Raissa De Oliveira is one beautiful woman. She is around my age and I really like her curves and smile. She is so tiny lol and I love short women. The ways she dances is enchanting to me. She has the face of a queen and she just oozes out femininity and I love that about her. I think this woman could seduce me and keep me as her man. There is something about her that makes her so interesting and intriguing that I want to know more. I think that she is one of Brazil's hidden gems, but I expect her star to rise to the top one day.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Raissa De Oliveira is one beautiful woman. She is around my age and I really like her curves and smile. She is so tiny lol and I love short women. The ways she dances is enchanting to me. She has the face of a queen and she just oozes out femininity and I love that about her. I think this woman could seduce me and keep me as her man. There is something about her that makes her so interesting and intriguing that I want to know more. I think that she is one of Brazil's hidden gems, but I expect her star to rise to the top one day.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
My words on swinging
I posted this in a thread when a group that I belong to was trying to say that swinging could probably decrease the divorce rate. And so I voiced my opinion on this subject....
"Look it's like this.... you can't go along with everything or accept just anything into your society because it can damage and destroy your society. The true lesson that Sodom and Gamora teaches is that when you allow sexual deviancies and immoral behaviors into your society, it becomes destroyed. Nevermind God destroying it, cuz if he didn't do it, some other kingdom would've. By accepting the swinger lifestyle you are saying that you are weak and that you are controlled by your dick or pussy and it also shows that you do not respect the institution of marriage. That is why marriage don't mean shyt in America. It's not about America saying having sex with multiple partners is taboo. America is not that old. Other socities proved time and time again that sex with multiple partners is taboo. Especially Blacks because we are the creators of most of these institutions in the world today.
Because having multiple sex partners was taboo we created something it's called MARRIAGE. Now whether it was minogomy or polygamy or polyadry, all of these instituions of marriage had rules in order to protect the society. We seen how sexual deviancy created chaos within the society so we created laws and institutions to protect and build up the society. Now once you allow something like swinging into your society, you have to go further you can't just stop their. It's like a human being with a hole in it's heart it never gets satisfied. But it shows how weak your nation is and you invite attack. Once the romans becam orgy sex craved addicts they cease to be the strong roman empire that ruled the ancient world and that's when they got taken over. And this is where America has been heading for a long time now. Now what a person does is their own buisness, cause their soul is in their keeping alone. But swinging shows that people do not care about thier souls. To the Ladies in the room that want a god fearing man, well if you allow in swinging you can forget all of that because to go against god's laws is to show that you do not fear him.
I don't care if it did help the divorce rate. Because it's like you're saying that this is a neccessary evil, and we all know that evil is evil. Now we all seen The Ten Commandmandments on Easter every year. We all know what happen to the Jews when they became unafraid of God and became wild children. You just can't say don't knock it till you try because you are opening up your mind to something you can't possibly understand the ramifications of till the deed has been done. Those words itself shows how devilish those words are (not on a bible toting standin, just getting you to think about something). The devil is subtle and he offers you things even when you don't think he's offering you something but you take it. The devil says don't knock it to you try it fooling you into believing that it is good for you. The same thing happened in Genesis. It is a play on words. It's not about it being different, but because it IS DIFFERENT that should make your eyebrow go up.
All I'm saying you are contridicting yourself and your marriage when you swing. I mean it causes problems especially for the woman because she is liable to get pregnant. And Paternity is a major issue. You know if you gon do hoe shyt then do hoe shyt but not under the disguise of being an upstanding faithful couple. Those marriage vows where instituted for a reason, each and every word. Now I can't judge what you do cause all sin is equal and none of us is without sin except Jesus. But when it comes to my society, we are on an equal footing u feel me. It just says alot about you, your marriage, and you spouse really. As long as you know that you have a choice and their are consequences for you own choices do what you want to do. You can't open your mind up to everything because it will corrupt you and it will corrupt your spirit. And what is the enemy after? YOUR SPIRIT."
"Look it's like this.... you can't go along with everything or accept just anything into your society because it can damage and destroy your society. The true lesson that Sodom and Gamora teaches is that when you allow sexual deviancies and immoral behaviors into your society, it becomes destroyed. Nevermind God destroying it, cuz if he didn't do it, some other kingdom would've. By accepting the swinger lifestyle you are saying that you are weak and that you are controlled by your dick or pussy and it also shows that you do not respect the institution of marriage. That is why marriage don't mean shyt in America. It's not about America saying having sex with multiple partners is taboo. America is not that old. Other socities proved time and time again that sex with multiple partners is taboo. Especially Blacks because we are the creators of most of these institutions in the world today.
Because having multiple sex partners was taboo we created something it's called MARRIAGE. Now whether it was minogomy or polygamy or polyadry, all of these instituions of marriage had rules in order to protect the society. We seen how sexual deviancy created chaos within the society so we created laws and institutions to protect and build up the society. Now once you allow something like swinging into your society, you have to go further you can't just stop their. It's like a human being with a hole in it's heart it never gets satisfied. But it shows how weak your nation is and you invite attack. Once the romans becam orgy sex craved addicts they cease to be the strong roman empire that ruled the ancient world and that's when they got taken over. And this is where America has been heading for a long time now. Now what a person does is their own buisness, cause their soul is in their keeping alone. But swinging shows that people do not care about thier souls. To the Ladies in the room that want a god fearing man, well if you allow in swinging you can forget all of that because to go against god's laws is to show that you do not fear him.
I don't care if it did help the divorce rate. Because it's like you're saying that this is a neccessary evil, and we all know that evil is evil. Now we all seen The Ten Commandmandments on Easter every year. We all know what happen to the Jews when they became unafraid of God and became wild children. You just can't say don't knock it till you try because you are opening up your mind to something you can't possibly understand the ramifications of till the deed has been done. Those words itself shows how devilish those words are (not on a bible toting standin, just getting you to think about something). The devil is subtle and he offers you things even when you don't think he's offering you something but you take it. The devil says don't knock it to you try it fooling you into believing that it is good for you. The same thing happened in Genesis. It is a play on words. It's not about it being different, but because it IS DIFFERENT that should make your eyebrow go up.
All I'm saying you are contridicting yourself and your marriage when you swing. I mean it causes problems especially for the woman because she is liable to get pregnant. And Paternity is a major issue. You know if you gon do hoe shyt then do hoe shyt but not under the disguise of being an upstanding faithful couple. Those marriage vows where instituted for a reason, each and every word. Now I can't judge what you do cause all sin is equal and none of us is without sin except Jesus. But when it comes to my society, we are on an equal footing u feel me. It just says alot about you, your marriage, and you spouse really. As long as you know that you have a choice and their are consequences for you own choices do what you want to do. You can't open your mind up to everything because it will corrupt you and it will corrupt your spirit. And what is the enemy after? YOUR SPIRIT."
The Plan Exposed
So much ignorance and self hate in this plan. Do they honestly think that smart black men and women will just let this happen without having a counter-strategy. This is why I cannot hate black women because if I did this plan would work on me. This is were I hear MLK's message of love. It might take love, love of the true black woman like statuesque one to conquer the hate that black feminism try to give righteous black women. Think for yourself. Take on your on views and morals. These black feminist are stupid, because they can not see that they are the puppet. They will help the destruction of their own people for ideologies that are not theirs and do not have their best interest at heart. It's sad. They are still playing checkers and not checkers. Without the Black Man the game is OVER!!! Once the king is down the game is over. I feel like pleading to my people especially black women like he did, "Cease to do evil, learn to do good." (I hope that was the right prophet, it's been a long time since I heard that verse in the bible). The Enemy is after our spirit and he will disguise his agenda by saying that it is good. Read between the lines. These women I so blind, that I don't hate them, I pity them. I think of the Native Americans and what thing I learned from their interactions with whites in their country (because it is theirs). Good Indians, Bad Indians it don't matter all got sent on the reservation. You can fight with them thinking you are helping your people when you are actually cooperating with your people's destruction blindly.
These women can believe in this all that they want. It only shows that they are puppets blindly following a cause that will kill them. It shows that a lot black women are demoralized and our losing their soul. I no longer recognize them anymore. Women like this are monsters. For those who do not believe in this plan, we have to educate our children and people to counter this attack on us. This is about the survival of our people and this is our fight. Distance ourselves from people with this sick mindset and cease to accept the ills and plagues into our community and society. I say unto you all "Cease to do evil learn to do good".
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Never Give Up on Women
Although I get fed up with females that pose themselves as women because there are alot of them out there. I can't give up on woman. I still have to believe in the essence that make her woman. This video motivated me when I saw it today. I may not like where the state of women in this country are at but I cannot give up on women and I will never give up on her, because I wouldn't want her to give up on me. Enjoy
Friday, September 25, 2009
Single mothers Defy Evolution (Article)
An Article from Australia. Check it out
Leigh Dayton, Science writer
September 22, 2009
SINGLE mothers are up against it -- not just in terms of time, money and the logistics of life but also against thousands, if not millions, of years of evolution.
According to American emeritus professor of anthropology Sarah Blaffer Hrdy, there was "no such thing as a single mother" in the Pleistocene epoch, which covered almost 2.5million years and ended 12,000 years ago.
Professor Hrdy, for more than two decades, has investigated parenting in a host of animals, including monkeys, apes and people. She said a single mother in the Pleistocene age "would have died, the baby would have died".
The author of the book Mothers and Others: The Evolutionary Origins of Mutual Understanding is in Australia for this week's Charles Darwin Symposium in, of all places, Darwin.
She argues that "shared care" evolved in the distant past, along with the intellectual skills that gave ancestral humans an edge.
According to Professor Hrdy, humans are the only primate that allows anyone other than the mother to hold and feed an infant. Without such mutual support, highly dependent, slow-maturing human infants could not survive.
"There's a lot of shared provisioning in other animals, but not in any other ape," she claimed.
The result is a species that functions best when everyone chips in with the childcare.
"Shared care is natural," Professor Hrdy said. "In hunting and gathering and traditional societies, infants are cared for mostly by older siblings, aunts, grandmothers, fathers and male cousins."
Professor Hrdy claimed there were lessons for the fragmented families of the modern world. For one, she said, children should always be picked up when they cried.
"It doesn't make it more spoiled," she said. "A more secure baby will cry less later in life."
Another lesson from evolution was that the more "alloparents" -- friends and family to help with the baby -- the better. That's why "daycare is here to stay", she said, adding that the carers should be consistent.
Even women with partners might feel swamped, but Professor Hrdy had a tip.
"There's a vast untapped resource out there called paternal care," she said.
"Men who are close to pregnant women and babies have an amazing transformation."
Specifically, testosterone goes down while two hormones, prolactin and oxytocin, which promote bonding, go up.
And for couples with young children and limited "alloparents", Professor Hrdy suggested building "artificial families", from sharing the load with parents in the youngster's play group to moving into a home with communal space.
Leigh Dayton, Science writer
September 22, 2009
SINGLE mothers are up against it -- not just in terms of time, money and the logistics of life but also against thousands, if not millions, of years of evolution.
According to American emeritus professor of anthropology Sarah Blaffer Hrdy, there was "no such thing as a single mother" in the Pleistocene epoch, which covered almost 2.5million years and ended 12,000 years ago.
Professor Hrdy, for more than two decades, has investigated parenting in a host of animals, including monkeys, apes and people. She said a single mother in the Pleistocene age "would have died, the baby would have died".
The author of the book Mothers and Others: The Evolutionary Origins of Mutual Understanding is in Australia for this week's Charles Darwin Symposium in, of all places, Darwin.
She argues that "shared care" evolved in the distant past, along with the intellectual skills that gave ancestral humans an edge.
According to Professor Hrdy, humans are the only primate that allows anyone other than the mother to hold and feed an infant. Without such mutual support, highly dependent, slow-maturing human infants could not survive.
"There's a lot of shared provisioning in other animals, but not in any other ape," she claimed.
The result is a species that functions best when everyone chips in with the childcare.
"Shared care is natural," Professor Hrdy said. "In hunting and gathering and traditional societies, infants are cared for mostly by older siblings, aunts, grandmothers, fathers and male cousins."
Professor Hrdy claimed there were lessons for the fragmented families of the modern world. For one, she said, children should always be picked up when they cried.
"It doesn't make it more spoiled," she said. "A more secure baby will cry less later in life."
Another lesson from evolution was that the more "alloparents" -- friends and family to help with the baby -- the better. That's why "daycare is here to stay", she said, adding that the carers should be consistent.
Even women with partners might feel swamped, but Professor Hrdy had a tip.
"There's a vast untapped resource out there called paternal care," she said.
"Men who are close to pregnant women and babies have an amazing transformation."
Specifically, testosterone goes down while two hormones, prolactin and oxytocin, which promote bonding, go up.
And for couples with young children and limited "alloparents", Professor Hrdy suggested building "artificial families", from sharing the load with parents in the youngster's play group to moving into a home with communal space.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Dealing With Trust Issues with Women
This video tells how I am and feel about women. As much as I love women and things that make them who they are, I think I am in love with a kind of woman that only lives in the past or in my dreams. I just don't see her in today's woman in this country. I have to be very careful, hell all men do for that matter. Women today are scandalous, not all but a lot are. They can say whatever they want about men, I don't care. Women just point the finger at men to keep one from looking at the many skeletons in they closet. I wish I could trust women more but I can't, because I have to be cautious not to get hurt by them. I have got my scars from women but I thank god I have stayed myself and not gone bad. On to the video, enjoy!
Friday, September 11, 2009
Rough Guide To Dating Single Moms
This is a great 3 part series. I have done it myself and I will not do again. Dating a single mother is not cool if you're a young single man. Take heed to this guide. Respect to definingmanhood, who made the videos, he is coming out with a bombardment of Logic bombs. Enjoy!
Dr. Chancellor Williams: Legendary Scholar
This man inspired me to go for my dreams and be the Scholar that I want and need to be. His book "Destruction of Black Civilization" is classic, I just wished it wasn't condensed into one book but in 3 volumes as he would've wanted it to be. But he is one Scholar that teaches me about my craft and how I should perfect it. I remember just sitting in my philosophy professor's office and we would talk, just like the videos you're about to see, and it was he that told me I should get Dr. Williams book along with many others. Well, here are a series of videos of him, I hope you enjoy them.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
10 lies black people have been buying...
My friend posted this and I am passing it along. enjoy:
Lie #1: Soul food is good for you. Our mamas, grandmamas, dads and uncles definitely loved us. So much, in fact, that they cooked chitlins and pig feet and hosted lavish barbeques featuring plates overflowing with delicious food like macaroni and cheese, candied yams, pork chops and fried chicken. Let’s not forget about those desserts like red velvet cake and peach cobbler - and that oh-so-good lemonade and sweet tea. The problem is that the soul food diet, as good as it is, is filled with fatty meats, fried foods, sugar, salt and a high percentage of dietary fat. Those are the very things that are causing record numbers of obesity in our community. Nobody’s saying you shouldn’t enjoy our cultural food every now and then. But a soul food diet all the time is a license for health problems down the line.
Lie #2: Baby mamas/daddies are okay. No, not every child in the world is going to come into the world with two loving, married parents. And even some who do may end up as children of divorce. There are no guarantees that an intact family will stay intact. But statistics overwhelmingly prove that children born to single, teenage mothers have a much greater chance of being poor with limited educations and a show a greater propensity for violent and criminal behavior. When did we begin to accept that having children was a random and thoughtless decision, particularly at a time when birth control is more accessible and easier to use than ever before? When did we start to believe, as both men and women, that it’s okay to bring a life into the world before either parent is able to truly handle the responsibility? Given the grim statistics, we need to look at what a costly lie this has become.
Lie #3: Celebrities are more deserving of forgiveness than others. Convicted felons Li’l Kim, T.I., Chris Brown and Michael Vick have something in common despite their legal issues – the support of the black community. Given their respective crimes of perjury, weapons charges, domestic violence and dog-fighting, you have to wonder if they would receive that same support if their names weren’t bold-faced. Think about it: If any one of your friends and relatives had done any of those same things, would you have been so forgiving? It’s amazing that black folks who have washed their hands of people in their own lives have embraced celebrities they don’t even know after they’ve committed some pretty disturbing crimes.
Lie #4: A hustler mentality is more important than a formal education. The black community loves its hustlers, whether it’s Diddy, Jay-Z, The Knowles family or 50 Cent. Hustle, hustle, hustle is the ethos that permeates black America. Sure, hustling has its merits – but is it the only way to achieve success? President Barack Obama is probably the most primary example of what an education can do. He and his wife are both proud .....
..... Ivy League graduates with advanced degrees. Hustle may be reserved for the few with the charisma and stamina to take them to the top, but an education is something accessible to anyone.
Lie #5: Water and snow are for other people. According to USA Swimming, nearly 60 percent of African-American children can’t swim, which is why they drown at three times the rate of other children. Why is that? Because there still exists a mentality that says that water and swimming are for “other” people - and because there are still girls whose parents allow them to use their hair as an excuse for staying out of the water. Somehow or another, the myth of black folks not liking water or snow has become a fact. (Please note the miniscule amount of black families you see skiing together at any ski resort.) And sadly, USA Swimming’s study showed that it was the parents who needed to be convinced most. Many either didn’t swim themselves or were afraid to have their children learn. Unfortunately, this is a mindset with dire consequences for many of our kids.
Lie #6: Complexion is destiny. Do we still believe that skin color is relevant in the black community? Well, only if you think that the negative reaction to Michelle Obama was primarily based on her Princeton thesis. There are people who still believe that certain things are given to or withheld from people based on their complexion. There are still those who find dark-skinned men menacing and light-skinned women the epitome of beauty. In fact, both dark and light-skinned people can point to misconceptions about them based solely on their skin color, something that no one has any control over. So how long will we go on believing the same old lies?
Lie #7: Marriage isn't important anymore. The rate of black marriage continues to decline, as this depressing statistic shows – the percentage of African-American women who are married declined from 62 percent to 36.1 percent between 1950 and 2000. Apparently, the black community has decided that marriage is no longer a priority. Yet, if you look around, you’ll probably see the most financially stable people who lead the most productive and happy lives and who raise decent children are generally married. No, it’s not a sure-fire thing, but what is? In our community, the financial edge would certainly go to the two-income couple who can command greater stability just by having someone to share bills and child-rearing responsibilities with. That being said, why are so few of us overall choosing to walk down that aisle?
Lie #8: Obesity is not the most serious health care issue in our history. Black women and the men who love them have never accepted the European aesthetic that mandates that women be super-skinny. Our African ancestors passed down their curvaceous bodies, complete with round hips and full backsides. But somewhere along the way, obesity became the new “thick.” We’re not talking a big booty and a frame fuller than the average celebutante It girl; we’re talking women who are 100-150 pounds over a healthy weight, with rolls of fat and distended stomachs. We’re talking men who are so overweight, they are taking on female characteristics like breasts. Our children are experiencing obesity at ever-younger ages, yet this health crisis seems to be going unnoticed by most African-Americans who continue to eat unhealthy diets. (See #1.) It appears that although we survived slavery and Jim Crow and more, black people will finally be felled by food poisoning, which is exactly what our diets have become.
Lie #9: We are descended from royalty. Too many of us don’t know our history, so too few of us can make this claim with any real, absolute certainty. Indeed, it was Africa, not Europe or Asia, that had the oldest empires in the world. Many of us, as African people, did, in fact, descend from kings, queens and creators of art, music and architecture far superior to what the European culture would devise later on. Too much of African history has been lost or suppressed to promote European culture as the world’s most sophisticated. In 2005, Philadelphia’s public school system became the first in the country to require students to take a course in African-American history to graduate. Educators say that not only did it provide a much-needed addition of historical accuracy; it also helped increase self-esteem in a largely black public school population. As they say, if you don’t know your history, you are doomed to repeat it.
Lie #10: Black men don't have emotional needs. Somehow, our community has come to the conclusion that black men don’t have emotions. The recent scorn which greeted public tears by basketball players Stephon Marbury and Allen Iverson, as well as comedian D.L. Hughley, made it seem as though the stereotypical image of strong, silent black men is alive and well. We offer much support in the way of girl’s emotional needs, with programs targeted to increase their self-esteem, but what about our boys? Given the fact that the violence in most of our cities is perpetuated by and on young black males, shouldn’t we be considering how to meet their emotional needs instead of just locking them up? If we could start acknowledging those needs earlier and helping them learn how to deal with feelings, we might all have a brighter future. After all, these are potential fathers and husbands!
Lie #1: Soul food is good for you. Our mamas, grandmamas, dads and uncles definitely loved us. So much, in fact, that they cooked chitlins and pig feet and hosted lavish barbeques featuring plates overflowing with delicious food like macaroni and cheese, candied yams, pork chops and fried chicken. Let’s not forget about those desserts like red velvet cake and peach cobbler - and that oh-so-good lemonade and sweet tea. The problem is that the soul food diet, as good as it is, is filled with fatty meats, fried foods, sugar, salt and a high percentage of dietary fat. Those are the very things that are causing record numbers of obesity in our community. Nobody’s saying you shouldn’t enjoy our cultural food every now and then. But a soul food diet all the time is a license for health problems down the line.
Lie #2: Baby mamas/daddies are okay. No, not every child in the world is going to come into the world with two loving, married parents. And even some who do may end up as children of divorce. There are no guarantees that an intact family will stay intact. But statistics overwhelmingly prove that children born to single, teenage mothers have a much greater chance of being poor with limited educations and a show a greater propensity for violent and criminal behavior. When did we begin to accept that having children was a random and thoughtless decision, particularly at a time when birth control is more accessible and easier to use than ever before? When did we start to believe, as both men and women, that it’s okay to bring a life into the world before either parent is able to truly handle the responsibility? Given the grim statistics, we need to look at what a costly lie this has become.
Lie #3: Celebrities are more deserving of forgiveness than others. Convicted felons Li’l Kim, T.I., Chris Brown and Michael Vick have something in common despite their legal issues – the support of the black community. Given their respective crimes of perjury, weapons charges, domestic violence and dog-fighting, you have to wonder if they would receive that same support if their names weren’t bold-faced. Think about it: If any one of your friends and relatives had done any of those same things, would you have been so forgiving? It’s amazing that black folks who have washed their hands of people in their own lives have embraced celebrities they don’t even know after they’ve committed some pretty disturbing crimes.
Lie #4: A hustler mentality is more important than a formal education. The black community loves its hustlers, whether it’s Diddy, Jay-Z, The Knowles family or 50 Cent. Hustle, hustle, hustle is the ethos that permeates black America. Sure, hustling has its merits – but is it the only way to achieve success? President Barack Obama is probably the most primary example of what an education can do. He and his wife are both proud .....
..... Ivy League graduates with advanced degrees. Hustle may be reserved for the few with the charisma and stamina to take them to the top, but an education is something accessible to anyone.
Lie #5: Water and snow are for other people. According to USA Swimming, nearly 60 percent of African-American children can’t swim, which is why they drown at three times the rate of other children. Why is that? Because there still exists a mentality that says that water and swimming are for “other” people - and because there are still girls whose parents allow them to use their hair as an excuse for staying out of the water. Somehow or another, the myth of black folks not liking water or snow has become a fact. (Please note the miniscule amount of black families you see skiing together at any ski resort.) And sadly, USA Swimming’s study showed that it was the parents who needed to be convinced most. Many either didn’t swim themselves or were afraid to have their children learn. Unfortunately, this is a mindset with dire consequences for many of our kids.
Lie #6: Complexion is destiny. Do we still believe that skin color is relevant in the black community? Well, only if you think that the negative reaction to Michelle Obama was primarily based on her Princeton thesis. There are people who still believe that certain things are given to or withheld from people based on their complexion. There are still those who find dark-skinned men menacing and light-skinned women the epitome of beauty. In fact, both dark and light-skinned people can point to misconceptions about them based solely on their skin color, something that no one has any control over. So how long will we go on believing the same old lies?
Lie #7: Marriage isn't important anymore. The rate of black marriage continues to decline, as this depressing statistic shows – the percentage of African-American women who are married declined from 62 percent to 36.1 percent between 1950 and 2000. Apparently, the black community has decided that marriage is no longer a priority. Yet, if you look around, you’ll probably see the most financially stable people who lead the most productive and happy lives and who raise decent children are generally married. No, it’s not a sure-fire thing, but what is? In our community, the financial edge would certainly go to the two-income couple who can command greater stability just by having someone to share bills and child-rearing responsibilities with. That being said, why are so few of us overall choosing to walk down that aisle?
Lie #8: Obesity is not the most serious health care issue in our history. Black women and the men who love them have never accepted the European aesthetic that mandates that women be super-skinny. Our African ancestors passed down their curvaceous bodies, complete with round hips and full backsides. But somewhere along the way, obesity became the new “thick.” We’re not talking a big booty and a frame fuller than the average celebutante It girl; we’re talking women who are 100-150 pounds over a healthy weight, with rolls of fat and distended stomachs. We’re talking men who are so overweight, they are taking on female characteristics like breasts. Our children are experiencing obesity at ever-younger ages, yet this health crisis seems to be going unnoticed by most African-Americans who continue to eat unhealthy diets. (See #1.) It appears that although we survived slavery and Jim Crow and more, black people will finally be felled by food poisoning, which is exactly what our diets have become.
Lie #9: We are descended from royalty. Too many of us don’t know our history, so too few of us can make this claim with any real, absolute certainty. Indeed, it was Africa, not Europe or Asia, that had the oldest empires in the world. Many of us, as African people, did, in fact, descend from kings, queens and creators of art, music and architecture far superior to what the European culture would devise later on. Too much of African history has been lost or suppressed to promote European culture as the world’s most sophisticated. In 2005, Philadelphia’s public school system became the first in the country to require students to take a course in African-American history to graduate. Educators say that not only did it provide a much-needed addition of historical accuracy; it also helped increase self-esteem in a largely black public school population. As they say, if you don’t know your history, you are doomed to repeat it.
Lie #10: Black men don't have emotional needs. Somehow, our community has come to the conclusion that black men don’t have emotions. The recent scorn which greeted public tears by basketball players Stephon Marbury and Allen Iverson, as well as comedian D.L. Hughley, made it seem as though the stereotypical image of strong, silent black men is alive and well. We offer much support in the way of girl’s emotional needs, with programs targeted to increase their self-esteem, but what about our boys? Given the fact that the violence in most of our cities is perpetuated by and on young black males, shouldn’t we be considering how to meet their emotional needs instead of just locking them up? If we could start acknowledging those needs earlier and helping them learn how to deal with feelings, we might all have a brighter future. After all, these are potential fathers and husbands!
Monday, August 31, 2009
I wrote this on a message board I frequent alot and thought I would bring it here. Hope you like it.
"It's been a while since I've done a think piece like Black Women Zombies, but i had to write this down. I was listening to KRS One speak on youtube, and he was talking about putting women in their proper place. He further goes on to say that in Hinduism when the woman is out of order the whole family is out of order. Suddenly something clicked in my head. Amerikkkan Women especially Black Women ARE OUT OF ORDER. I then realized that Feminism and the Government has gotten women so far out of order that they are out of control. They are actually like Hurricanes and Tornadoes just spinning out of control. We all know that women are the weaker vessel and it is easily to drive them off the path better than it is for one to drive men off the path. Now as Blacks we have seen how the government and feminism and even the Willie Lynch Syndrome has gotten these women out of order. But the key thing that has gotten Black women out of order is Single Parenthood. You take a man out of the equation and there is NO ORDER. What does a woman know about Order anyhow they don't even understand JUSTICE if you look at the divorce rates, child support, alimony, etc. Also we can see their brutality when it comes to violence.
For instance, now maybe it's just me, but the most brutal fights i have seen in my adolescence were girl fights. But what does it show, that women are not taught justice, order, honor, fairness etc. Everything real men are taught. The Courts as the brothers on the board have shown that Judges give out "special brands of Justice" to women (aka Pussy Passes) even when they are out of order. Now what gets me is that women want a man to be "in order" and "to go in order" but the woman herself is out of her. The best example of was when Shockalate was talking how the man has to be the hunter and what not but she herself was not in order as Brotha Quest 07 proved. Women themselves have they own order they have to follow. Everything in this world has a natural order and when something goes out of order, the natural order is out of balance.
Now as I have said before, Single motherhood has gotten women out of order. And what do you have? A very high rate of children delinquency. Any child psychologist will tell you that mother-father relationship is key in the development of the child. But if there is no relationship, the child becomes underdeveloped. Thus the child become off balance. True Fathers bring the balance to their families and to the home. They literally bring the order to the family. But if there is no Father present, where is the order? Women always talk about they want a "good man", which they are saying they want a man that will bring some order, but they themselves are persons of or adhere to order. Think about it, you're always fighting with a woman because realistically she does not want to grow the fuck up. Women today are in what I like to call their 2nd Childhood. You got to treat them like they are your damn kids and then when they do something, they act like they do not know right from wrong. And when you tell them something, what is the number one thing you here? YOU AIN'T MY DADDY! I'M FUCKING GROWN! DON'T TALK TO ME LIKE I'M SOME DAMN KID! Yet and still these are the women that act their shoe size and not their age.
When you have women who are out of order themselves, then you have children, communities, society itself all out of order. My Uncle Told me this and I never have forgot it, "REAL MEN LOVE ORDER." However, we have at least two generations (and that number may be too generous) of men raised without order in the home. So that breeds chaos within state and future generations that know nothing about order. Why? "Because Mama can't teach what Mama don't know." BMV is all about family. What this means is that we are men who believe in order, (And we will let a bitch burn if she does not respect that). You know how when you have a judge tell a defendant "you're out of order?" Well these women are way out of order, but it takes Strong men, Spartans, to put them back into order. Not just them but these damn simps they got roaming around here. Now i'm not saying marry ankles. Let them hoes burn to a damn crisp. But what I am saying is restore order back into family, community, state, courts, government etc. Do what the Bro's here do everyday and continue to Speak out about the injustices we see everyday. We Spartans may be outnumbered but we can out endure the enemy and it is endurance that wins wars.
I hope I got my points across. I just really needed to write this for myself. Respect to the Bruhs on the board."
Friday, August 21, 2009
Thursday, July 16, 2009
That's Not My Pussy, That's My Woman
While Baby Boy knew that
Evette was his pussy
I knew that she was my woman
While niggas where concerned
with finding pussy, I was concerned
with making her my woman
Man was not made to be alone
and with her I am not
for see is my woman
the rib I traded in
for god to give me
Yeah, that's my woman
While you're steady looking
for Ms. Pretty Pussy
I found Ms. Lady
and Ms. Lady is
a whole lotta woman
indeed she is more than a woman
because she is my woman
See, while you're an
ugly gremlin looking ass
pussy monster that needs
to be fed pussy. She found
a handsome king that feed her
soul as she feeds mines and loves
the itis feeling we get as we both
drift off into sleep in each other's arms
While you boast how good
your head game and pussy skills are
She showed me her mind and her spirit
and how she is alot more than just
a big ass, nice tits, a pretty face, and
Now tell me, Ain't she a woman?
She is such a fuckin lady
Don't want her to be my
baby's mama, but the mother
of my children, the rock that
holds this family together
The woman of this house
And while you try to beat it up
I BEAT IT OUT! I make her cum
physically, mentally, and spirtually
that's muliples time three
showing the true meaning of
a multi-orgasmic man
While they are concerned with
how man women they got
I got one, cause like Nas
all I need is one mic
Tyrese said all I need is one girl
and one girl I got
A queen that sits high on her throne
she kicks ass and she takes names
and women pretender and fakes
come for her crown
She stays her sword hand and
kills them with a word
for she is a woman of truth
while they proclaim that
they are a boss bitch
My woman is a boss. Bitch!
While niggas invested in pussy
who's stock plumits like the Great Depression
I invested in woman. A woman
and her stock is always going up
giving me residual income
and making my soul rich
because she is worth more that gold
A Virtuous and Phenomenal woman
yeah, that's her to the T
So when you see my girl
trying to smash and
get your boyfriend number 2 on
cause you're tryin to "get pussy"
don't be shocked or suprised
when you're access is denied
and she demisses yo ass
and tells you that that
Evette was his pussy
I knew that she was my woman
While niggas where concerned
with finding pussy, I was concerned
with making her my woman
Man was not made to be alone
and with her I am not
for see is my woman
the rib I traded in
for god to give me
Yeah, that's my woman
While you're steady looking
for Ms. Pretty Pussy
I found Ms. Lady
and Ms. Lady is
a whole lotta woman
indeed she is more than a woman
because she is my woman
See, while you're an
ugly gremlin looking ass
pussy monster that needs
to be fed pussy. She found
a handsome king that feed her
soul as she feeds mines and loves
the itis feeling we get as we both
drift off into sleep in each other's arms
While you boast how good
your head game and pussy skills are
She showed me her mind and her spirit
and how she is alot more than just
a big ass, nice tits, a pretty face, and
Now tell me, Ain't she a woman?
She is such a fuckin lady
Don't want her to be my
baby's mama, but the mother
of my children, the rock that
holds this family together
The woman of this house
And while you try to beat it up
I BEAT IT OUT! I make her cum
physically, mentally, and spirtually
that's muliples time three
showing the true meaning of
a multi-orgasmic man
While they are concerned with
how man women they got
I got one, cause like Nas
all I need is one mic
Tyrese said all I need is one girl
and one girl I got
A queen that sits high on her throne
she kicks ass and she takes names
and women pretender and fakes
come for her crown
She stays her sword hand and
kills them with a word
for she is a woman of truth
while they proclaim that
they are a boss bitch
My woman is a boss. Bitch!
While niggas invested in pussy
who's stock plumits like the Great Depression
I invested in woman. A woman
and her stock is always going up
giving me residual income
and making my soul rich
because she is worth more that gold
A Virtuous and Phenomenal woman
yeah, that's her to the T
So when you see my girl
trying to smash and
get your boyfriend number 2 on
cause you're tryin to "get pussy"
don't be shocked or suprised
when you're access is denied
and she demisses yo ass
and tells you that that
Dear Summer 7/16/09
Dear Summer,
Thought about you today and had to write you again. I'm here in Atlanta all alone and wishing you were. I wish I could have you meet my great grandparents, if they were still alive, to show you how I want my marriage to be. I know i often rant about my family issues but it's only because I'm disgusted at what I see. I see nothing but hyenas and if you know anything about hyenas clan, they are governed by women and the men are on the bottom of the totem pole. I don't see myself as a hyena I see myself as a Lion and I will stand up as Man and play my natural role as one. I think of you and you bring the Lion out in me more and you let me be the Lion and i love that about you. I know what the bible says and all but I just don't feel like I should do that under the expense of me being emasculated as a man. But anyway, I wanna thank you for accepting me as I am and taking me as I am. I know I have faults and I can try your patience but inspite of all of that you still like me as I am and you don't try to change me. You give me encouraging words and you just talk to me. I love to talk and show parts of myself that I never get to show and i love doing that with you. There's apart in DMX's song Dogs for Life that I love because that how I want my relationship to be, it goes:
"Now who I am is who Ill be until I die, either accept it or dont fuck withIt. But if we gon be dogs then you stuck with it!Let me go my way but walk with meSee what I see, watch me then, talk with me. Share my pain, make it a little easier to deal with it. Cause despite all the fame you Im a keep it real with it (true)! Rob and steal withcha dog nigga whatRide till we die, on till its up.Love is love and I enjoy the love, But when its conflict then it destroys the love.You cant toy with love, niggas take to the heart. You aint gon find too many niggas willing to, bark in the dark.(come on!)Keep your head from the start, dont fuck it up now, Later on they be hit like, fuck it how? ? You my dog and I die for you, keep it like that, Give me unconditional love, and I give it right back."
That's how I see where we are going. I like that you are not afraid to go there with me and I can tell you anything without being judged. You are so understanding that it amazes me. And then I think about the movie scarface and I say to myself "She's a Tiger". And that what you are to me Summer, A tiger. I remember seeing a documentary on Tigers and how they were like a keystone to a bridge. And that's what you are to me Summer a keystone to the bridge we are building with each other. Eventhough we are still working on the foundations. we are still building something that is wonderful in my eyes. I know i can be jealous when it comes to you, but hell you're beautiful and beyond. I always know there will guys swooning over you, but I just be like, "damn give her room to breathe, you messing up my time with my baby. Soak up sum game and get your on and get off of mine." However, I know that you are with me and you are not going no where and you show me that everyday. There are times when I envy you just for being the way you are, having the kind of parents and siblings you have. Don't get me wrong, I'm content, but it's like, wow! That's what i strive for with my own kids because i didn't have that. Now, it was all bad, but it seems like it's getting worse as I get older and those happy times are just memories.
Summer you inspire me to do so much. I think of ways to show you how much I care or feel about you. You just have my imagination working overtime. I was in the pool by myself thinking about playing in the pool with you, kissing you, and just holding you. There are just times when I just want to go on a series of adventures with you and just see the world with you and experience so much with you at my side. Sometimes I see you as home, and I can't wait to come home. So summer if you ever wanted me there to stay all you have to do say come home and i will come with the quickness, through hell or high water lol. I love our teamwork, and how we communicate on everything. Like nothing is to big or too much that we can't talk about. It's Like we have our own inside joke that only we know about and wouldn't make sense to the rest of the world. I want to always keep strong communication with you. Like I always say, It's you and me against world, and I'm always ready to fight and to go to war. I have never wanted to fight or protect something so much the way i want to with you. I see you as a precious gift as a Queen that I must defend in order to save the kingdom. A woman of peace and serenity, that's what you are. A beautiful dove that has come to tell Noah that the flood is coming to an end. Thank you for being you Summer and allowing me to be me.
I Like You.
Thought about you today and had to write you again. I'm here in Atlanta all alone and wishing you were. I wish I could have you meet my great grandparents, if they were still alive, to show you how I want my marriage to be. I know i often rant about my family issues but it's only because I'm disgusted at what I see. I see nothing but hyenas and if you know anything about hyenas clan, they are governed by women and the men are on the bottom of the totem pole. I don't see myself as a hyena I see myself as a Lion and I will stand up as Man and play my natural role as one. I think of you and you bring the Lion out in me more and you let me be the Lion and i love that about you. I know what the bible says and all but I just don't feel like I should do that under the expense of me being emasculated as a man. But anyway, I wanna thank you for accepting me as I am and taking me as I am. I know I have faults and I can try your patience but inspite of all of that you still like me as I am and you don't try to change me. You give me encouraging words and you just talk to me. I love to talk and show parts of myself that I never get to show and i love doing that with you. There's apart in DMX's song Dogs for Life that I love because that how I want my relationship to be, it goes:
"Now who I am is who Ill be until I die, either accept it or dont fuck withIt. But if we gon be dogs then you stuck with it!Let me go my way but walk with meSee what I see, watch me then, talk with me. Share my pain, make it a little easier to deal with it. Cause despite all the fame you Im a keep it real with it (true)! Rob and steal withcha dog nigga whatRide till we die, on till its up.Love is love and I enjoy the love, But when its conflict then it destroys the love.You cant toy with love, niggas take to the heart. You aint gon find too many niggas willing to, bark in the dark.(come on!)Keep your head from the start, dont fuck it up now, Later on they be hit like, fuck it how? ? You my dog and I die for you, keep it like that, Give me unconditional love, and I give it right back."
That's how I see where we are going. I like that you are not afraid to go there with me and I can tell you anything without being judged. You are so understanding that it amazes me. And then I think about the movie scarface and I say to myself "She's a Tiger". And that what you are to me Summer, A tiger. I remember seeing a documentary on Tigers and how they were like a keystone to a bridge. And that's what you are to me Summer a keystone to the bridge we are building with each other. Eventhough we are still working on the foundations. we are still building something that is wonderful in my eyes. I know i can be jealous when it comes to you, but hell you're beautiful and beyond. I always know there will guys swooning over you, but I just be like, "damn give her room to breathe, you messing up my time with my baby. Soak up sum game and get your on and get off of mine." However, I know that you are with me and you are not going no where and you show me that everyday. There are times when I envy you just for being the way you are, having the kind of parents and siblings you have. Don't get me wrong, I'm content, but it's like, wow! That's what i strive for with my own kids because i didn't have that. Now, it was all bad, but it seems like it's getting worse as I get older and those happy times are just memories.
Summer you inspire me to do so much. I think of ways to show you how much I care or feel about you. You just have my imagination working overtime. I was in the pool by myself thinking about playing in the pool with you, kissing you, and just holding you. There are just times when I just want to go on a series of adventures with you and just see the world with you and experience so much with you at my side. Sometimes I see you as home, and I can't wait to come home. So summer if you ever wanted me there to stay all you have to do say come home and i will come with the quickness, through hell or high water lol. I love our teamwork, and how we communicate on everything. Like nothing is to big or too much that we can't talk about. It's Like we have our own inside joke that only we know about and wouldn't make sense to the rest of the world. I want to always keep strong communication with you. Like I always say, It's you and me against world, and I'm always ready to fight and to go to war. I have never wanted to fight or protect something so much the way i want to with you. I see you as a precious gift as a Queen that I must defend in order to save the kingdom. A woman of peace and serenity, that's what you are. A beautiful dove that has come to tell Noah that the flood is coming to an end. Thank you for being you Summer and allowing me to be me.
I Like You.
Friday, July 3, 2009
Dear Summer
Dear Summer,
I had a beautiful time last night and today. I've been waiting for that moment for a long time. I am so happy today that I could sing Frankie Beverly and Maze all day. Me personally I have something to smile and be happy about but I can't let no one know. Then I wonder how long will this feeling last. I wonder if it will ever end. Being the situation that it is I know I have the most to lose however, I am still willing to go on. Sometimes I just say this, "I am fortune's fool", because that is how I feel sometimes. Seasons change, they come and go just like people, but what if I don't want you to end Summer? My third eye is open and I contemplate the "If's", yet I still choose to ignore what I see because I have faith and hope. I have never been this happy and because of you Summer other people have seen it too. I smile when you're around and when you talk to me, I share myself with you and feel normal around you. Passionate love making we make with our minds is beyond words. It like a beautiful jazz song that only we could hear and understand. But then I listen to the song from Swing Out Sister, When "The Laughter Is Over", and wonder will it ever be over truly? Will you just be a memory and no longer a reality? Was everything we had a lie or was truly genuine? I don't think of it much, because I don't want to think of it. I would rather have you in my arms looking at a sunset over a beach as if we where looking at our future. There is so much I want to do now and really get it done, because you inspire me to do so. How I want to lay in your lap and have you kiss me and tell me everything is gonna be alright. I'm listening to music wishing I could have u to slow dance with. You are something else Summer. I'm glad to have met you. I hope one day you will find me. Hope to see you soon. I wish upon you nothing but blessings... My sweet, loving and dear Summer...
I had a beautiful time last night and today. I've been waiting for that moment for a long time. I am so happy today that I could sing Frankie Beverly and Maze all day. Me personally I have something to smile and be happy about but I can't let no one know. Then I wonder how long will this feeling last. I wonder if it will ever end. Being the situation that it is I know I have the most to lose however, I am still willing to go on. Sometimes I just say this, "I am fortune's fool", because that is how I feel sometimes. Seasons change, they come and go just like people, but what if I don't want you to end Summer? My third eye is open and I contemplate the "If's", yet I still choose to ignore what I see because I have faith and hope. I have never been this happy and because of you Summer other people have seen it too. I smile when you're around and when you talk to me, I share myself with you and feel normal around you. Passionate love making we make with our minds is beyond words. It like a beautiful jazz song that only we could hear and understand. But then I listen to the song from Swing Out Sister, When "The Laughter Is Over", and wonder will it ever be over truly? Will you just be a memory and no longer a reality? Was everything we had a lie or was truly genuine? I don't think of it much, because I don't want to think of it. I would rather have you in my arms looking at a sunset over a beach as if we where looking at our future. There is so much I want to do now and really get it done, because you inspire me to do so. How I want to lay in your lap and have you kiss me and tell me everything is gonna be alright. I'm listening to music wishing I could have u to slow dance with. You are something else Summer. I'm glad to have met you. I hope one day you will find me. Hope to see you soon. I wish upon you nothing but blessings... My sweet, loving and dear Summer...
Black Women : Pride Comes Before Destruction
The sister is speaking some truth. Listen and hear what she is saying, because there are still good black women out there calling out to the others that have lost their way.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Commentary: Lets End Disposable Marriage
I had to post this. This is where America is heading if we do not protect and uphold marriage and fatherhood. It's is basically suicidal and all you will have is a country in chaos.
By Leah Ward Sears
Special to CNN
Editor's note: Leah Ward Sears stepped down this week as Chief Justice of the Georgia Supreme Court. In 1992, she became the first woman -- and youngest person -- appointed to Georgia's highest court.
ATLANTA, Georgia (CNN) -- After Tommy's sudden death, we found among my brother's personal effects a questionnaire he had completed in 2005 for a church class.
The very first question was a fill-in-the-blank that went like this: "At the end of my life, I'd love to be able to look back and know I'd done something about ....."
"Fathers," Tommy wrote.
When asked to identify something that angered him that could be changed, Tommy wrote, "Re-establishment of equity and balance and sanity within the American family."
My brother was born to be a father, and he grew into a good and loving one. Tommy was tall and handsome, smart, witty and fun. A graduate of the Naval Academy and a Stanford-educated lawyer, he married and fathered a little girl and boy who were the center of his life.
Tommy felt that one of the worst problems in our country today was family breakdown and fatherlessness. He railed against intentional unwed childbearing and the ease with which divorce was possible. He didn't like that we have become a society that values the rights of adults to do their own thing over our responsibility to protect our children.
As a judge I have long held a front row seat to the wreckage left behind by our culture of disposable marriage and casual divorce that my brother so despised.
No-fault divorce was a response to a very real problem. The social and legal landscape that preceded it largely prevented casual divorce, but it often trapped people in abusive marriages. It also turned divorces into even uglier affairs than they are today, forcing people to expose in court damaging information about their children's other parent. That system was intolerable, and we should never go back to that.
But no-fault divorce's broad acceptance as an unquestioned social good helped usher in an era that fundamentally altered the seriousness with which marriage is viewed. It effectively ended marriage as a legal contract since either party can terminate it, with or without cause. This leaves many people struggling to remake their lives after painful divorces that they do not want. It also left many parents cut off from, or sidelined in, the lives of the children they love.
When Tommy divorced, as in so many cases, a bitter struggle over resources and the children ensued. My brother came to believe that the legal system turned him into a mere visitor of his children.
Tommy eventually accepted a job as a lawyer for the State Department and went to Iraq (and later to Dubai) in order to make the money needed to support his children. Being in a war zone, under terrible conditions without the children he loved, was unbearable to him.
On November 5, 2007, my phone rang before daybreak. A U.S. Foreign Service officer was on the other line. Was I the sister of William Thomas Sears?
I knew before I was told what had happened. Tommy had died. But the cause took my breath away: My brother had taken his own life.
I know I'll never understand fully all that factored into his decision to kill himself. No doubt Tommy was wrestling with more demons than he had ever admitted to me or knew himself. But as a divorcee myself and, for a number of years, a single parent, I know the immense pain of divorce and its aftermath. The limitations the law placed on Tommy's right to raise his own children after his divorce magnified my brother's pain and was, I believe, more than he could live with.
Tommy was only 53 when he committed suicide. That was more than a year ago, and I am still learning to live without him and live with the fact that this man I looked up to all my life chose to end his own life.
Tommy's loss has catapulted me even farther down a path I was already on. This may sound like heresy, but I believe the United States and a host of Western democracies are engaged in an unintended campaign to diminish the importance of marriage and fatherhood. By refusing to do everything we can to stem the rising rate of divorce and unwed childbearing, our country often isolates fathers (and sometimes mothers) from their children and their families.
Of course, there are occasions when divorce is necessary. And not everyone should marry. But it has become too easy for people to walk away from their families and commitments without a real regard for the gravity of their decision and the consequences for other people, particularly children.
Removing no-fault divorce as a legal option may not be the right way to move forward, and the solutions we need may not be entirely legal in nature. But answers must be found. The coupling and uncoupling we've become accustomed to undermines our democracy, destroys our families and devastates the lives of our children, who are not as resilient as we may wish to think. The one-parent norm, which is necessary and successful in many cases, nevertheless often creates a host of other problems, from poverty to crime, teen pregnancy and drug abuse.
The loss of my brother has changed my life, as these losses so often do to people. This summer, after 26 years, I'm hanging up my robe as a judge to return to private practice.
I will spend some of my time teaching a course in family law at the University of Georgia Law School. And I have accepted a fellowship at the Institute of American Values in New York -- a private, nonprofit, nonpartisan organization that contributes intellectually to strengthening families and civil society in the United States and the world.
At my request, the fellowship is named after my brother. As the William Thomas Sears Distinguished Fellow in Family Law, perhaps now I can truly do "something about fathers" -- a mission I'm on for Tommy and a critical calling for all of us.
By Leah Ward Sears
Special to CNN
Editor's note: Leah Ward Sears stepped down this week as Chief Justice of the Georgia Supreme Court. In 1992, she became the first woman -- and youngest person -- appointed to Georgia's highest court.
ATLANTA, Georgia (CNN) -- After Tommy's sudden death, we found among my brother's personal effects a questionnaire he had completed in 2005 for a church class.
The very first question was a fill-in-the-blank that went like this: "At the end of my life, I'd love to be able to look back and know I'd done something about ....."
"Fathers," Tommy wrote.
When asked to identify something that angered him that could be changed, Tommy wrote, "Re-establishment of equity and balance and sanity within the American family."
My brother was born to be a father, and he grew into a good and loving one. Tommy was tall and handsome, smart, witty and fun. A graduate of the Naval Academy and a Stanford-educated lawyer, he married and fathered a little girl and boy who were the center of his life.
Tommy felt that one of the worst problems in our country today was family breakdown and fatherlessness. He railed against intentional unwed childbearing and the ease with which divorce was possible. He didn't like that we have become a society that values the rights of adults to do their own thing over our responsibility to protect our children.
As a judge I have long held a front row seat to the wreckage left behind by our culture of disposable marriage and casual divorce that my brother so despised.
No-fault divorce was a response to a very real problem. The social and legal landscape that preceded it largely prevented casual divorce, but it often trapped people in abusive marriages. It also turned divorces into even uglier affairs than they are today, forcing people to expose in court damaging information about their children's other parent. That system was intolerable, and we should never go back to that.
But no-fault divorce's broad acceptance as an unquestioned social good helped usher in an era that fundamentally altered the seriousness with which marriage is viewed. It effectively ended marriage as a legal contract since either party can terminate it, with or without cause. This leaves many people struggling to remake their lives after painful divorces that they do not want. It also left many parents cut off from, or sidelined in, the lives of the children they love.
When Tommy divorced, as in so many cases, a bitter struggle over resources and the children ensued. My brother came to believe that the legal system turned him into a mere visitor of his children.
Tommy eventually accepted a job as a lawyer for the State Department and went to Iraq (and later to Dubai) in order to make the money needed to support his children. Being in a war zone, under terrible conditions without the children he loved, was unbearable to him.
On November 5, 2007, my phone rang before daybreak. A U.S. Foreign Service officer was on the other line. Was I the sister of William Thomas Sears?
I knew before I was told what had happened. Tommy had died. But the cause took my breath away: My brother had taken his own life.
I know I'll never understand fully all that factored into his decision to kill himself. No doubt Tommy was wrestling with more demons than he had ever admitted to me or knew himself. But as a divorcee myself and, for a number of years, a single parent, I know the immense pain of divorce and its aftermath. The limitations the law placed on Tommy's right to raise his own children after his divorce magnified my brother's pain and was, I believe, more than he could live with.
Tommy was only 53 when he committed suicide. That was more than a year ago, and I am still learning to live without him and live with the fact that this man I looked up to all my life chose to end his own life.
Tommy's loss has catapulted me even farther down a path I was already on. This may sound like heresy, but I believe the United States and a host of Western democracies are engaged in an unintended campaign to diminish the importance of marriage and fatherhood. By refusing to do everything we can to stem the rising rate of divorce and unwed childbearing, our country often isolates fathers (and sometimes mothers) from their children and their families.
Of course, there are occasions when divorce is necessary. And not everyone should marry. But it has become too easy for people to walk away from their families and commitments without a real regard for the gravity of their decision and the consequences for other people, particularly children.
Removing no-fault divorce as a legal option may not be the right way to move forward, and the solutions we need may not be entirely legal in nature. But answers must be found. The coupling and uncoupling we've become accustomed to undermines our democracy, destroys our families and devastates the lives of our children, who are not as resilient as we may wish to think. The one-parent norm, which is necessary and successful in many cases, nevertheless often creates a host of other problems, from poverty to crime, teen pregnancy and drug abuse.
The loss of my brother has changed my life, as these losses so often do to people. This summer, after 26 years, I'm hanging up my robe as a judge to return to private practice.
I will spend some of my time teaching a course in family law at the University of Georgia Law School. And I have accepted a fellowship at the Institute of American Values in New York -- a private, nonprofit, nonpartisan organization that contributes intellectually to strengthening families and civil society in the United States and the world.
At my request, the fellowship is named after my brother. As the William Thomas Sears Distinguished Fellow in Family Law, perhaps now I can truly do "something about fathers" -- a mission I'm on for Tommy and a critical calling for all of us.
The Crucixion of The Virtuous Woman: Intro
I have been struggling with this topic for a long time. I have always loved the essence of woman and what made woman who she was. As I look at woman today I do not like what I see. Usually it is the faults and problems of men that you hear about. One has to be watchful of one that points the finger at someone and shouts out loud about it, because usually they are doing it to keep eyes off of them and the crimes they are doing behind everyone's back. Therefore, this author is going to talk about today's woman. Because I am an African-America man, my writing is mostly about the African-American woman of today. However, this does not mean that women in America of different ethnic backgrounds do not have the same similarities or problems. These problems can be seen in any country in the world, it just so happens to be abundant in North America and Europe.
This piece was inspired by many things. My love for theology, woman, men's issues with today's woman, women in my life and above all Eve. Still, the greatest influence to write this piece came from listening to Jill Scott's poem "The Thickness". No matter how I may feel about Jill Scott and her hypocrisy, her music is excellent and this poem really moved me. I would listen i think about woman and how she relates to this poem. So, I saw the woman in the poem as today's woman and how she has changed for the worse. I saw the narrator as the essence or natural spirit that is woman or woman of antiquity watching her in sadness. Thus through this poem, I came up with the idea that the true essence of woman has been crucified and needed to be resurrected. I would listen to this poem and change up the lines in the poem a little bit saying that, "She's been degraded, exploited, corrupted, polluted, not celebrated, crucifed and assassinated by her sister's very own hatred." "May she be resurrected." So I would think about this poem and ask myself why has this happened? I began to look for answers and observe.
Although this is a blueprint to an actual piece I will come up with that has alot of objective facts, this is still my opinion. This is what me and alot of men talk about with each other and search for answers to this. However this is not directed to all African-American women, but if this is you, then I am talking about you. This is dedicated to woman who will one day be my wife and the women who each had a piece of her inside of them good, bad or indifferent. This is also a "calling out" to the African-American woman. When i first wrote about woman I titled it "Callings to Ishshah" of "Callings to Woman". It wrote it as if man was calling to woman hoping that she heard him. As dedicate this also to myself as self-centered as it may seem. It is a reminder for me to keep my passion and to remember to do what I am passionate about and be world class at it, which is teach and write. If I am wrong then I will say that I am wrong. Until then, I will forever "write what I see and see what I write."
This piece was inspired by many things. My love for theology, woman, men's issues with today's woman, women in my life and above all Eve. Still, the greatest influence to write this piece came from listening to Jill Scott's poem "The Thickness". No matter how I may feel about Jill Scott and her hypocrisy, her music is excellent and this poem really moved me. I would listen i think about woman and how she relates to this poem. So, I saw the woman in the poem as today's woman and how she has changed for the worse. I saw the narrator as the essence or natural spirit that is woman or woman of antiquity watching her in sadness. Thus through this poem, I came up with the idea that the true essence of woman has been crucified and needed to be resurrected. I would listen to this poem and change up the lines in the poem a little bit saying that, "She's been degraded, exploited, corrupted, polluted, not celebrated, crucifed and assassinated by her sister's very own hatred." "May she be resurrected." So I would think about this poem and ask myself why has this happened? I began to look for answers and observe.
Although this is a blueprint to an actual piece I will come up with that has alot of objective facts, this is still my opinion. This is what me and alot of men talk about with each other and search for answers to this. However this is not directed to all African-American women, but if this is you, then I am talking about you. This is dedicated to woman who will one day be my wife and the women who each had a piece of her inside of them good, bad or indifferent. This is also a "calling out" to the African-American woman. When i first wrote about woman I titled it "Callings to Ishshah" of "Callings to Woman". It wrote it as if man was calling to woman hoping that she heard him. As dedicate this also to myself as self-centered as it may seem. It is a reminder for me to keep my passion and to remember to do what I am passionate about and be world class at it, which is teach and write. If I am wrong then I will say that I am wrong. Until then, I will forever "write what I see and see what I write."
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
It's No Secret
U know truthfully, there is no secret because the secret is out. The numbers do not lie and it's just sad as hell really. But what can you do? What can you do?..........
Friday, June 26, 2009
Men Cry In The Dark
No this is not about the book at all, it's just the pic. However the title says it all. We as Men do cry in the Dark. Women want us to be emotional and what not all out in the open but it's not that simple. We as men can't show certain kinds of emotions out in the open because it weakens us even to our women at times. You show too much emotion and you're seen as a weakling and a punk. But in the dark there are certain emotions a man can show because who is going to see him? No one that's who! This doesn't mean that you can't show love to your woman or child. But things like crying you just can't do, women will think you were a bitch if you did. So we cry in the dark. But you know it's good that we do cry in the dark because whether they know it or not, it is a challenge for a woman. See a spiritually weak woman is afraid of the dark, and you will not find too many women willing to walk in the dark. But even in darkness there is light and in that light you will find your man. See even a man wants to be found and you will find him in the dark dealing with all the ills that world throws at him fighting against them and dealing with them. I think that is how all men have dealt with their problems. In the dark where no one can see and he can battle them without interruption or ridicule or whatever. If you are spiritually strong woman you can find your man and embrace him and let him know that you are in the dark with him ready to fight with him and console him in the end. That's a magnificent woman who can do that because not alot can.
Good Game from Alexyss K Tylor
I love Alexyss cause she spit real game but in a country ignorant way but she is articulate and educated. Not to mention she's a beautiful older woman that is aging gracefully. Anyway, Enjoy people...
Thursday, June 25, 2009
RIP Michael Jackson
I can't believe he's gone. I learned how to dance because of him. I remember having his albums on record not on tape but record. This is just sad day, can't say anymore.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Black Women Zombies
I wrote this awhile ago for a message board and now I am bringing it to my blog. I still feel that it is true and I stand by it all the way.
"I just thought about this. I was remembering when i went through my greatest hurt with a woman and I talked to my sister. I'll never forget what she told me cause she said I was talking to a dead woman and that I was trying to bring her back to life. Since I been on this site I realized something just now, alot of these Black Women are dead women. I mean that they are spiritually dead. As Denzel said in Malcolm X, "You are dead spiritually, you dead to the knowledge of yourself, you are dead to the knowledge of your people, and you are dead to the knowledge of your God."
"These women are just like zombies and they bringing forth half dead children. And these grave digging ass simps are digging them up trying to revive them but you can't revive someone that's already dead. I mean you got women that go to church yet because they are spiritually dead, the word of God doesn't nurture their souls (even if they know the bible word for word). Now I understand what it really means when BMV coined the term "Let em Burn", because you have to leave dead people behind and in the grave where they belong (and what do u do with zombie bodies? U let em burn). You have to become one with a women that is alive not dead. I now understand the wall of silence is to keep out the zombies from infecting us good men and turning us into spiritually dead men. Cause lets think about it these women claim how educated they are but none of them is smarter than Granny, Big Momma etc. who never went to college. Big momma had wisdom along with intelligence and that's why we love her and wish she was alive in women today. Now I understand so much and I can see it. That's just the epiphany I had tonight, thought I'd share lol... What do y'all think?"
Now this is why I say i have a sixth sense because I do see dead people, spiritually dead people. It saddens and disappoint me the most that I see it most in Black women. I'm not saying all but the majority, that is a definite yes. I guess it's sad because we are a spiritual people and black women of today want to claim the great legacy of Black women throughout time, yet they do not have the great wisdom and spiritual power that these women once had. Either they lost it or gave it up. Sometimes you do all that you can, and when you done all you can, you can't do no more. It's like that Three Six Mafia Song "Don't Save her, She don't wanna be Saved", and it's true. I look at these women and I think of Elsa from "Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade". Elsa choose the wrong grail and donovan lost his life and what did the knight say? "He Chose Poorly." Therefore if he chose poorly so did Elsa, right? Now Indiana has the grail chooses wisely and save his father and Elsa tries to still the grail knowing she can't go with it beyond the great seal. Elsa looses her life, because her dumb ass wouldn't give her other hand to Indiana Jones.
See alot of these women are just like that, they will lose themselves and there souls to have it all or whatever they consider to be like the holy grail to them. But the crazy shyt, is when simps try to go after these women like they are holy grail and lose their life trying to reach it. Now let me break it down to you of this significance. The Holy Grail is the World, Worldly things, Sin, Man, Woman etc. Elsa is Woman, Indiana Jones is Man, and Sean Connery AKA Henry Jones is God. Now Man holds on to woman as hard as he can but because of the greed or any kind of sin in her soul, she is lost to him because of it and due to her own fault. Now Indiana goes after the grail and he can reach it but he's about to make the same mistake as Elsa. Now sidebar, Most of them damn simps have already lost their lives trying to reach the Holy Grail but it is what it is, they weren't worth saving either. But what saves him is when his father calls his name and tells him to let it go. Now that is the sign of a person that is spiritually alive. This is true for men and women. We may not hear god all the time but when he calls out our name, we know to listen and to give him our other hand. Now another sidebar real quick, I am going to change the significance of the holy grail to faith, Jesus, God etc. for the last part. At the End of the Movie. Indiana is sad about losing Elsa and is Father tells him, "Elsa never really believed in the Grail. She thought she found a prize." Brothers, we made feel bad losing a woman or anything but we survived the crucible and we are still alive. As Antwan Fisher said, "I'm still standing, I'm still Strong." Well I guess that concludes this rant or whatever for the day lol. Use your sixth sense and stay away from them damn zombies. That goes the same for u ladies lol....
"I just thought about this. I was remembering when i went through my greatest hurt with a woman and I talked to my sister. I'll never forget what she told me cause she said I was talking to a dead woman and that I was trying to bring her back to life. Since I been on this site I realized something just now, alot of these Black Women are dead women. I mean that they are spiritually dead. As Denzel said in Malcolm X, "You are dead spiritually, you dead to the knowledge of yourself, you are dead to the knowledge of your people, and you are dead to the knowledge of your God."
"These women are just like zombies and they bringing forth half dead children. And these grave digging ass simps are digging them up trying to revive them but you can't revive someone that's already dead. I mean you got women that go to church yet because they are spiritually dead, the word of God doesn't nurture their souls (even if they know the bible word for word). Now I understand what it really means when BMV coined the term "Let em Burn", because you have to leave dead people behind and in the grave where they belong (and what do u do with zombie bodies? U let em burn). You have to become one with a women that is alive not dead. I now understand the wall of silence is to keep out the zombies from infecting us good men and turning us into spiritually dead men. Cause lets think about it these women claim how educated they are but none of them is smarter than Granny, Big Momma etc. who never went to college. Big momma had wisdom along with intelligence and that's why we love her and wish she was alive in women today. Now I understand so much and I can see it. That's just the epiphany I had tonight, thought I'd share lol... What do y'all think?"
Now this is why I say i have a sixth sense because I do see dead people, spiritually dead people. It saddens and disappoint me the most that I see it most in Black women. I'm not saying all but the majority, that is a definite yes. I guess it's sad because we are a spiritual people and black women of today want to claim the great legacy of Black women throughout time, yet they do not have the great wisdom and spiritual power that these women once had. Either they lost it or gave it up. Sometimes you do all that you can, and when you done all you can, you can't do no more. It's like that Three Six Mafia Song "Don't Save her, She don't wanna be Saved", and it's true. I look at these women and I think of Elsa from "Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade". Elsa choose the wrong grail and donovan lost his life and what did the knight say? "He Chose Poorly." Therefore if he chose poorly so did Elsa, right? Now Indiana has the grail chooses wisely and save his father and Elsa tries to still the grail knowing she can't go with it beyond the great seal. Elsa looses her life, because her dumb ass wouldn't give her other hand to Indiana Jones.
See alot of these women are just like that, they will lose themselves and there souls to have it all or whatever they consider to be like the holy grail to them. But the crazy shyt, is when simps try to go after these women like they are holy grail and lose their life trying to reach it. Now let me break it down to you of this significance. The Holy Grail is the World, Worldly things, Sin, Man, Woman etc. Elsa is Woman, Indiana Jones is Man, and Sean Connery AKA Henry Jones is God. Now Man holds on to woman as hard as he can but because of the greed or any kind of sin in her soul, she is lost to him because of it and due to her own fault. Now Indiana goes after the grail and he can reach it but he's about to make the same mistake as Elsa. Now sidebar, Most of them damn simps have already lost their lives trying to reach the Holy Grail but it is what it is, they weren't worth saving either. But what saves him is when his father calls his name and tells him to let it go. Now that is the sign of a person that is spiritually alive. This is true for men and women. We may not hear god all the time but when he calls out our name, we know to listen and to give him our other hand. Now another sidebar real quick, I am going to change the significance of the holy grail to faith, Jesus, God etc. for the last part. At the End of the Movie. Indiana is sad about losing Elsa and is Father tells him, "Elsa never really believed in the Grail. She thought she found a prize." Brothers, we made feel bad losing a woman or anything but we survived the crucible and we are still alive. As Antwan Fisher said, "I'm still standing, I'm still Strong." Well I guess that concludes this rant or whatever for the day lol. Use your sixth sense and stay away from them damn zombies. That goes the same for u ladies lol....
Say it ain't So Jill!
Today I found out Jill Scott is a single mother. I sorta feel pissed and betrayed because of all the things she talks about in her songs and now she goes and do this. Something about this just doesn't make sense to me, why would a man who is about to wife you leave after the baby is born it just don't add up? And then she says the the stupidest shyt in the world, "I was raised by a single mother and I came out fine." How does continuing the cycle you grew up in shows that you came out fine? I just don't get that. I'm on essence and all these women are supporting her, especially the single mothers like it's a cool thing and what not and IT'S NOT. Don't they know that the high child delinquency rate are due to being raised in single parent households as well as the high school drop out rate. I just feel like Jill is a hypocrite just like Erika Badu. But one of my friends said, that alot of them pro-black consciousness are very hypocritical and now I see what he is saying. I love Jill's song "The Fact Is I Need You", I think it was a TKO to the so called "Strong Independent" Woman, but now she does this and I'm like... WTF?... Well it is what it is SMH. Good luck to her, I guess...
Monday, June 22, 2009
Big Girls Need Love Too
This poems sums up how i feel about big women. Now there is nothing wrong with loving a big woman, because love is blind and you can't help who you love. However I do have a problem with the laziness of women today and they expect you to go along with it as if you are accepting who they really are and you are not. I have dated or had a crush on a few big women in my time i must admit. But I didn't see them for their size I saw them for the person they were inside truly. They were nice and cooperative and confident in who they were. Personally I prefer a woman, physically, that is of mid build with an hour glass shape body. I just like something i can hold on to and wrap my arms around(lol). Now I do have a problem with men that pump these women head up like if you big your beautiful. Not every big woman is beautiful and you will find alot that are more trouble and shallow than a chick that is skinny. Now me, I don't look at a big woman as a ugly woman, If she is big, I just think about a few factors that relate to me like: Is she healthy? Will she cook healthy things? If with my support will she want to work out? Will she get bigger as time go by? Will my children be born healthy and without complication? What physical health teachings will she teach my children? Can I have this woman on my arm and not worry about what others think? I don't know if that sounds shallow but those question comes to mind. As a guy my woman is a representation of who I am and the significance of a big woman does have a negative stigma on a man at times. I remember seeing this status that said "A man that likes a big girl is a man that thinks for himself" or something like that. Now a man that has factored everything in and loves his woman no matter what is a man that has courage and thinks for himself. But for the rest they date BBW's because they are supposedly easy or they have low standards. And to the women that says that Big women are apart of our culture, well, that is true but there just one thing. THEM CHICKS ARE RICH! In some African Cultures Big women are a social status of wealth and even royalty. But this is America. How many BBW's you know that are rich besides Mo'Nique, Oprah, and Queen Latifah? As far as broke men liking big women, this is true, but there are exceptions to the rule. But name one rich man that married a BBW before he or she made it rich?
Now personally, the most beautiful BBW I would marry and i don't care what no one thinks is Jill Scott. That woman has a beautiful spirit and is a rare find. But anyway, back to the matter at hand. There is something wrong when +70% of Black women are overweight or obese. It's even worse when they can predict that by 2034 100% will be overweight or obese. This is a problem that must be addressed. Fellas quit simpin not every big woman has a pretty face and beautiful spirit, they can be sassy and alot worse then skinny women. But who you decide to mess with is your own business. Ladies be who you really are inside, but take care yourselves healthy. It's all up to you. You ladies are the question and the answer to this.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
The Reeducation of the Black Authority... Straight Ether
There isn't much to say but.... CHECKMATE!!!!!!!!!!!
Stand? for what?
I watch this video and he had some good points till he got to interracial dating. I feel like we should keep our relationship views in the closet and unite on the common issues that unite us. Now to dictate if a man is black by the woman he has on his arm is foolish. Since when did we as men let pussy define who we are? This is why a stayed a virgin for so long because i believed that pussy didn't make me a man nor did it define who i am. For another man to tell me that I ain't black because i date outside my race is a bitch move. Cause that's what these ankle ass women do. I'm like as long as u love your wife and take care of your family, I could give a damn about what color she is. It's whatever to me. Hell the way it is looking you might have to date interracially if you want to find a better quality of woman because the picking are slime when it comes to black women the stats will show you that. I feel that a man or woman should find love and happiness wherever love takes them. I'm black whether a black woman is on my arm or not, that is something only God can take away from me.
I watch this video and he had some good points till he got to interracial dating. I feel like we should keep our relationship views in the closet and unite on the common issues that unite us. Now to dictate if a man is black by the woman he has on his arm is foolish. Since when did we as men let pussy define who we are? This is why a stayed a virgin for so long because i believed that pussy didn't make me a man nor did it define who i am. For another man to tell me that I ain't black because i date outside my race is a bitch move. Cause that's what these ankle ass women do. I'm like as long as u love your wife and take care of your family, I could give a damn about what color she is. It's whatever to me. Hell the way it is looking you might have to date interracially if you want to find a better quality of woman because the picking are slime when it comes to black women the stats will show you that. I feel that a man or woman should find love and happiness wherever love takes them. I'm black whether a black woman is on my arm or not, that is something only God can take away from me.
Happy Father's Day: My Thoughts on it
First Off, Happy Father's Day to all the Fathers out there. I know this is your day and you do not get the justice you deserve, not even from the President of the United States. I know that you can not get a break on you own day and not here about deadbeat dad's and men that ain't shyt by women. Even though you never here of nothing of the many irresponsible and trifling mother's on there on their own day. I know that roughly, only 3% of fathers are granted custody of there children in court. I know that inspite of the fact that you want to be a father you are pushed away by the mother of your child, yet you are hounded to be a better father. I know that it is not easy for you and I am truly sorry. I would like to salute you and show my respect to all those men who are good dad's and love their children. I'm not going to say to you that you need to step up and do more because we could say the same for mothers and that's all you hear from women and simp ass men anyway. I will say that you are irreplaceable, even thought women say that you are and they can do your job in raising children. I know that some of you are not the best dad's in the world, but atleast you try. Personally I didn't have the best dad in the world, and i can say figuratively speaking i have been raised by a single mother all my life. However, if it wasn't for that man that made me sit at the table and learn math and made me read the books i wanted, I wouldn't have been the success I am today. Sometimes you can't focus on what a person didn't do but what they did do. My dad played with me, gave me my diverse taste in music, he taught me to clean, tried to teach me how to cook, and how to manage money and much more. To my father's father thanks for giving me my love for old school hats i'll never forget that. To my mother's father thanks for being so loving at your old age and just being loving towards me. To my great grandfather thank you for teaching me that it's ok to be like you and to be a calm and kind man but still a strong man. Thanks for showing me that two people can stay together till death due us part. Thank you for giving me pride in our family and pride in where we come from. I hope to one day be like you and have a big family like you did. Now the men i mention (except great granddad lol)are far from being world class dad's but they did do some good things inspite of the bad and it is to that I give them credit. I hope to join the ranks of being a father and i hope i do the best i can towards my children. To all the Father's keep doing what you're doing. A Father's Love is sometimes stronger than a Mother's even though the media will never admit to this. Remember that you are the true giver of Life and you are the Sun. Know that you are of great worth and of great value. God Created you first and gave you the tools to be his greatest masterpieces on this earth. To all the so call bad father's always remember that you can't change somethings, but as long you're alive you can still make up for things and be better men and better father's. The game is not over for you to be a true father to your kids, you may not get everything right, but just do the best you can. Happy Father's Day Everyone, Peace be Upon you all.
A Warrior Queen
That's a true queen never wavering, not afraid of a fight, and always loyal. it's a shame that there's only slightly above 30% that are. Much love to the Queens that are still in power.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Choose the ball or Choose the Sword
This video sums up what i'm feeling right now. I think alot of simps and low men have chosen the ball while the very few men of honor have chosen the sword. At some point in a man's life we have to choose from what is right and from is easy. Alot have chosen what is easy instead of what is right. Furthermore, they have also chosen what is safe. It is Safe to say what is "Politically Correct" and things that won't stir the pot, especially when it comes to women. We need to call women on their bullshyt and tell them, "You are Wrong!" "You are not always the Victim!" "Take Responsibility for your Actions!" "The World does not revolve around you!" "Yes you look fat in that dress!"(lol) "And No You are Not Self entitled to a Man!" I don't know why some men would blow smoke up these women asses just to get their dick wet, or settle for a woman that is low caliber and will give you hell and won't respect or treat you as a man. I love when Lone Wolf says to his son that if you choose the ball, you choose death, cause in real life you do. It's like the red pill and blue pill. Alot of people O.D. on that blue pill. They don't want to live in the real world and face the truth. To be a true man one must always live in reality and accept the truth good or bad. The way of the sword is a hard road but it is the way to the true light, Jesus knows that better than anyone (peace be with him). So if I say what I say and it offends men as well as a lot of women I really don't give a fuck, because it needs to be said. I choose the way of honor, the way of the sword, the road not taken. I hope it brings me to the light before my time in this world is done. But we have to choose between the two even women. However, alot choose the ball instead of the sword. That's why the real queens are the one's that choose the way of the sword and can easily cut down the one's that chose the ball. Women who choose the sword are easily attacked vigorously by those who chose the ball but they can never defeat them. This is just my opinion, you have to choose for yourself, because I've made that choice for myself and i stand by mines 100%. What do you choose? The Red Pill or the Blue Pill? The Ball or the Sword?
Friday, April 17, 2009
Why I Support the Men's Rights Movement
I support the Men's Rights Movement because of what I see in today's society. In my community I see alot of single mothers and a deification of single motherhood. I see that feminism is worse thing that ever happened because it aim now seems was to overpower men's rights in favor of women's rights. I see how the laws of today favor women and are totally unjust to men. More importantly i see how it feminism and the governments unfair laws that favor women affect men as a man as well as a black man. I have seen what it has done to my family and how i can not look at the women in my family the same again because of all of this. I see how women are able to play the victime even when they do most of the victimizing. I see how 80% of divorces are iniated by women, which shows me that they are selfish, self-centered, un-loyal and untrusthworthy. I see how feminism have corrupted the minds and souls of our valuable resource the black woman and how she says plainly that she doesn't need a man, yet she complains about not having one.
I see how as a man you can not voice your opinion about women because it is deemed politically incorrect to do so. I see how man's voice have been choked and silenced by the hands of feminism. One thing that made me think about this was the speech President Obama gave in Chicago on Father's Day last year. It made me disgusted that such a speech would be made on Father's day. Women in this country have be deified even when they are worst of the worst and it's not right. I believe in Man and Women playing their natural roles the way god intended, but when you have women choosing masculine roles and acting masculine, then something is terribly wrong with that picture. Men are now seen as disposeable things and no longer important to society. I could say more but women would think I am complaining. All I can say is that all of this weighs on me and i feel like a second class citizen not just because i'm black but because i'm a man. Because of this i feel a state of fear around me in this country as if i'm less safe then i was before. I want to be able to be free and play my natural role as a man. That is why I support this movement till Man is reinstated to his place as the head of the family and master of his fate. I pray that God makes this so or otherwise this country will be lost.
I see how as a man you can not voice your opinion about women because it is deemed politically incorrect to do so. I see how man's voice have been choked and silenced by the hands of feminism. One thing that made me think about this was the speech President Obama gave in Chicago on Father's Day last year. It made me disgusted that such a speech would be made on Father's day. Women in this country have be deified even when they are worst of the worst and it's not right. I believe in Man and Women playing their natural roles the way god intended, but when you have women choosing masculine roles and acting masculine, then something is terribly wrong with that picture. Men are now seen as disposeable things and no longer important to society. I could say more but women would think I am complaining. All I can say is that all of this weighs on me and i feel like a second class citizen not just because i'm black but because i'm a man. Because of this i feel a state of fear around me in this country as if i'm less safe then i was before. I want to be able to be free and play my natural role as a man. That is why I support this movement till Man is reinstated to his place as the head of the family and master of his fate. I pray that God makes this so or otherwise this country will be lost.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
They Hating on Me Now
I got my first hater mail today. On Easter of all days. A friend of mine who i was feeling saw my Too Relaxed post and flipped the hell out. She called me sexist and misogynistic and not having no common sense. Brothas if having standards and expectations from a woman is sexist and misogynistic, then the next time a woman expects you to do something, tell her she's sexist. She said I should be ashamed. What is there to be ashamed of? I should be ashamed of knowing my worth? Ay if I ask a woman to do something or I expect something from her I expect the same for myself. I would never ask no one to do something that I'm not willing to do myself. Brothas, don't be afraid to voice your opinions to anyone. People are going to see what they want to see. Cause think about this. When it comes to women, If you say something you're a B*tch. If you don't say something you're a B*tch. I don't know about you but I rather be a B*tch that has his balls in tact and can stand up for what I believe in and not waiver from my beliefs. Brothas, you are always going to find opposition from women no matter what you do. So what do you do? Stand up as a man and keep it pushing.
Being that its Easter and all. Jesus was hated on by his own people, but he did what he had to do to save all mankind, even though they didn't understand that. Brothas we have to save our young men and women whether or not these women understand that or not is not our problem because they ain't worth it, but the new generation are. So for those that are in the movement, I say keep on doing what you do gentlemen and ladies. The ladies that are women I love them to death, you all are my kind of women right there. You ladies are the Queens you were born to be and trust and believe I'm certainly gonna marry one of y'all if y'all are not taken lol. May all of you remember the sacrifice that Jesus made and continue to be like him. For all other religions continue to be in the light of your God and you shall not go wrong. Peace be to all of you happy easter.
Too Relaxed
I watched this video and I have to agree. We as African-American men are too relaxed. Our standards are low and are expectations are low. This is our problem that we have to address. If we had higher standards not only for ourselves, but for our women we would have a better selection of women to choose from. We need to flat out tell these women that we expect certain things from them. We have to expect them to do more than suck and f*ck us. King Flex would say that you have to give a woman "chores" to do, which piggy backs on what this video is talking about. I'm not saying make a woman into your slave, which alot of women might take it that that is what I'm saying. I'm saying that you should expect her to cook sometimes, do the laundry, and clean. Hell, Atleast let that chick clean after herself. This is why foreign women are so appealing because these values have been brained into her since she was a child. So fellas, have better standards and expectations. Don't get too relaxed, and that does not only go for women, but in any situation that you are in.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Black Beauty
This shows the beauty of our women and the beauty that has made them who they are throughout history. The Queens of a beauty that many have tried to duplicate and imitate, but none have succeeded. May she one day be elevated to the position she once had in this world and what many women have forgotten....
Sexy Curves
I am man that loves all shapes of curves and this video shows beautiful curves. It's tasteful and very appreciative of Black Woman's beauty. This is everything I worship about the beauty of my women. God sure does know how to make an exquisite work or art.
Friday, April 10, 2009
Act Like A Lady, Think Like A Man

There is a book by Steve Harvey titled "Act Like A Lady, Think Like A Man." This book is a National Best Seller and Steve Harvey has been going on to shows and everything. The women love this book and they think Steve is telling all the secrets. If they only knew, what only we guys know. We Men talk about the book ourselves and we see the book as highly watered down and pandering to women. We respect Steve Harvey's hustle but the book we're like nahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh lol. See that book doesn't really help women, because all it's going to do is give women a "playbook" to read from. What I mean is it's not going to mentally mature a woman to get a man, but it will show her how to deceive one. Which is what alot are going to do. We guys are like, "man these women are wasting their money for real." And even the true women that have game is saying the same thing as well.
Another thing is how you knowalot women are not wise or knowledgeable in Economics. Anytime you have a certain product that women is increasingly buying, we guys question the true value of it. Alot of women are buying this book, but it's not worth anything. Sure it's gonna give a little knowledge, but it's not gonna solve the problem for women. It is going to "patch up" the problem but not solve the problem. I didn't have to read the book to know it wasn't worth anything, just how he talked about it and who it catered to told me enough. These women chose the wrong book to find some game, I know a good book to give a woman some game. But, I'm not saying nothing, I'm going to treat them like kids because once they buy something and try it out they gonna be dissatisfied later on but by then it will be too late. See we guys knew that Steve was going to tell women only what they want to hear, not the hard truth that they need to hear. The Single black women, I feel sorry for them the most because they are going to read this book, thinking that they have the game to get a man and that isn't the case at all. This is the Demographic that this book will be catering to, but it is not going to uplift these women mentally or get them the men that they want and keep them. Like we guys have said this book is 10% real talk the rest is garbarge.
Women haven't figured out that althought a person can tell you how to get a man they can't tell you how to keep a man. More importantly you have to be selective on who you take advice from. See the women that buy this book are the women that listen to their no having men girlfriends. Watch how they all get the book and discuss it like they a damn book club. Here's a thought thought for once these women have put down the Zane, Erick Jerome Dickey, and Omarr Tyree books and actually picked up someting with a small bit of substance. So fellas what does that tell you? Women only read books of substance if they can help them in some kind of selfish way. So what do you do with women that have read this book? Switch the game on they ass so they will be spellbound. Weed out the fakes ones to get to the real ones. Think about it fellas if a woman is reading a book like it's a play book what do we do in football we when see sumthing is not right? (All my Madden fan's let me hear you) We call an audible. It catches the opposing team off gaurd. This is what you may have to do for alot of these women that are deceiving to get a man, call an audible. I bet you that will teach them a lesson. Real change comes from self, if one doesn't truly change theirself then they have not really changed.
My daddy always said this, "You trying to con a con-man." This is what alot of women are trying to do, but it won't work. Because if you are a seasoned mack you know when someone is conning you and when someone is not. So, much success to Steve Harvey getting his money. Ladies I wish I could tell you some things, but I'm not because I'm not going to tell you what you want you want to hear. My momma always said "Girls so smart, they dumb" and boy was she right lol. Oh well you can't save them all, all you can do is the best you can.
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