I like old movies and I was watching Gone with the Wind. Now even though it is racist in a sense it is still a good movie. But i paid attention to the 4 main Characters, Scarlet O'hara, Ashley Wilkes, Rhett Butler, and Melanie Hamilton. My favorite is Rhett played by Clark Gabel. Rhett is one classic example of a true mack and a man. I mean if your a guy and you have seen the movie you can understand why i say this.
In the beginning of the movie when he first meets Scarlet, all these guys are all over Scarlet, but Rhett just stares at her and grins. When they have their first conversation what does he tell her? "You are no Lady." This is a character that is calling a spade a spade and i like that about him. He confesses that he is no gentlemen, which shows he is cool with being who he is. Fellas some of us need the boldness of Rhett Butler and need to call these ladies on their B.S.... Rhett knew what kind of woman Scarlet was and knew that that was his woman or The One. Rhett and Ashley both had the same weakness, which was Scarlett, but they both resisted her to a point. Rhett is a man with alot of common sense and intelligence. He is always calling out Scarlet on something and it is funny, cuz while the average guy would see Scarlet as harmless and trustworthy, Rhett know that this woman is no good, but so is he so he has enough sense to know that they fit together. However she is stuck on Ashley, But Ashley is loyal and devoted to his wife and because he is, she wants him even more. How many of us can say that we know alot of women who have some character traits of Scarlet.?
Scarlet is like alot women, they want everything, and they will go to hell and highwater to get it. It just seems that they are never satisfied, which makes them deeply selfish. Now some women have the character traits of Melanie, that was a virtuous woman and lady. One thing you can say about her is that she remained a kind hearted woman till the day she died. Women like that you can't help but to respect and admire. But how many Melanie's have been turned into Scarlets' because of us Men? Not all women are bad at first, something had to happen to make them that way. But that doesn't give them an exscuse to turn bad just cause of past hurt. That's how you separate the women from the girls. A woman that has been hurt can move on and still not let that change who she is and how she is. She can role with the punches and got the battle scars to prove it. However you have the others that fold and try to justify this because they were hurt which shows their incompetence. We men do it too, but it's not about us, it's about the women.
Rhett is like a gentlemen thug lol... He is sophisticated but he's not afraid to get his hands dirty. He shows that even hard men can love and be hurt. Nothing says this more than when Scarlet falls down the stairs and loses the baby and when his daughter dies. I don't care what women say how men don't care about their kids and they don't love them, ect. Let me tell you, there is no love like a fathers love for his children. Mother may bring them into this world but we as men love to death the children that come from our loins, and even the children that don't. I know alot of women would say, "Then how come y'all leave and this and that." But how many women forces a baby on a man, and deceives a man to have a baby? Every always pointing the finger at daddy but don't nobody even stops to look at momma. And in this movie you can see that Rhett loved that girl more than Scarlet. That man locked hisself in the room cause he loved his little girl so much and wasn't gone let no one in. But it was a Virtuous Woman that he let in the room. That shows the great power of woman. she can steady a man's hands when it trembles or bring him back from going over the edge.
Rhett also shows, how every man eventually gets tired and leaves. And we all know the classic quote, "Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn!" Fellas when you have a woman that puts you through hell and when u get tired, especially us young men, tell them the same thing. All of us are like women in a way we want to save women that can't be saved or changed. We know it's futile but we try anyway. If it's worth it, it will come back if not don't fret about it. But Rhet is a character to be studied, because truth be told they don't make strong male characters like that anymore. Always know you are a man in demand. To the Melanie's of the world, your worth is more than gold, jus save one just for me lol. To the Scarlets', this verse is true for women as it is for men "What does it prophet a man to gain the whole world, and lose his soul?" Think about that for me. I write what i see and i see what i write....
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