Friday, September 25, 2009

Single mothers Defy Evolution (Article)

An Article from Australia. Check it out

Leigh Dayton, Science writer
September 22, 2009,00.html

SINGLE mothers are up against it -- not just in terms of time, money and the logistics of life but also against thousands, if not millions, of years of evolution.

According to American emeritus professor of anthropology Sarah Blaffer Hrdy, there was "no such thing as a single mother" in the Pleistocene epoch, which covered almost 2.5million years and ended 12,000 years ago.

Professor Hrdy, for more than two decades, has investigated parenting in a host of animals, including monkeys, apes and people. She said a single mother in the Pleistocene age "would have died, the baby would have died".

The author of the book Mothers and Others: The Evolutionary Origins of Mutual Understanding is in Australia for this week's Charles Darwin Symposium in, of all places, Darwin.

She argues that "shared care" evolved in the distant past, along with the intellectual skills that gave ancestral humans an edge.

According to Professor Hrdy, humans are the only primate that allows anyone other than the mother to hold and feed an infant. Without such mutual support, highly dependent, slow-maturing human infants could not survive.

"There's a lot of shared provisioning in other animals, but not in any other ape," she claimed.

The result is a species that functions best when everyone chips in with the childcare.

"Shared care is natural," Professor Hrdy said. "In hunting and gathering and traditional societies, infants are cared for mostly by older siblings, aunts, grandmothers, fathers and male cousins."

Professor Hrdy claimed there were lessons for the fragmented families of the modern world. For one, she said, children should always be picked up when they cried.

"It doesn't make it more spoiled," she said. "A more secure baby will cry less later in life."

Another lesson from evolution was that the more "alloparents" -- friends and family to help with the baby -- the better. That's why "daycare is here to stay", she said, adding that the carers should be consistent.

Even women with partners might feel swamped, but Professor Hrdy had a tip.

"There's a vast untapped resource out there called paternal care," she said.

"Men who are close to pregnant women and babies have an amazing transformation."

Specifically, testosterone goes down while two hormones, prolactin and oxytocin, which promote bonding, go up.

And for couples with young children and limited "alloparents", Professor Hrdy suggested building "artificial families", from sharing the load with parents in the youngster's play group to moving into a home with communal space.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Dealing With Trust Issues with Women

This video tells how I am and feel about women. As much as I love women and things that make them who they are, I think I am in love with a kind of woman that only lives in the past or in my dreams. I just don't see her in today's woman in this country. I have to be very careful, hell all men do for that matter. Women today are scandalous, not all but a lot are. They can say whatever they want about men, I don't care. Women just point the finger at men to keep one from looking at the many skeletons in they closet. I wish I could trust women more but I can't, because I have to be cautious not to get hurt by them. I have got my scars from women but I thank god I have stayed myself and not gone bad. On to the video, enjoy!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Rough Guide To Dating Single Moms

This is a great 3 part series. I have done it myself and I will not do again. Dating a single mother is not cool if you're a young single man. Take heed to this guide. Respect to definingmanhood, who made the videos, he is coming out with a bombardment of Logic bombs. Enjoy!

Dr. Chancellor Williams: Legendary Scholar

This man inspired me to go for my dreams and be the Scholar that I want and need to be. His book "Destruction of Black Civilization" is classic, I just wished it wasn't condensed into one book but in 3 volumes as he would've wanted it to be. But he is one Scholar that teaches me about my craft and how I should perfect it. I remember just sitting in my philosophy professor's office and we would talk, just like the videos you're about to see, and it was he that told me I should get Dr. Williams book along with many others. Well, here are a series of videos of him, I hope you enjoy them.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

10 lies black people have been buying...

My friend posted this and I am passing it along. enjoy:

Lie #1: Soul food is good for you.
Our mamas, grandmamas, dads and uncles definitely loved us. So much, in fact, that they cooked chitlins and pig feet and hosted lavish barbeques featuring plates overflowing with delicious food like macaroni and cheese, candied yams, pork chops and fried chicken. Let’s not forget about those desserts like red velvet cake and peach cobbler - and that oh-so-good lemonade and sweet tea. The problem is that the soul food diet, as good as it is, is filled with fatty meats, fried foods, sugar, salt and a high percentage of dietary fat. Those are the very things that are causing record numbers of obesity in our community. Nobody’s saying you shouldn’t enjoy our cultural food every now and then. But a soul food diet all the time is a license for health problems down the line.

Lie #2: Baby mamas/daddies are okay. No, not every child in the world is going to come into the world with two loving, married parents. And even some who do may end up as children of divorce. There are no guarantees that an intact family will stay intact. But statistics overwhelmingly prove that children born to single, teenage mothers have a much greater chance of being poor with limited educations and a show a greater propensity for violent and criminal behavior. When did we begin to accept that having children was a random and thoughtless decision, particularly at a time when birth control is more accessible and easier to use than ever before? When did we start to believe, as both men and women, that it’s okay to bring a life into the world before either parent is able to truly handle the responsibility? Given the grim statistics, we need to look at what a costly lie this has become.

Lie #3: Celebrities are more deserving of forgiveness than others. Convicted felons Li’l Kim, T.I., Chris Brown and Michael Vick have something in common despite their legal issues – the support of the black community. Given their respective crimes of perjury, weapons charges, domestic violence and dog-fighting, you have to wonder if they would receive that same support if their names weren’t bold-faced. Think about it: If any one of your friends and relatives had done any of those same things, would you have been so forgiving? It’s amazing that black folks who have washed their hands of people in their own lives have embraced celebrities they don’t even know after they’ve committed some pretty disturbing crimes.

Lie #4: A hustler mentality is more important than a formal education. The black community loves its hustlers, whether it’s Diddy, Jay-Z, The Knowles family or 50 Cent. Hustle, hustle, hustle is the ethos that permeates black America. Sure, hustling has its merits – but is it the only way to achieve success? President Barack Obama is probably the most primary example of what an education can do. He and his wife are both proud .....
..... Ivy League graduates with advanced degrees. Hustle may be reserved for the few with the charisma and stamina to take them to the top, but an education is something accessible to anyone.

Lie #5: Water and snow are for other people. According to USA Swimming, nearly 60 percent of African-American children can’t swim, which is why they drown at three times the rate of other children. Why is that? Because there still exists a mentality that says that water and swimming are for “other” people - and because there are still girls whose parents allow them to use their hair as an excuse for staying out of the water. Somehow or another, the myth of black folks not liking water or snow has become a fact. (Please note the miniscule amount of black families you see skiing together at any ski resort.) And sadly, USA Swimming’s study showed that it was the parents who needed to be convinced most. Many either didn’t swim themselves or were afraid to have their children learn. Unfortunately, this is a mindset with dire consequences for many of our kids.

Lie #6: Complexion is destiny. Do we still believe that skin color is relevant in the black community? Well, only if you think that the negative reaction to Michelle Obama was primarily based on her Princeton thesis. There are people who still believe that certain things are given to or withheld from people based on their complexion. There are still those who find dark-skinned men menacing and light-skinned women the epitome of beauty. In fact, both dark and light-skinned people can point to misconceptions about them based solely on their skin color, something that no one has any control over. So how long will we go on believing the same old lies?

Lie #7: Marriage isn't important anymore. The rate of black marriage continues to decline, as this depressing statistic shows – the percentage of African-American women who are married declined from 62 percent to 36.1 percent between 1950 and 2000. Apparently, the black community has decided that marriage is no longer a priority. Yet, if you look around, you’ll probably see the most financially stable people who lead the most productive and happy lives and who raise decent children are generally married. No, it’s not a sure-fire thing, but what is? In our community, the financial edge would certainly go to the two-income couple who can command greater stability just by having someone to share bills and child-rearing responsibilities with. That being said, why are so few of us overall choosing to walk down that aisle?

Lie #8: Obesity is not the most serious health care issue in our history.
Black women and the men who love them have never accepted the European aesthetic that mandates that women be super-skinny. Our African ancestors passed down their curvaceous bodies, complete with round hips and full backsides. But somewhere along the way, obesity became the new “thick.” We’re not talking a big booty and a frame fuller than the average celebutante It girl; we’re talking women who are 100-150 pounds over a healthy weight, with rolls of fat and distended stomachs. We’re talking men who are so overweight, they are taking on female characteristics like breasts. Our children are experiencing obesity at ever-younger ages, yet this health crisis seems to be going unnoticed by most African-Americans who continue to eat unhealthy diets. (See #1.) It appears that although we survived slavery and Jim Crow and more, black people will finally be felled by food poisoning, which is exactly what our diets have become.

Lie #9: We are descended from royalty. Too many of us don’t know our history, so too few of us can make this claim with any real, absolute certainty. Indeed, it was Africa, not Europe or Asia, that had the oldest empires in the world. Many of us, as African people, did, in fact, descend from kings, queens and creators of art, music and architecture far superior to what the European culture would devise later on. Too much of African history has been lost or suppressed to promote European culture as the world’s most sophisticated. In 2005, Philadelphia’s public school system became the first in the country to require students to take a course in African-American history to graduate. Educators say that not only did it provide a much-needed addition of historical accuracy; it also helped increase self-esteem in a largely black public school population. As they say, if you don’t know your history, you are doomed to repeat it.

Lie #10: Black men don't have emotional needs.
Somehow, our community has come to the conclusion that black men don’t have emotions. The recent scorn which greeted public tears by basketball players Stephon Marbury and Allen Iverson, as well as comedian D.L. Hughley, made it seem as though the stereotypical image of strong, silent black men is alive and well. We offer much support in the way of girl’s emotional needs, with programs targeted to increase their self-esteem, but what about our boys? Given the fact that the violence in most of our cities is perpetuated by and on young black males, shouldn’t we be considering how to meet their emotional needs instead of just locking them up? If we could start acknowledging those needs earlier and helping them learn how to deal with feelings, we might all have a brighter future. After all, these are potential fathers and husbands!