What are some Fairy Tales do you remember? All of us have heard one at some point or another in our childhood. But have you ever took a Fairy Tale for just what it is or have you believed in it so much that you wanted it to be real. I came up with this topic when i saw tough love and the black woman and she was going on about how she views herself as a princess and how she is looking for prince charming. It was then i thought u know that is the mindset of alot of women of all colors. See little girls are sold on fairy tales at a very young age, but the thing no one tells them is that IT IS JUST A STORY.
So with that observation I came up with the theory that this is how women see the ideal mate for them. Not only that but that's how they see life in general as one big fairy tale and they are waiting for Prince Charming and to live happily ever after. One thing that can explain this is the father-daughter relationship. Being "daddy's little girl" and "daddy's princess" and all the perks that come along with it. Now if a girl never had a father for any kind of reason she will sub-consciously look for that in their men. Thus is where Prince Charming comes in the handsome, chivalrous, and physically fit man that will fight the dragons, evil queens, giants, etc. for the beautiful princess. See Prince Charming is "supposedly" the perfect man, but what every man know is that no man is perfect. King David was a man after God's own heart and he had so many flaws and sins it was ridiculous. Ladies should not put a god-like figure on their men because they will get disappointed every time. Ladies every man has flaws as do you. You have to love them for who they are and not for what they are not and never will be. There is no utopia or happily ever after. This is just life, and how you live your life everyday will decide whether you lived happily after all or not.
The truth of them matter is that alot of women do not want to live in reality. They wanna live in a fairy tale or better yet the Matrix. I say this because when reality hits a woman it is like culture shock. Men are trained from a early age to live in reality aka The real world. This why men make certain choices and can live with them and do not seldom regret any choices they have made. If we do regret our choice we don't let it effect us too long and we move on with our lives. We as men live in a world that expects us to take on alot of responsibility and the character behind it (Contrary to what alot of women would say as far as children go but that's a topic in itself) . However this has never been applied to women, because at early ages they have never been forced to live in reality where there are choices and responsibility, because it is thought of to be not feminine to do so. But that could be farther from the truth. You know what i respect about the male gender is that no matter if you are good or a bad man there is a certain integrity that all men have inside of them. For example men may lie about alot things, but one of a few things we won't lie on is our d*cks. And the one person we sure as hell gon lie to is ourselves, and God too for that matter. See we men know when we are full of sh*t, whether are not women know it that's really on them. And one thing men can do is accept ourselves for who and what we are. We can look in the mirror good or bad with a clear conscience and not be disgusted with the person we see in the mirror. You really can not say that about women because even though men tell the most lies, they tell the biggest lies. And the person they lie to the most is themselves.
It's like Chris Rock said in "Bigger and Blacker", "Everything about you is a lie, and you expect me to tell the truth. F*ck you." Now you are asking yourself why do i say this? Because women make up excuses for mistakes or things they have done in they life that they were not proud of. Not all, but alot do. I feel like this, I can respect a true to the game honest prostitute, but what i don't respect is a hoe posing as a "good woman." Notice my word play with that because they say the same thing but have different meaning. I can respect a prostitute because she is what she is and she don't give a damn whether you like her or not. I don't respect a hoe because she f*cks around but she wants acceptance in the social world like she ain't never rode a d*ck before in her life.
You remember "Fairy Tales" by Anita Baker? I loved that song as a kid, but u know that song told a story that had some truths to it. A little girl, is told these fairy tales by her mother. She grows up and meets a guy she believes is prince charming. When the guy does her wrong she no longer lives in this fairy tale world taught to her by her mother, but reality and reality scares her as does the hurt that this man has brought upon her, which makes her kills herself. That song is deep, and it shows the mind of alot of women who view the world like that. On a side note, we guys experience this too. We think women are made of sugar and spice and everything nice but it is not true at all. However we as men don't live in fairy tale land, we live in comic books, because we all want to be like superman to our woman A.K.A Captain Save-a-Hoe or Super Simp, Mangina and so forth. So it's not just women it's men too, but women are effected more deeply.
I say this because women think that the world owes them something because she is a woman. This is not her fault so much because society perpetuates this belief by the laws it enforces that are in sole favor of women. One day i will have a daughter of my own. I believe it will be my duty to teach her to live in reality and not in a fairy that society has made just for her. Because like all fairy tales, sooner or later they all end.
I write what i see, I see what i write
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