This topic is very dear to me because of alot of things that are going on in my life that are very serious to me. I just happen to listen to a guy talk about certain issues and it got me to thinking about winning and losing. One thing you must know about me is that I spent alot of time in solitude and i would watch movies and t.v. alot (which is why i know alot of movie quotes)... One thing i realize is that movies and t.v. do have their own little message if you read between the lines.
I remember when Rosie Perez said this in "White Man Can't Jump." She said, "Sometimes when you win, you really lose, and sometimes when you lose you really win, and sometimes when you win or lose you actually tie, and sometimes when you actually tie, you actually win or lose." Now it took me some years but I got what she was saying. Now alot of people play the game to win because that's the object of the game. But this is what they don't tell you. In order to really win and beat the game you have to lose. Alot of people don't like to lose and alot of people cant take losing. Why is that? Vanity. In Devil's Advocate when Al Pacino was telling Keanu Reeves why everything happening the way it was happening he tells him that he told him to lose and it would be ok cause the world will understand, and Keanu Reeves says, "Lose? I don't Lose! I win! I'm a lawyer that's my job. That's what i do." Reeves character was so vain that he couldn't accept losing. This is where his vanity checkmates him into losing his wife (His Queen) and losing where it really counts. This tells you that you can win all you won't but if you don't win where it counts and when it counts, IT DON'T MEAN SHYT.
Hannibal greatest general of all time in my opinion, beats the Romans time and time again. When he won at the battle of Cannae that was a great victory cause really Rome is his for the taking. But Hannibal doesn't take Rome instead he retreats back to Carthage and loses where and when it really counts. The game is over for him and the game is over for Carthage. Now Hannibal's losing is a great lesson for black men. To simplify it I'm just gonna say what I heard Chris Rock say in a youtube video. He said, "You can't beat white people at anything, but you can KNOCK EM' OUT." Now what does that mean Lo? Well I'll tell you. You can't beat white folks at they own game but you can beat them to where they can't play no more. See Hannibal tries to beat the Romans into submission and this works against him cause 1. You can never leave an enemy behind cause they might rise again and fly at your throat (I got that from Shaka Zulu lol) 2. you don't fight and win just to offer sum type of agreement or peace 3.( is very simple we all have heard this) Never Underestimate your opponent. So you can't beat them and expect to expect them to play nice, but what you can do is knock they a$$ out in such a way that they never get up to fight you again and everybody else that think they can take you on next will think twice about doing it.
I was real big on the Arab-Israeli conflict back in the day and i would watch this documentary on HBO about it called "Persona Non Grata." At the end of the documentary when ex prime minister Shimon Peres gives his final thoughts and he said something like, "Always be prepared to lose, but don't lose too much because you'll end up losing your partner." Everybody loves a winner, but everybody hates a winner that wins all the damn time. When the Yankees and Celtics where no longer winning championships, i bet you everybody was happy. Why? Because now the game can get interesting and fun again. When you have a person that wins all the time, it takes all the fun out of the game because you already know the outcome. So it makes you not wanna play anymore or play something else. This is one of the reasons why we as black men are tired, because we are tired of losing and we wanna win. It's not that we want someone to let us win it's just that we want someone to let us win when we really have won. This means that we are tired of being cheated out of a win or a battle we know we have won. Some Ladies want to win every battle even when they have lost and its crazy. Now fellas you must always be prepared to lose especially when it comes to women cause they will come and go even if you're married. However, you also have to be able to take that loss and not let it effect your game. Alot of brothers when they ask a woman to dance or anything of that nature and get rejected, they let it effect them mentally. You have to be able to take a loss, dust yourself off and get back in the game. You must always campaign till you get elected, because the game is never over.
It is also essential to know what your are losing and why you are losing, the same with winning. Men and Women must understand this concept, cause just like the old country song say, "You gotta know when to hold em' and Know when to fold em'." Now, it's ok to lose and keep on losing, but here's the catch, when the time comes and it will come you must win if you want to win the game. In China's Warring States period, there was a man call Liu Bei. In every battle he was in he had lost. Yet in spite of that he had gained many great warriors and tacticians 6 of them stand out because the were feared by the other kingdoms. Now when it came for Liu Bei to win and win he did he gained a kingdom for himself. George Washington was the same way. If you lose all the time and people think that you're a loser and no one to be feared, they better be careful cause in you may rise a sleeping dragon and sooner or later it will awaken to claim what is his. That's why anybody can say what they want about me whether they be friends, family, enemies, or whoever. All I'm gonna say is this, "I'm losing, but I ain't lost." You can ask anybody that know me truly and they will tell you, I am not the one to be f***ed with, cause when i get where I need to be, I will be coming for that a$$ like Riley with laugh and a smile. I know that though I'm down, i'm not out, I still got moves to make and I always got more than one option. So you can think what you want about me and say whatever but I'm gonna to the championship and I'm taking it home with me, what about you? I'm like Steve Harvey He ain't through with me yet either, not by a long shot. "The Clay is getting ready for the Maker's hands" you feel me. Anyway, I digress. Winning and Losing is deep and so is this game. That's why the game is called checkers and not chess. The more you study the game you the more you want to play and the more you want to play to win. Study the game, Know when to win and lose, be able to take a loss, and win where it counts. Well that's all my thoughts for tonight. I need a drink seriously lol.
I write what i see, and I see what I write
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