Ok i finally watched the movie "Diary of a Tired Black Man", and i have to say it was good. So i figured I'd do the same and write a diary myself. If you're a guy you definitely can identify with it and say u have seen this in some part of your life. I feel like this if black women can be mad I can be tired, which is why the movie title was greatly named. When you watch the movie you get a woman's point of view and a man's point of view. And let me tell you some of the women had me rolling cause they had some off the wall responses. But the movie makes you wonder and think. You hear all the time about bruthas being, in jail, gay, or messing with white women. I mean it's just one thing after another and if you are a lover of women and an intellectual you yourself wonder one why are black women so mad and two why are they single and three why we as black men tired. Now the media points this out so bad like it's a science and an epidemic but if u know anything u know not to trust what you see on tv as well as it being a strategy to divide and conquer and have the rest of the world see us as something we're not. Like when "Black in America" on CNN came on and they did the segment on black women i thought for the most part it was full of ****. I mean i thought the same about part two but hey, i digress.
One thing i need black women to do is stop playing the damn fool when it comes to the media. THE MEDIA IS NOT YOUR FRIEND IT IS YOUR ENEMY. Because we are not in control of our image in the media, people think whatever they want about us because of what they on see tv and things of that nature. Always present yourself in a respectable nature in the media and as someone that commands respect from the media. Now they got a show called "Candy Girls" on E about video ho's as paul mooney would say "what kind of nigga bulls*** is this?" Before u know it they gone have a show called Real Single Mothers of Chicago (I'm jus using my own hometown cuz it was the first to pop in my head and i think it's funny as hell).
Now this point is very important i need y'all to do for me. Now i'm gonna need you to receive this one for the father and one for the son, and have your hands up high for this one. Y'all ready.... STOP PLAY THE VICTIM ALL THE DAMN TIME... Hell Israel ain't always the damn victim, no one is ever the damn victim all the time. And this goes for black folk in general as well but we ain't on the community we own y'all a**es today lol. This is why a black men can be tired cuz don't nobody wants here the victim's story all the damn time. It's like the boy that cried wolf and then when sumone that really needs help come around ppl don't believe them cuz it sound like the same ol story. Now i'm not talking about all women so don't even go there, untighten yo butts this ain't about all of y'all lol. But this is my first entry of my diary. It's not all gon be bad or about hurt but it will be about what i'm feeling and the truth. I write what i see and I see what I write (I have been saying that saying for years). I'm still young but i'm trying to figure it all out. See Ya
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