I was watching youtube and some of the black men on there have videos talking about the Wall of Silence. This "Wall of Silence" is basically when Black Men become silent to the so called "New Age Black Woman". We are talking about the so called "Strong, Independent, Educated Black Woman." The Black Woman whose mind has been brainwashed by feminism (and Oprah lol). The Woman that says she doesn't need a man for anything. This woman represent the 70% of Single black women. All of this affects me, because I am a man and I am a black man, and I see all of what these brothers are saying. I get frustrated with Black Women, even the ones in my family. So I feel like becoming apart of this fight and this movement. I also feel like I should become silent, because the things I say fall on deaf ears. I don't know what to do and I'm a young man, the more knowledge I get and the more I understand the less B.S. I put up with. I made Diary of a Young Black Man not just for me but for my young brothas out there that are going thru life the same as me. I have thought about dating outside of my race but only because I had an admiration and love for different ethnicities of women. I still do as a matter of fact. However I never wanted to date outside my race because of the fact that I'm tired of this new evolved form of African American Women until now. I need order and balance in my life, this is natural for any race of man. But when you have women bringing chaos and no stability to your life, why would you stay with her. Even I am getting fed up with all of this. I feel like Cuba Gooding Jr. in "Boyz In the Hood", I'm tired of this shyt. I love Woman, I love the Black Woman, but she doesn't know who she is anymore and she rejects what she once was, the woman that founded civilizations and was historically a goddess on Earth. So now I wonder what can I do and what should I do? I feel the need to not say nothing to them anymore. Tariq Flex Nasheed, said that a man gives a woman two things, His seed of Knowledge and His biological seed. I have cultivated my seeds of Knowledge into a beautiful orchard, but i do not feel the need to share it with alot of these women.
So I share what little knowledge I have gotten and getting still with my brothas, because the more knowledge you get, the more responsibility you take on. And I willing accept this responsibilty, that's why my ultimate goal is to attain a Ph.d in Egyptology and teach to the masses because the need of Black Men as teachers and professors are there. Brothas we must not talk with this new black woman because it's not helping anylonger. It is time to just show them. I say we take the remaining few of our honored black queens who support us and just go. I use to say that African Americans must go on an Exodus so we can find the promise land. Now i believe that more than ever. We as men like to fix things, but this is one problem we can't fix nor should we try. Let the strong, independent, educated black woman do that. Let's just stand back and she how she handles the world on her shoulders like Atlas. If Black Men should talk to anyone it should be ourselve because no matter our backrounds we have a common problem that we must fix in order to ensure the survival of our people.
I was watching "A Great and Mighty Walk", which is a documentary on famous historian Dr. John Henrik Clarke. He said that black people have not throughly studied the rise of modern Japan. Dr. Clarke is right. Here you have a people who was on the losing side of WWII, they were brutally slaughtered by two Atomic Bombs and for a time foreigners occupied their country. Now look at them they are at the forefront of technology. While America was talking about the future, (you all remember those 1950's news reels on how we will be futurized by this milenium lol) the Japanese are getting there. They didn't argue or complain they hit the ground running and now look at where they are. If this wall of silence is to succeed we must build new and improved institutions in our communities. We can do just what the Japanese did, but not like how they did it because we are not Japanese, but we can take their lessons and work them to our own benefit that fits who we are as a people. We have to, as I like to call it, protect and control our Center, which is Africa. We are the first Civilization we know how to create civilizations better than anyone. So now is the time where we should be in the buisness of nation building.
We have to do serious planning and not let no one know our plans that will do us harm even if they are Black. Remember when u were a kid and you and your boys would have a secret club and you would let no one in that was not in the club. That's is how we have to be. That is how I see the wall of silence, A club that allows us black men to do our planning for a new nation. I thank those men on youtube that are making their voices heard and speaking for the rest of us. Much respect to CalvaryIsHere, Sarge, KomicGenius, Thugtician, KaptainSolo, and many more. Much love and admiration to the awakened women on youtube like Beaut4Brns, Statuesqueone, and others. Much Respect to The Men of Means group I hope we can shake up the world and rise to greater hights. Lets get this movement off the ground and be the great people that set the standard for others to follow.
Hello. I am a woman, a black woman, young black woman. I have a degree a nice apartment and an ok car. My mother is an alcoholic, my father was never in the picture, he is African. I have had to see my mother struggle and be "strong" but I think today people are using that word and I don't think it holds the same weight. My mother wasn't strong, she just wanted to survive, she just coped as most AA women do. I think black women have gotten a bad name for a long time now and its unfair. I know so many young.educated.spiritually grounded young women who have gotten fed up by what men have done to them. As a means to cope and to survive it, they get this false sense of strength and yes I am also victim of it. But what can you do when there are no answers? What can you do when you feel like every black man you meet is up to something? You have to get tough skin, because in order to cope and not fall apart, you have to act like nothing can stop you. I think its great black women have a sense of independence. Once upon a time we didnt have that. We have come a long way but we have yet to be unified. They said the best way to tear down black people was to destroy the black family. It has been destroyed. How can you give up on people, people who are human. How can someone tell me that a white woman has no flaws? Why should I want to be like them, something I am not. I love that I am loud, I love that I love with all my heart with no reservations, I love that I am brown, I love that my hair is kinky, I love that on sundays my family gets together and cooks dinner, I love that I have women in my family who are opinionated and they teach me that with education you have power. They also teach me that if you have someone good in your life that loves you for who you are and encourages you to be strong, to hold on, to never give up that its a blessing and a rare find. I thank God for making the black woman because there would be no black man. Today sir, I don't know who you are, but I pray that you find the truth. And if it is that your words fall on deaf ears, then you have tried, but I pray to God that he show the black woman the way and that there be someone just one person who will not give up on us. I agree totally that we as black women do not understand how to fully communicate effectively and we have attitudes, but did you ever ask yourself...what kind of women am I dealing with? I am sorry you feel you have to give up it hurts me badly to see this. I did not know black men felt this way, and I appreciate you writing this. Please do not take what I have written to be something aggressive, but something heartfelt. God Bless.
ReplyDeleteBecome Muslim problem solved.Women in Islam understand and fulfill their roll as a woman mother and pillar in society. Why- because Allah not the white man the black man or any other man has made the criteria clear in the Quran and it was guided by our beloved Prohet Muhammad peace and blessings be upon him,and demonstrated by the great women in the history of Islam.Khadijah the Prophets first wife of 25-monogomous years, Aisha his first of several successful polygamous marriages after Khadijah passed.His daughter Fatima just to mame a few of these great women and may Allah be pleased with all of them,who black sisters like to adopt their names without really knowing the historical impact they made in the Muslim world.Because your quick to believe fabricated and omitted accounts of true Islam-its in the history books and web sites Islam.net Halaltube and just Islam.net. Search for the knowledge young man. But let not your search be rooted in simply the base desire for a woman ask Allah to open your heart and mind for the truth and all else will follow God Willing. Peace