Thursday, August 19, 2010

Vikki Veil

We have songs like pornstar, i'm in love wit a striipper, etc.  Our community is in love with slut behavior.  But what if that behavior becomes the face of majority of your female population.  We hear women say that that is all men care about, but why do you adhere to the base function of male barbaric sexual behavior.  Is it because you benefit from that? Hmmmmmm..... Anyway back on topic.  I remember watching Paul Mooney and he said black men all have a police story.  I could instantly identify with that instantly.  The same is with this song.  I have never dated a porn star but I have dated women with the same behavior.  You ask those questions when you care for someone and you wonder why they do the things they do.  But it teaches you a lot, especially to never deal with that kind of behavior.  My friend told me her granddad said, "A dick has no conscious.", because of that you NEVER LET YOUR DICK PICK WHO YOU FALL IN LOVE WITH OR WHO YOU LOVE IN GENERAL.  

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