There is a book by Steve Harvey titled "Act Like A Lady, Think Like A Man." This book is a National Best Seller and Steve Harvey has been going on to shows and everything. The women love this book and they think Steve is telling all the secrets. If they only knew, what only we guys know. We Men talk about the book ourselves and we see the book as highly watered down and pandering to women. We respect Steve Harvey's hustle but the book we're like nahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh lol. See that book doesn't really help women, because all it's going to do is give women a "playbook" to read from. What I mean is it's not going to mentally mature a woman to get a man, but it will show her how to deceive one. Which is what alot are going to do. We guys are like, "man these women are wasting their money for real." And even the true women that have game is saying the same thing as well.
Another thing is how you knowalot women are not wise or knowledgeable in Economics. Anytime you have a certain product that women is increasingly buying, we guys question the true value of it. Alot of women are buying this book, but it's not worth anything. Sure it's gonna give a little knowledge, but it's not gonna solve the problem for women. It is going to "patch up" the problem but not solve the problem. I didn't have to read the book to know it wasn't worth anything, just how he talked about it and who it catered to told me enough. These women chose the wrong book to find some game, I know a good book to give a woman some game. But, I'm not saying nothing, I'm going to treat them like kids because once they buy something and try it out they gonna be dissatisfied later on but by then it will be too late. See we guys knew that Steve was going to tell women only what they want to hear, not the hard truth that they need to hear. The Single black women, I feel sorry for them the most because they are going to read this book, thinking that they have the game to get a man and that isn't the case at all. This is the Demographic that this book will be catering to, but it is not going to uplift these women mentally or get them the men that they want and keep them. Like we guys have said this book is 10% real talk the rest is garbarge.
Women haven't figured out that althought a person can tell you how to get a man they can't tell you how to keep a man. More importantly you have to be selective on who you take advice from. See the women that buy this book are the women that listen to their no having men girlfriends. Watch how they all get the book and discuss it like they a damn book club. Here's a thought thought for once these women have put down the Zane, Erick Jerome Dickey, and Omarr Tyree books and actually picked up someting with a small bit of substance. So fellas what does that tell you? Women only read books of substance if they can help them in some kind of selfish way. So what do you do with women that have read this book? Switch the game on they ass so they will be spellbound. Weed out the fakes ones to get to the real ones. Think about it fellas if a woman is reading a book like it's a play book what do we do in football we when see sumthing is not right? (All my Madden fan's let me hear you) We call an audible. It catches the opposing team off gaurd. This is what you may have to do for alot of these women that are deceiving to get a man, call an audible. I bet you that will teach them a lesson. Real change comes from self, if one doesn't truly change theirself then they have not really changed.
My daddy always said this, "You trying to con a con-man." This is what alot of women are trying to do, but it won't work. Because if you are a seasoned mack you know when someone is conning you and when someone is not. So, much success to Steve Harvey getting his money. Ladies I wish I could tell you some things, but I'm not because I'm not going to tell you what you want you want to hear. My momma always said "Girls so smart, they dumb" and boy was she right lol. Oh well you can't save them all, all you can do is the best you can.
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