I use to get mad or upset when a woman would tell they would call me back and wouldn't. Women did not really understand even after I had explain it to it. But my thing was if you say you are going to do something then I will hold you to your word that you will do it. A person word has to mean something in this world, but as we see with black women it don't mean shit. These are women that love the lord and always thanking him but they will break his commandments and a covenant they have made before him. So that makes you wonder why do these chicks want to get married when the vows themselves don't mean shit to them. I have a few suggestions, alimony, meal ticket, child support, spousal support etc.

Let's face it alot of black women are crazy they are fucking looney. And they will try to tell you that they are anything but that. Their whole psyche is fucked up and abnormal, but they think they are normal and how they think is normal. My philosophy was explaining sociopathic people to the class once and I remember thinking that I seen a whole bunch of sociopathic women in my life time, because they know right from wrong and they still do wrong things that they know is wrong and that is abnormal behavior. And you can tell because you need to define what is cheating, a slut, a hoe, this and that etc. and then they say what is it to you how do you define it. Like they want you to define it instead of what the whole world have come to a consensus about hundreds of years ago. And because you see this abnormal behavior they try to make you seem crazy. This is no joke, and Ronin can vouch for this, I had a girl tell me that she did not know Chicago was a major city.... (I need sum time lol) It fucked with my mind cause that woman was not playing at all. This chick thought see was normal and I knew she was anything but that, but you couldn't tell her nothing else. But that's the mindset of a lot of black women as we know, it's everyone else but them. It's like trying to convince a dead person that they are dead and they don't know they are.

Men and women deserve to have someone that is on the same page as them, because from that comes UNDERSTANDING. From that understanding relationships form, trust builds, marriage last, children are raised etc. However if someone is not on the same page as you then that understanding can not be built and you will always be on two sides of the spectrum (or come from two very different worlds). Men ain't from Mars and Women ain't from Venus they are from EARTH and if you don't come from that third rock from the sun then you are an alien and everything that we are and do is alien to you because it is not you. Men and Women come from One World not Two.

Solution Think-Michael Tsarion

Good and Interesting video series.  Enjoy

Friday, May 21, 2010

The Thrill Is Gone: FUCK YOU BITCHES

Another entry of mines from another site.  Enjoy.

I had an epiphany as I was listening to B.B. King's "The Thrill Is Gone". The infatuation, sex appeal, uniqueness, character etc. of black women is gone. I thought about what attracted me to the opposite sex and as I did that I found black women, as always, lacking major representable qualities. We know that they are educated, have a house, a car, fuck and suck like a champ, so they say. But who give a fuck about any of that shit. All these women do is pussy campaign and tell you what they have done for the other nigga. They say all of this as if this the solution to all their problems in finding a man. Again fuck all that, bitch what are you going to do for me? Are you a good mother? Are you a woman of self-control and restraint? Are you a woman that talks too much? Do you have honor, integrity, and character? What's your fuck number? You ask these types of questions and they become dumb founded and retarded looking.

However, as we have seen time and time again we have an outcry of burning ankles who want men in their lives, like the daddy that wasn't. And how they play the emotional game of how it hurts them, when we men wise up and start living for ourselves and go our own way. How we find happiness with women outside our race that we all know we wasn't going to find with the majority of them. Yet they are hurt. How many times have you passed a man by for an ain't shit fuck up? How many times have you taken a man's kindness for a weakness? How many times have you shown your disloyalty to the men you say you want and love? And you're the one's that's hurt? BITCH PLEASE! Once again you want attention like the little girl that tries to get attention from her daddy that ignores her. Yet you feel you are not worthy enough? You're right, you're not.

A woman must be a wife in her spirit if not anywhere else. And by the astounding evidence we see that the overwhelming majority of American black women are not. The evidence proves they are high risk liabilities, disloyal, deceitful, unjust, selfish, greedy, slutty, slanderous etc. All of this evidence points to one fact IT IS FUCKING OVER. It's over, It's been over, and guess what? It's still over. These women have lost their natural center in this world and they are just empty dead beings roaming the earth. Who really wants a made bitch? Seriously? most of these females look like cheap ass barbies. And who will fuck with them? Simp ass niggas wearing skinny jeans and a mohawk, knowing damn well he part of the Iroquois Confederacy. They like their men to be bitches, because it takes a pussy to control a pussy. I am realizing more and more that these women are banking on a man to be led by his dick and have a primal nature as such, because they can capitalize on a man that has no wisdom, character, honor and most of all self control.

But a man that has honor, integrity, character, wisdom, etc. these women can't do nothing with men of that stature. Furthermore, these men can't do nothing with these soulless females. So as Tariq has said these Black Men outgrow Black Women. I feel this for myself more and more. Think about it. They just are not what they use to be. They had the exotic beauty and body type on lock for centuries. Now their beauty is just like "Meh". I was watching "The Count of Monte Cristo" this one was made in 1976. And the woman playing the princess was this gorgeous ass black woman. By her features I could tell that she was from Ethiopia or some part of East Africa. I mean she had the face of a queen, the demeanor of royalty, as well as the warmth only a woman can give a man. Today, black women are just average or less than average when it comes to beauty. The exotic beauty has gone to the white women with ass, the Asian woman with a china doll face and big tits, and the Latina with her long hair and hour glass shape that she undoubtedly got from her African slave ancestors, that some of them choose to deny.

Let's face it many black women are mediocre, if they are anything else. At some point in your life you got to grow up. "When I was a child, I spoke and thought and reasoned as a child. But when I grew up, I put away childish things." (1 Corinthians 13:11) Yet we have a group of women in they 2nd,3rd, and 4th childhood. One has to get sick of dating and being with a chick like he's still in high school. Who want to stay at the same damn level forever? As we can see they do. But men are wising up and realizing that they don't have to take what this enemy is giving them. Who wants someone that "let's" them be man. How can you "let" me be something that only my creator gave me and made me to be? But that just like a black woman, she has to control every single thing. They go to church a lot, but they love to play God so much. And here I thought you wasn't suppose to have no other God's before Him. Yet they want you to accept them for them in spite of their, faults, fuck ups, and problems like a "good christian", but they have a long ass list of what they want in a man.

I would play B.B. when I tried to get over a bad relationship with a woman. Listen as he play an instrument that he creates his masterpiece, that is legendary name Lucille. As I listened to it now, it affirms how important it is to go my own way. These women will kill you or get you killed. Who wants to be with women that kill their own men and death is all around them. Again that goes back to the analogy of bringing forth life and women of the earth. Bruh's, some know better than others, that the thrill is gone, don't try to save these ho's cause there ain't nothing to save. Don't worry about them passing you by, because it's over and they already made they choice so make yours. She's just doing what she always do, keeping you around just in case that ain't shyt nigga want to act up so she can fall back on you for support. You already know the game you have seen and been through it before. We all have. Steer your boat clear of the sirens and there song. Get you a woman that you don't grow out of but that you grow with.

Woman of the Earth

This is a post of mines from another site.  Enjoy.

"I was reading the Art of War and I came across a passage from Sun Bin (A descendant of Sun Tzu) talking about land and the elements. Then I thought, "You want a woman that is fertile and supportive not arid and hostile". See I compared women to the Earth, because for centuries the Earth has always been a Goddess right. So I thought a fertile land, provides sustenance, protection, support, freedom of movement, defense etc. Now an arid land provides what? no food, no shelter, no support, vulnerability, in short the land does not give back to those that live on it. Now what category do many American Black women fall under? The answer is only obvious. I mean think about it, where is the support from them? There is none. What these simps don't understand is that getting with one of them, especially for the sake of "keeping it black", is like pouring water on the sands of a desert. And what does that say, black women take but they don't give back. We are looking for women who gives and supports the marriage, family, community, nation, etc. Is that not what spartan women do?

Many black women are living deserts. We all know that living in a desert is a harsh life. Who would choose to live on a land like that? How can one bring forth life in one? How can life be sustained in one? I mean just because a bitch gives birth does not mean she has brought forth life. Black Men have been living on a desert ever since the plague of feminism set a blaze the fertile land that was the black woman. What has living on a desert gotten us? Vulnerability to much attack even by the land we live on, Obstruction of one's vision, Exposure to many attacks and attackers even those that are suppose to be on our side, Restriction of movement, Bad and bitter fruit (children), and Much Hostility.

Many Black women are and bare so much hostilities. I mean you can tell in their body language, verbal language, vibe and spirit. They bare so much hostilities towards us, the black man, the women that support us, and the children we raise together. By me being a young man the hostilities was here when I was born and before I was born. I have not lived long enough to do some of the shit they say black men are known for doing. They call us sexist and misogynistic, but that's like calling a black man a racist. How can I be all these things when I don't have the economic, social, or political power to do so. However, Black women have influence and influence is power. And it has been that influence that has kept black men the scape goat to the problems in the black community. They may say that they are not feminists yet they live the feminist life style, speak the feminist ideology, they teach it as well. Their influence has shown their hostilities and disdain for Black Men. Is that not misandry?

To those that say we should uplift our women because they have gone through this and that, I say to you, SHUT THE FUCK UP!!! No smart man with common knowledge farms in the desert. Why are you so eager to protect a proven hostile environment? I mean what are they doing for you? What do we gain for uplifting and sticking with arid and hostile women? Our Native American ancestors faced a similar problem. This was their answer:"

These simps would have us cut off our balls and co-habitate with women that can not bring forth one generation of life. No black Man would take such a woman, So I say FUCK ALL OF THAT. It is time to GO OUR OWN WAY. If we want to survive and see our generations survive after us then there is no other way. Each of us must find our own way for that is true freedom. And on finding what that way is, you will meet a woman, a woman of the earth, and then that way yours will become "our way". It is time to move on to fertile land and greener pastures. Let the dead bury the dead. Time to leave the desert. These monstrosities are not women of the earth, Venus maybe, (and we all had Greek mythology so we all know that Venus aka Aphrodite was a hoe so....)Lilith more like, but they are not women of the earth. They say that the black family needs a black woman and a black man to exist. Ask yourself this, Did the Zulu man need a Zulu woman to have a Zulu family? Did the Sioux need a Sioux woman to have a Sioux family? There lies you're answer. You are a Black Man you decide what is the black family and what it is not, and if you say that it is not with these slanderous, bitter, loose ass hoes that call themselves black women then "SO BE IT!" GYOW and remember what Sun Bin said:

"If you find the Way, no one can survive you...." "Those on a straight way thrive, while those on a tortuous course half die."

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

She does all of this and yet....

You know I don't like when a woman has to tell what she does for a man. I don't like when she tells you that she did this for the other man as well. And I really don't like when a guy hears all of these things and wants to wife her up thinking he has hit the jackpot.  Just because she did all of this for the next man does not mean she will do that for you.  The proof is in the action.   Fuck telling me what you did for this or that guy, what are you going to do for me?   That is what one should be asking.  Because you can be sadly disappointed if you judge the perks of a previous relationship and come to find out you are not getting none of that.  This is why you have to put women or men through test at times.  Hell you don't have to do that time and nature will do that for you if you pay attention and observe.  Study the person, observe what they are telling you and what they are not telling you.  By what they are telling you, you can find out what they are about just like you can by watching what they do.  All that talk about what she has done for past relationship is just salesman talk to get you to buy some bullshit.  Find someone that does more walking than talking because talk is just talk.  And as we all know, TALK IS CHEAP. 

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

You are not a Goddess

I have met a lot of women who call themselves goddesses. When they say that I give them that GTFOH look. I mean chicks don't even have the beauty of Goddesses yet they claim that they are, Come on son seriously. What's wrong with being Human? Don't they know that even the Gods envy humans just because they were human. This self entitlement and diva complexes is just going out of hand. Now this does not mean that women nor men do not have part or parcel of the God/Goddess inside of them. (Disclaimer: I'm not coming from a religious perspective but a spiritual one) The Masculine and Feminine powers of the universe are both sacred. Now let's get in deep about this whole Goddess thing. These chicks talk about being a goddess but do they understand the role of a Goddess. I mean to be a Goddess was to be immortal and to be all knowing, all seeing, everywhere etc. Not only that a Goddess though she had worshipers, was also a slave to her worshipers. If a worshiper called out her name she had to come to that worshiper. It was like a contract between the worshiper and God/Goddess. I as the worshiper will keep your temple clean, pray to you, give you tribute etc. However, you as goddess will come to me when I call upon you, you will answer my prayers, and you will keep me safe from other Gods/Goddess. If you fail to do that, I as the worshiper will not pray to you no longer, or I as the God/Goddess shall forsake you. Side Note: This is why God is so unique and different than all of the pagan gods because he revolutionizes a lot of things about Godhood if you pay attention. But at the same time Goddesses had a specific role in the world. They were the Goddesses of the feminine powers in the universe, Love, Hearth, The Home, Family, Children, and even War. But you also have to pay attention to the tragic stories of a lot of these Goddesses. Since we are in the Western World these are the Goddesses I am talking about (Greek/Roman). These Goddesses, although they were Goddesses were highly subjective to female human emotions. I mean Hera was a bitter mean ass bitch, Aphrodite was a hoe, and each of them have been highly jealous of each other or a human woman. That's not true Godhood. If you are the Goddess of Love then you should exemplify compassion for all and love for all, not fucking around on your husband for that is not love. If you are Queen of the Gods you should not be a bitter ass woman scorned type chick, because you are above human emotion. I mean these women say they are this and that and they fall short all the time. The Goddess in you should teach you to be reverent in your behavior and to be an asset to your society and world.

In the movie "higher learning", everyone remembers those famous lines Ice Cube made that white man say. Mother of the Earth is a great thing, that's like saying you are Goddess of the Earth. And what does the Goddess of the Earth do, She bring forth LIFE. How many black women give birth, but bring for Life. I'm not talking about just a baby, I'm talking about a spiritual being that makes the world better by the time he/she leaves it and plants seeds that sprout that brings forth "good fruit". That is what is meant by bringing forth life. Because you can be a live and still be spiritually dead, like we see today. This is why a lot of women have forgotten their sacred powers nor do they embrace them. They go for the masculine energy/power which is very unnatural. Proverbs 31 tells of a woman who had the Goddess in her, who wielded her feminine powers for the good of all, and was a woman of God (from a religious standpoint). This is why Goddesses are only alive in myths, because they weren't real. If you meet a woman who says she is a "Goddess", you are meeting a woman with a very big ego and who is subconsciously saying that all she wants is the perks of a goddess. I've come to realize that you can really foresee what a person is trying to tell you if you know the meaning behind the words and the meanings of the words. Females you are not a diva nor a Goddess and you never will be, if you think so then you are just like the Goddesses of old AN UNBELIEVABLE, FALSE ASS MYTH. I prefer Women as just what they were intended to be WOMAN.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Rise of the Renegade Ho's

(I'm getting a little ghetto so I'm gonna need y'all to feel me on this)

You know I can respect a true to the game ho. I don't like ho's mind you but on some mack shit I can respect a true to the game ho. I don't agree with her lifestyle nor a pimps but what they eat don't make me shit feel me. Now what I don't respect is these renegade ho's out here. We got a lot of renegade ho's out here that ain't being true to the game. They is delving into the square world which is a no no. I don't delve into the pimp world cause it's not mine. But let's be honest there is a lot of free roaming renegade ho's disrespecting the game. Then what make it so bad is that these women are fucking snitches. A true to the game ho will not kiss you on the mouth but she is discreet. What the hell is up with these ho's out here telling? This is what happens when a ho don't know her place. We have a lot of ho's that don't know they place, but they need to be put in they place. It seems like all of this started when Supahead came out with her book. Now she is an example of renegade ho. Once she got notoriety for fucking all these celebs and wrote a book about it, other ho's thought they could do it. Monica Lewinsky is another renegade ho. Tiger's harem of renegade ho's are more examples. The list goes on and on.

I mean you have sub par ho's doing the renegade thing and they are just plain skanks. but these types of ho's can't thrive unless you feed them. So I blame these media outlets that give them play. What is your problem supporting immoral behavior from ho's c'mon son. Man back in the day media outlets wouldn't have given these ho's the time of day, what's up with that? However, the real blame lies with these trick ass simps. What the hell is your problem? Y'all lack so much game that y'all can get ho to shut they mouth? Especially you simps with money, I mean c'mon you can't hire a do dirt mutha fukka to shut that ho up for you and not have it lead back to you? Come the hell on. And then what make it worse you do shyt for these ho's that you do for the "Mistress." I think the "Mistress" is a dying breed cause that was a ho that shut her mouth and got her money and was always taken care of. (*side bar* there are man classes of immoral females and they all fall into there on class system and branches off.) But you trick off on these ho's and take care of them and they talk bad about you. You ain't suppose to let the bitch bite the hand that feeds her. Yet some of y'all think y'all pimpin? GTFOHWTS

Point is these ho's need to be on the corner, they need a pimp, and they need to know they mother fucking place. Ho's learn your craft, put on your ho boots, work that corner, and make that money. Let us all say the pimps prayer please. Pimps bow your head, ho's on your knees...

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

It's Only Natural

I really can't stand group thinkers. They can be so damn annoying when it come to dealing with logic. One thing I don't like is when they refer to nature for their arguments. They say thing like, "it's only natural" and anything else referring to mankind's behavior and how it has to do with nature and relationships with the opposite sex. One phrase I hate is "The nature of a man is to do this of that because it's only natural." However these people know nothing of man and they certainly do not know anything about nature. Nature is a beautiful thing, but it is not something that is without laws and boundaries. They call this "Natural Law". I was watching "Curse of the Golden Flower" and Chow Yun Fat, in his monologue, broke down the governance and role of Natural Law. He explained how everything in this world is governed by it. However when naive people use nature in their arguments to prove their point they forget about the laws that govern nature. For instance when they say "It's only natural for a man to want to have sex with more than one woman", they use this as an excuse for men to be promiscuous and cheat. The same goes for women as well.

But ask yourself this. We evolved from our animal ancestors a long time ago. To insure the survival of our species having sex with many females was vital to their survival, especially since the mortality rate was low as well as the average age of death for both men and women. When man's knowledge grew and civilizations thrived he suddenly realized that the old standard didn't apply anymore. He understood that he was not an animal. I'm saying all of this to say this, we as human beings are not animals and as such we are not governed by the same laws as animals. So when people make that kind of argument my questions to them is, "Are you and Animal? If not then why would you put yourself in a place as one?" Is it natural for men and women to procreate in order for there bloodline to survive? By all means yes. Is it natural to do this without care, responsibility, and accountability? Hell No. Everything has an effect as well as a cause we just can't do anything we want without knowing what could happen if we did do this or that act. There was once upon a time where man was one with nature and understood the link that he and the animals, the birds, sea and earth shared. This is another case of how people like to pick and choose what they would like to follow and what they would like to ignore. Under the Sun we all have our roles to play. If you want to find out what is natural to you, re-acquaint and become one with nature and find out. Stop talking about things you don't understand. Learn, Listen, and Understand.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Some Folklore For You: Kirikou and the Sorceress

In the last entry was videos of Dr. John H. Clarke and there is a segment that he was talking about folklore. Here is a video of an African Folklore. It is very good and hows a powerful story and message to it. Pay very close attention to the characters and find out there significance. It is very interesting because the folklore still rings true today. Enjoy.

Dr. John Henrik Clarke - The African Mind

Some people need to hear this. Some from the Home World (Africa)and others from Diaspora. We need to get back to who we are. We need to play OUR game and not someone else's. This is how we regain our Identity, our culture, a sense of who we are as a people, as a nation, and how we can continue into the future as a people and nation. Dr. Clarke makes some great points in this series and what I like is that he's just not talking to or about black folk in America, but everybody. This goes for those in Africa, the Caribbean, Latin America, everybody lol. So neither any of us can look down on one another or think one is superior to the other because we all are in the same boat. Enjoy.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Dr. John H. Clarke on the Booker T. Washington Era

In college we would cover the Great Debate between DuBois and Washington. We would take a long time debating who was right and who had the better the solution. I would think DuBois was right and then i would think later on maybe Washington was right. But I never really got into the Age that both of them lived in. Why did white folks side with Washington? Was he really an Uncle Tom? Was the Atlanta Compromise really a compromise? Did he have a secret agenda? I would ask these questions to myself over and over again. So, I'm glad my mentor Dr. John Henrik Clarke discusses this and much more. Enjoy. (sidenote: I like how he explains the relationship of DuBois and Washington. DuBois and Washington, difference in opinions, DuBois and Garvey, now that's a fight and my money is on Garvey to win lol.)

Thursday, March 11, 2010


How many of us think of our legacy that we will pass on to our children and to the world? I like this video because it addresses this. We create these generational curses and that has become a part of our legacy, but it doesn't have to be. We write our own legacies our legacies down write us. Think about this for yourselves and your children. Be the writer of your own book, and therefore create your own legacy. Come on Dr. Voddie, tell em! lol

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Stop Snitchin?: Malcolm X a true G

We as black folk always talk about stop snitching. When I look at this video, it makes me more proud of them man that has influence me since I was a kid. Before him it was always Martin Luther King Jr. and JFK and RFK. However when I got into him I saw myself in him. I think that the realest G's I have seen where Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm x (more so Malcolm for me). Anytime you can tell the government to go fuck yourself and not be afraid of your own death that's GANGSTA. This is why I love King's Last Speech and why i love Malcolm X. But what about us? We talk about not snitching on those that don't give a damn about us and harm our communities. It's the hood code you don't snitch. So we allow criminals to run free because we are too chicken shit to put them in jail. Of course the cops don't make it any better, when they are not the epitome of upstanding citizenship and morality. We are are own worst enemy. But this video says alot, that even though he was on bad terms with the nation he could've talked but he didn't. Malcolm even knew they hustle and used it against them. Think of all the leaders that would talk to the Feds and other agencies to bring that other black groups and leaders (Marcus Garvey is a good example see documentary in the February slot), but he wouldn't do it. That's outstanding, he may have once talked about other leaders but he wouldn't work with the enemy to get them out of the way. How many would do the same for him? Here we go snitchin to the cops on ourselves and others, but when do we unite against our common enemy and tell them I will not help you bring down my people or any black organization that strives for the betterment of my community and people. More importantly how many of us are willing to die for our beliefs? Malcolm and Martin was. I don't know about others, but I am trying to understand this so I can be able to no fear my death or those killing me because of what I believe in or stand for. After watching this video alot of people that use the stop snitching theme to harbor criminals and people that harm others and their own community should be ashamed. You got to admire him, that was a true man. We should learn from this and strive to be better.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

A message to the thugs and thugettes

This brother hit the nail on the head. I admit I do use slang. However, I know when and when not to use it. People would say to me how are you a scholar and you talk like that? What these people don't understand is that when I am in an "informal gathering" of course I'm going to use slang. When I am in a "formal" gathering I know better than to use it. I do understand what he is saying, because writing slang will cripple you from using proper grammar and English. People know the meaning of certain words and know the history of that word. I do understand what he's saying about sagging because try running when shots are fired and your sagging, you're SOL. Besides my father told me when saggin was just starting, Men wear belts. Now i wear belts, i do sag a little because 1. I'm short and 2. It gives my thighs more space. However I don't go all the way down to my ass, my jeans stop at the lower part of my waist line. I was told some of these things when I was young so I can feel him because now that I'm older I don't need to do all of those things. I don't even wear earrings anymore, because I grew out of all of that. We have alot of people stuck in the kiddy mindset of life and they need to grow up. So Grow the fuck up! You can't be 16 all your life and why would you? Act your age and not your shoe size. And quit being a slave to Capitalism. I bet you want to know where I got that phrase from? Like he said Read a book, it's called "Losing the Race" by John H. McWhorter. I can go all day nameing off books lol.