I support the Men's Rights Movement because of what I see in today's society. In my community I see alot of single mothers and a deification of single motherhood. I see that feminism is worse thing that ever happened because it aim now seems was to overpower men's rights in favor of women's rights. I see how the laws of today favor women and are totally unjust to men. More importantly i see how it feminism and the governments unfair laws that favor women affect men as a man as well as a black man. I have seen what it has done to my family and how i can not look at the women in my family the same again because of all of this. I see how women are able to play the victime even when they do most of the victimizing. I see how 80% of divorces are iniated by women, which shows me that they are selfish, self-centered, un-loyal and untrusthworthy. I see how feminism have corrupted the minds and souls of our valuable resource the black woman and how she says plainly that she doesn't need a man, yet she complains about not having one.
I see how as a man you can not voice your opinion about women because it is deemed politically incorrect to do so. I see how man's voice have been choked and silenced by the hands of feminism. One thing that made me think about this was the speech President Obama gave in Chicago on Father's Day last year. It made me disgusted that such a speech would be made on Father's day. Women in this country have be deified even when they are worst of the worst and it's not right. I believe in Man and Women playing their natural roles the way god intended, but when you have women choosing masculine roles and acting masculine, then something is terribly wrong with that picture. Men are now seen as disposeable things and no longer important to society. I could say more but women would think I am complaining. All I can say is that all of this weighs on me and i feel like a second class citizen not just because i'm black but because i'm a man. Because of this i feel a state of fear around me in this country as if i'm less safe then i was before. I want to be able to be free and play my natural role as a man. That is why I support this movement till Man is reinstated to his place as the head of the family and master of his fate. I pray that God makes this so or otherwise this country will be lost.
Friday, April 17, 2009
Sunday, April 12, 2009
They Hating on Me Now
I got my first hater mail today. On Easter of all days. A friend of mine who i was feeling saw my Too Relaxed post and flipped the hell out. She called me sexist and misogynistic and not having no common sense. Brothas if having standards and expectations from a woman is sexist and misogynistic, then the next time a woman expects you to do something, tell her she's sexist. She said I should be ashamed. What is there to be ashamed of? I should be ashamed of knowing my worth? Ay if I ask a woman to do something or I expect something from her I expect the same for myself. I would never ask no one to do something that I'm not willing to do myself. Brothas, don't be afraid to voice your opinions to anyone. People are going to see what they want to see. Cause think about this. When it comes to women, If you say something you're a B*tch. If you don't say something you're a B*tch. I don't know about you but I rather be a B*tch that has his balls in tact and can stand up for what I believe in and not waiver from my beliefs. Brothas, you are always going to find opposition from women no matter what you do. So what do you do? Stand up as a man and keep it pushing.
Being that its Easter and all. Jesus was hated on by his own people, but he did what he had to do to save all mankind, even though they didn't understand that. Brothas we have to save our young men and women whether or not these women understand that or not is not our problem because they ain't worth it, but the new generation are. So for those that are in the movement, I say keep on doing what you do gentlemen and ladies. The ladies that are women I love them to death, you all are my kind of women right there. You ladies are the Queens you were born to be and trust and believe I'm certainly gonna marry one of y'all if y'all are not taken lol. May all of you remember the sacrifice that Jesus made and continue to be like him. For all other religions continue to be in the light of your God and you shall not go wrong. Peace be to all of you happy easter.
Too Relaxed
I watched this video and I have to agree. We as African-American men are too relaxed. Our standards are low and are expectations are low. This is our problem that we have to address. If we had higher standards not only for ourselves, but for our women we would have a better selection of women to choose from. We need to flat out tell these women that we expect certain things from them. We have to expect them to do more than suck and f*ck us. King Flex would say that you have to give a woman "chores" to do, which piggy backs on what this video is talking about. I'm not saying make a woman into your slave, which alot of women might take it that that is what I'm saying. I'm saying that you should expect her to cook sometimes, do the laundry, and clean. Hell, Atleast let that chick clean after herself. This is why foreign women are so appealing because these values have been brained into her since she was a child. So fellas, have better standards and expectations. Don't get too relaxed, and that does not only go for women, but in any situation that you are in.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Black Beauty
This shows the beauty of our women and the beauty that has made them who they are throughout history. The Queens of a beauty that many have tried to duplicate and imitate, but none have succeeded. May she one day be elevated to the position she once had in this world and what many women have forgotten....
Sexy Curves
I am man that loves all shapes of curves and this video shows beautiful curves. It's tasteful and very appreciative of Black Woman's beauty. This is everything I worship about the beauty of my women. God sure does know how to make an exquisite work or art.
Friday, April 10, 2009
Act Like A Lady, Think Like A Man

There is a book by Steve Harvey titled "Act Like A Lady, Think Like A Man." This book is a National Best Seller and Steve Harvey has been going on to shows and everything. The women love this book and they think Steve is telling all the secrets. If they only knew, what only we guys know. We Men talk about the book ourselves and we see the book as highly watered down and pandering to women. We respect Steve Harvey's hustle but the book we're like nahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh lol. See that book doesn't really help women, because all it's going to do is give women a "playbook" to read from. What I mean is it's not going to mentally mature a woman to get a man, but it will show her how to deceive one. Which is what alot are going to do. We guys are like, "man these women are wasting their money for real." And even the true women that have game is saying the same thing as well.
Another thing is how you knowalot women are not wise or knowledgeable in Economics. Anytime you have a certain product that women is increasingly buying, we guys question the true value of it. Alot of women are buying this book, but it's not worth anything. Sure it's gonna give a little knowledge, but it's not gonna solve the problem for women. It is going to "patch up" the problem but not solve the problem. I didn't have to read the book to know it wasn't worth anything, just how he talked about it and who it catered to told me enough. These women chose the wrong book to find some game, I know a good book to give a woman some game. But, I'm not saying nothing, I'm going to treat them like kids because once they buy something and try it out they gonna be dissatisfied later on but by then it will be too late. See we guys knew that Steve was going to tell women only what they want to hear, not the hard truth that they need to hear. The Single black women, I feel sorry for them the most because they are going to read this book, thinking that they have the game to get a man and that isn't the case at all. This is the Demographic that this book will be catering to, but it is not going to uplift these women mentally or get them the men that they want and keep them. Like we guys have said this book is 10% real talk the rest is garbarge.
Women haven't figured out that althought a person can tell you how to get a man they can't tell you how to keep a man. More importantly you have to be selective on who you take advice from. See the women that buy this book are the women that listen to their no having men girlfriends. Watch how they all get the book and discuss it like they a damn book club. Here's a thought thought for once these women have put down the Zane, Erick Jerome Dickey, and Omarr Tyree books and actually picked up someting with a small bit of substance. So fellas what does that tell you? Women only read books of substance if they can help them in some kind of selfish way. So what do you do with women that have read this book? Switch the game on they ass so they will be spellbound. Weed out the fakes ones to get to the real ones. Think about it fellas if a woman is reading a book like it's a play book what do we do in football we when see sumthing is not right? (All my Madden fan's let me hear you) We call an audible. It catches the opposing team off gaurd. This is what you may have to do for alot of these women that are deceiving to get a man, call an audible. I bet you that will teach them a lesson. Real change comes from self, if one doesn't truly change theirself then they have not really changed.
My daddy always said this, "You trying to con a con-man." This is what alot of women are trying to do, but it won't work. Because if you are a seasoned mack you know when someone is conning you and when someone is not. So, much success to Steve Harvey getting his money. Ladies I wish I could tell you some things, but I'm not because I'm not going to tell you what you want you want to hear. My momma always said "Girls so smart, they dumb" and boy was she right lol. Oh well you can't save them all, all you can do is the best you can.
This is Me: Thatiana Pagung
I love Brazil to death. I may be black but i think inside I'm Brazilian lol. I love Brazilian women especially Afro-Brazilian women. This woman right here is a beauty I just can't escape I love this beautiful woman. Her name is Thatiana Pagung, now when i first saw her name I thought she was Philippino. She is the Queen of the Drums for the Samba School Mocidade Independente of Padre Miguel. She is a great dancer and she has a smile out of this world. This woman makes me think that i could go on alot of adventures in life with. She has a smile that would brighten up my darkest day. Her accent is so cute and she just overflows with sensuality and sexiness. I love her hair and her body. What I like about Thatiana's body is that it is equally shaped, like God carved it himself and sculpted it with his own hands. The thing that drives me crazy about Thatiana is her skin tone. Her Skin tone is lovely. Just think about how the sun or moonlight hits that skin of hers. This is the kind of woman I can see myself going to the beach and go swimming with and play in the water with her and have fun. She so damn beautiful I would watch her sleep lol. I mean can you imagine just watching a woman with beauty like hers sleep and it just makes you smile that that is your woman. I bet I could have super fun with her at a soccer game. When Carnival comes around you know I'm going to be right beside her dancing and singing my heart out. Then again, my heart belongs to another Samba School so i can't do that but i will surely support her. And lets not forget if i had a daughter she would be the most beautiful baby in the world because she gets it from her mother. I can see her being a excellent mother in my mind. Thatiana is definitely all me right there. Yes Lord that is all me lol.
Lo Sweatas
I love this song. It's like listening to a new age Wu Tang Clan, maybe it's the beat lol. But the Song is tight as hell to me i immediately nod my head to it. Chi-Town Stand Up and support these brothas cause they are good.
Now me personally I like an hour glass shape. However my confidence made me afraid to seek out my preference. Fellas seek out what u want in life, if you want the chick that look like Kim Kardashian but with a spirit and Mind like India Arie then go for it. The only one thing stopping you is you. If you don't like out of shape women then don't mess with em. Go for what u want and don't try to settle for anything less.
The Wall of Silence
I was watching youtube and some of the black men on there have videos talking about the Wall of Silence. This "Wall of Silence" is basically when Black Men become silent to the so called "New Age Black Woman". We are talking about the so called "Strong, Independent, Educated Black Woman." The Black Woman whose mind has been brainwashed by feminism (and Oprah lol). The Woman that says she doesn't need a man for anything. This woman represent the 70% of Single black women. All of this affects me, because I am a man and I am a black man, and I see all of what these brothers are saying. I get frustrated with Black Women, even the ones in my family. So I feel like becoming apart of this fight and this movement. I also feel like I should become silent, because the things I say fall on deaf ears. I don't know what to do and I'm a young man, the more knowledge I get and the more I understand the less B.S. I put up with. I made Diary of a Young Black Man not just for me but for my young brothas out there that are going thru life the same as me. I have thought about dating outside of my race but only because I had an admiration and love for different ethnicities of women. I still do as a matter of fact. However I never wanted to date outside my race because of the fact that I'm tired of this new evolved form of African American Women until now. I need order and balance in my life, this is natural for any race of man. But when you have women bringing chaos and no stability to your life, why would you stay with her. Even I am getting fed up with all of this. I feel like Cuba Gooding Jr. in "Boyz In the Hood", I'm tired of this shyt. I love Woman, I love the Black Woman, but she doesn't know who she is anymore and she rejects what she once was, the woman that founded civilizations and was historically a goddess on Earth. So now I wonder what can I do and what should I do? I feel the need to not say nothing to them anymore. Tariq Flex Nasheed, said that a man gives a woman two things, His seed of Knowledge and His biological seed. I have cultivated my seeds of Knowledge into a beautiful orchard, but i do not feel the need to share it with alot of these women.
So I share what little knowledge I have gotten and getting still with my brothas, because the more knowledge you get, the more responsibility you take on. And I willing accept this responsibilty, that's why my ultimate goal is to attain a Ph.d in Egyptology and teach to the masses because the need of Black Men as teachers and professors are there. Brothas we must not talk with this new black woman because it's not helping anylonger. It is time to just show them. I say we take the remaining few of our honored black queens who support us and just go. I use to say that African Americans must go on an Exodus so we can find the promise land. Now i believe that more than ever. We as men like to fix things, but this is one problem we can't fix nor should we try. Let the strong, independent, educated black woman do that. Let's just stand back and she how she handles the world on her shoulders like Atlas. If Black Men should talk to anyone it should be ourselve because no matter our backrounds we have a common problem that we must fix in order to ensure the survival of our people.
I was watching "A Great and Mighty Walk", which is a documentary on famous historian Dr. John Henrik Clarke. He said that black people have not throughly studied the rise of modern Japan. Dr. Clarke is right. Here you have a people who was on the losing side of WWII, they were brutally slaughtered by two Atomic Bombs and for a time foreigners occupied their country. Now look at them they are at the forefront of technology. While America was talking about the future, (you all remember those 1950's news reels on how we will be futurized by this milenium lol) the Japanese are getting there. They didn't argue or complain they hit the ground running and now look at where they are. If this wall of silence is to succeed we must build new and improved institutions in our communities. We can do just what the Japanese did, but not like how they did it because we are not Japanese, but we can take their lessons and work them to our own benefit that fits who we are as a people. We have to, as I like to call it, protect and control our Center, which is Africa. We are the first Civilization we know how to create civilizations better than anyone. So now is the time where we should be in the buisness of nation building.
We have to do serious planning and not let no one know our plans that will do us harm even if they are Black. Remember when u were a kid and you and your boys would have a secret club and you would let no one in that was not in the club. That's is how we have to be. That is how I see the wall of silence, A club that allows us black men to do our planning for a new nation. I thank those men on youtube that are making their voices heard and speaking for the rest of us. Much respect to CalvaryIsHere, Sarge, KomicGenius, Thugtician, KaptainSolo, and many more. Much love and admiration to the awakened women on youtube like Beaut4Brns, Statuesqueone, and others. Much Respect to The Men of Means group I hope we can shake up the world and rise to greater hights. Lets get this movement off the ground and be the great people that set the standard for others to follow.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
International Mackin
I have this plan of going with my boys on a tour around the country and the world. I want to see other places and people get the of experience of being in a new place. Fellas if you ever feel like the pickings of women in your city, town, state etc. are slim, this is when you take your mackin somewhere else. It's refreshing, it gets you out of your element and makes you versatile. You have to treat yourself as if you're a franchise team and being that you just can't have home games, you also have to have away games as well. If you want to take it further go to another country see the women in that country and how they are. The point is to find a woman that is for you. Another point is to have life changing experiences and memories. Me personally one day I'm going to Egypt, Japan, certain countries in Africa, and above all Brasil. But if i find a woman in these country you best believe i'm keeping her lol. Sometimes that's what it takes when you want to get what you want. Campaign till you get elected and take your mackin on the road and overseas.
This is Me: Tasha Reid (YOON MI RAE)
When I look at the beauty or inner beauty of a woman, I say, "That's me right there." This means that that woman is my type of woman, the woman i can see on my arm as my girl or wife. Now I have many taste in women so I will be doing this more than once to show my many preferences in women. My first one is Tasha Reid AKA YOON MI RAE. She is a Korean/African-American singer and rapper. They call this woman the Queen of Soul in Korea. Now I just found out about her today by clicking on her song Black Happiness on youtube and I was blown away. This is a woman who is bi-racial but she talks about her growing up as a bi-racial child. How her mom's ethnic identity is celebrated and her dad's is not. But i immediately vibed to it and i was like she is beautiful i love her smile and it's jus something about her that speaks to me. To me it's like she has a very good and sweet spirit. That's just a vibe that she gives off to me. This is me because I love asian woman especially South East Asian women. I feel that as a man, she and I can have an understanding on some things. I think she brings with her a light that overshines the darkness. To me, Tasha is very versitile and that is very attractive. Plus, it would be cool to have an Asian woman that dances on beat and got some soul in them lol. That is one of Tasha's great attractions for me she has soul, and I love a woman with soul...
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Fairy Tales
What are some Fairy Tales do you remember? All of us have heard one at some point or another in our childhood. But have you ever took a Fairy Tale for just what it is or have you believed in it so much that you wanted it to be real. I came up with this topic when i saw tough love and the black woman and she was going on about how she views herself as a princess and how she is looking for prince charming. It was then i thought u know that is the mindset of alot of women of all colors. See little girls are sold on fairy tales at a very young age, but the thing no one tells them is that IT IS JUST A STORY.
So with that observation I came up with the theory that this is how women see the ideal mate for them. Not only that but that's how they see life in general as one big fairy tale and they are waiting for Prince Charming and to live happily ever after. One thing that can explain this is the father-daughter relationship. Being "daddy's little girl" and "daddy's princess" and all the perks that come along with it. Now if a girl never had a father for any kind of reason she will sub-consciously look for that in their men. Thus is where Prince Charming comes in the handsome, chivalrous, and physically fit man that will fight the dragons, evil queens, giants, etc. for the beautiful princess. See Prince Charming is "supposedly" the perfect man, but what every man know is that no man is perfect. King David was a man after God's own heart and he had so many flaws and sins it was ridiculous. Ladies should not put a god-like figure on their men because they will get disappointed every time. Ladies every man has flaws as do you. You have to love them for who they are and not for what they are not and never will be. There is no utopia or happily ever after. This is just life, and how you live your life everyday will decide whether you lived happily after all or not.
The truth of them matter is that alot of women do not want to live in reality. They wanna live in a fairy tale or better yet the Matrix. I say this because when reality hits a woman it is like culture shock. Men are trained from a early age to live in reality aka The real world. This why men make certain choices and can live with them and do not seldom regret any choices they have made. If we do regret our choice we don't let it effect us too long and we move on with our lives. We as men live in a world that expects us to take on alot of responsibility and the character behind it (Contrary to what alot of women would say as far as children go but that's a topic in itself) . However this has never been applied to women, because at early ages they have never been forced to live in reality where there are choices and responsibility, because it is thought of to be not feminine to do so. But that could be farther from the truth. You know what i respect about the male gender is that no matter if you are good or a bad man there is a certain integrity that all men have inside of them. For example men may lie about alot things, but one of a few things we won't lie on is our d*cks. And the one person we sure as hell gon lie to is ourselves, and God too for that matter. See we men know when we are full of sh*t, whether are not women know it that's really on them. And one thing men can do is accept ourselves for who and what we are. We can look in the mirror good or bad with a clear conscience and not be disgusted with the person we see in the mirror. You really can not say that about women because even though men tell the most lies, they tell the biggest lies. And the person they lie to the most is themselves.
It's like Chris Rock said in "Bigger and Blacker", "Everything about you is a lie, and you expect me to tell the truth. F*ck you." Now you are asking yourself why do i say this? Because women make up excuses for mistakes or things they have done in they life that they were not proud of. Not all, but alot do. I feel like this, I can respect a true to the game honest prostitute, but what i don't respect is a hoe posing as a "good woman." Notice my word play with that because they say the same thing but have different meaning. I can respect a prostitute because she is what she is and she don't give a damn whether you like her or not. I don't respect a hoe because she f*cks around but she wants acceptance in the social world like she ain't never rode a d*ck before in her life.
You remember "Fairy Tales" by Anita Baker? I loved that song as a kid, but u know that song told a story that had some truths to it. A little girl, is told these fairy tales by her mother. She grows up and meets a guy she believes is prince charming. When the guy does her wrong she no longer lives in this fairy tale world taught to her by her mother, but reality and reality scares her as does the hurt that this man has brought upon her, which makes her kills herself. That song is deep, and it shows the mind of alot of women who view the world like that. On a side note, we guys experience this too. We think women are made of sugar and spice and everything nice but it is not true at all. However we as men don't live in fairy tale land, we live in comic books, because we all want to be like superman to our woman A.K.A Captain Save-a-Hoe or Super Simp, Mangina and so forth. So it's not just women it's men too, but women are effected more deeply.
I say this because women think that the world owes them something because she is a woman. This is not her fault so much because society perpetuates this belief by the laws it enforces that are in sole favor of women. One day i will have a daughter of my own. I believe it will be my duty to teach her to live in reality and not in a fairy that society has made just for her. Because like all fairy tales, sooner or later they all end.
I write what i see, I see what i write
28 Rules to Live By for Men
I got these rules from various men... Enjoy brothers
28 Rules to Live by
1.Stack yo money and the pussy will come.
2.Let females choose you.
3.Don't chase, replace.
4.Value your seeds.
5.Believe in yourself.
6.Always have confidence.
7.Date smart females, not dumb ones.
8.Get in a females head and learn how she thinks.
9Always be a mystery.
10.Tailor your game to the female personality.
11.Peep game.
12.Get females to invest in you.
13.Keep it real.
14.Think outside the box.
15. Be a man.
16.Live a positive life.
17. Be yourself.
18.Keep your game tight.
19.Let go of the past.
20.Read daily.
21. Be responsible.
22. Hold yourself accountable for mistakes.
23. It's okay to admire but avoid obsession (especially when it comes to women).
24. Be self sufficient
25. be reliable
26. be trustworthy
27. avoid becoming compliant/submissive.
28. Learn to guide your emotions through beneficial channels.
Monday, April 6, 2009
Servants of the Mountain-My war them
I am a die hard Final Fantasy fan and one of my favorite ones is Final Fantasy X. My favorite soundtrack to the game is Servants of the Mountain. The track is just so sick to me. I loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee the violins in this track, and it makes me love violins in actual classical music. This is my preparation for war or deep thought track. I just drift into my mind and just fade away into it. I let the music take over and just drift off into space and prepare myself for whatever may come. Alot of us have songs that motivate us in some way and this is one of mine.
Rhett Butler: The Character of a True Mack
I like old movies and I was watching Gone with the Wind. Now even though it is racist in a sense it is still a good movie. But i paid attention to the 4 main Characters, Scarlet O'hara, Ashley Wilkes, Rhett Butler, and Melanie Hamilton. My favorite is Rhett played by Clark Gabel. Rhett is one classic example of a true mack and a man. I mean if your a guy and you have seen the movie you can understand why i say this.
In the beginning of the movie when he first meets Scarlet, all these guys are all over Scarlet, but Rhett just stares at her and grins. When they have their first conversation what does he tell her? "You are no Lady." This is a character that is calling a spade a spade and i like that about him. He confesses that he is no gentlemen, which shows he is cool with being who he is. Fellas some of us need the boldness of Rhett Butler and need to call these ladies on their B.S.... Rhett knew what kind of woman Scarlet was and knew that that was his woman or The One. Rhett and Ashley both had the same weakness, which was Scarlett, but they both resisted her to a point. Rhett is a man with alot of common sense and intelligence. He is always calling out Scarlet on something and it is funny, cuz while the average guy would see Scarlet as harmless and trustworthy, Rhett know that this woman is no good, but so is he so he has enough sense to know that they fit together. However she is stuck on Ashley, But Ashley is loyal and devoted to his wife and because he is, she wants him even more. How many of us can say that we know alot of women who have some character traits of Scarlet.?
Scarlet is like alot women, they want everything, and they will go to hell and highwater to get it. It just seems that they are never satisfied, which makes them deeply selfish. Now some women have the character traits of Melanie, that was a virtuous woman and lady. One thing you can say about her is that she remained a kind hearted woman till the day she died. Women like that you can't help but to respect and admire. But how many Melanie's have been turned into Scarlets' because of us Men? Not all women are bad at first, something had to happen to make them that way. But that doesn't give them an exscuse to turn bad just cause of past hurt. That's how you separate the women from the girls. A woman that has been hurt can move on and still not let that change who she is and how she is. She can role with the punches and got the battle scars to prove it. However you have the others that fold and try to justify this because they were hurt which shows their incompetence. We men do it too, but it's not about us, it's about the women.
Rhett is like a gentlemen thug lol... He is sophisticated but he's not afraid to get his hands dirty. He shows that even hard men can love and be hurt. Nothing says this more than when Scarlet falls down the stairs and loses the baby and when his daughter dies. I don't care what women say how men don't care about their kids and they don't love them, ect. Let me tell you, there is no love like a fathers love for his children. Mother may bring them into this world but we as men love to death the children that come from our loins, and even the children that don't. I know alot of women would say, "Then how come y'all leave and this and that." But how many women forces a baby on a man, and deceives a man to have a baby? Every always pointing the finger at daddy but don't nobody even stops to look at momma. And in this movie you can see that Rhett loved that girl more than Scarlet. That man locked hisself in the room cause he loved his little girl so much and wasn't gone let no one in. But it was a Virtuous Woman that he let in the room. That shows the great power of woman. she can steady a man's hands when it trembles or bring him back from going over the edge.
Rhett also shows, how every man eventually gets tired and leaves. And we all know the classic quote, "Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn!" Fellas when you have a woman that puts you through hell and when u get tired, especially us young men, tell them the same thing. All of us are like women in a way we want to save women that can't be saved or changed. We know it's futile but we try anyway. If it's worth it, it will come back if not don't fret about it. But Rhet is a character to be studied, because truth be told they don't make strong male characters like that anymore. Always know you are a man in demand. To the Melanie's of the world, your worth is more than gold, jus save one just for me lol. To the Scarlets', this verse is true for women as it is for men "What does it prophet a man to gain the whole world, and lose his soul?" Think about that for me. I write what i see and i see what i write....
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Honor, Respect, Loyalty, & Integrity: 4 Lost Arts pt. 1
My Best friend Deuce once told me this, he said " U cannot buy loyalty." I think about what he said now and i realize that loyalty is a lost virtue that alot of people have forgotten. The Same goes for Honor, Respect, and Integrity. I think that these lost virtues is the reason why our neighborhoods are the way they are as well as the social interaction with men/women and the young/old. Honor is something that alot of women have said is dead, but it is not dead it's just a lost art like Virtue in a woman. Honor is something that has not been taught in our homes and our society. Corruption is everywhere and like the saying goes "There is no honor among thieves."
That saying reminds me when i was in a gang (don't worry about which one) and alot of the things they teach you are these things. But there ain't none of these virtues among thieves. Like in the movie Malcolm X he could see death but he couldn't see betrayal. Why is betrayal so rampant? Because no one have the decency to be loyal, have honor, respect, or integrity. I would watch the movie Elizabeth, now u would think that it was a chick flick but actually that movie was gangsta it was like a mafia movie but on a royal level cuz Sir Francis Walsinghamm was gangsta. When he captures the earl of Norfolk right and the earl is like kill me i'm gon be a martyr and the people will remember me, Walsinghamm shuts him up and says No they will forget. And what he tells him next was so key to me he says, " You could've been a great man, but you didn't have the courage to be loyal." And that is very important cause alot of people don't have the courage to be loyal. They will slit your throat on their way up
But i think of women when it comes to this at times, cause i'm a lover of women and i study them like they are a safari animal on National Geographic. One of the patterns I have seen is this, (Now this is jus what i have seen from black women in my life time i could be wrong but if i am i will retract my statement) y'all are loyal to the wrong men. Basically y'all are loyal to the one's that hits that p**** right. I can't explain what it is but that's what i see. And this is the thing when you find out that that man ain't gon be loyal to you y'all flip out cuz you don't see it coming or you do but you choose to ignore that. Now we as guys have this same problem too we be loyal to the chick that is a liability. Jus simpin like it's no tomorrow like gifts and sh** is going to buy her loyalty, WRONGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!
Everybody thinks that hard things are the bad things but in all actuality the hardest things are the things that are morally right. It's easy to be disloyal but it's hard to be loyal and keep on being loyal. This is very true in relationships and marriages. So find some one that is loyal to you just because it's you whether its a friend or a girlfriend. I was blessed to find loyal friends at the earliest part of my adult life and the lessons that they teach me i try to share with y'all. So Thanks you guys: Ryan, Juston, Segi, Nikki, Kasha, Jarod, Lil, Arty, and Deuce (just to name a few). So people have the courage to be loyal and choose the right people to be loyal to.
I write what I see and I see what I write
See Ya
Diary of A Young Black Man
Ok i finally watched the movie "Diary of a Tired Black Man", and i have to say it was good. So i figured I'd do the same and write a diary myself. If you're a guy you definitely can identify with it and say u have seen this in some part of your life. I feel like this if black women can be mad I can be tired, which is why the movie title was greatly named. When you watch the movie you get a woman's point of view and a man's point of view. And let me tell you some of the women had me rolling cause they had some off the wall responses. But the movie makes you wonder and think. You hear all the time about bruthas being, in jail, gay, or messing with white women. I mean it's just one thing after another and if you are a lover of women and an intellectual you yourself wonder one why are black women so mad and two why are they single and three why we as black men tired. Now the media points this out so bad like it's a science and an epidemic but if u know anything u know not to trust what you see on tv as well as it being a strategy to divide and conquer and have the rest of the world see us as something we're not. Like when "Black in America" on CNN came on and they did the segment on black women i thought for the most part it was full of ****. I mean i thought the same about part two but hey, i digress.
One thing i need black women to do is stop playing the damn fool when it comes to the media. THE MEDIA IS NOT YOUR FRIEND IT IS YOUR ENEMY. Because we are not in control of our image in the media, people think whatever they want about us because of what they on see tv and things of that nature. Always present yourself in a respectable nature in the media and as someone that commands respect from the media. Now they got a show called "Candy Girls" on E about video ho's as paul mooney would say "what kind of nigga bulls*** is this?" Before u know it they gone have a show called Real Single Mothers of Chicago (I'm jus using my own hometown cuz it was the first to pop in my head and i think it's funny as hell).
Now this point is very important i need y'all to do for me. Now i'm gonna need you to receive this one for the father and one for the son, and have your hands up high for this one. Y'all ready.... STOP PLAY THE VICTIM ALL THE DAMN TIME... Hell Israel ain't always the damn victim, no one is ever the damn victim all the time. And this goes for black folk in general as well but we ain't on the community we own y'all a**es today lol. This is why a black men can be tired cuz don't nobody wants here the victim's story all the damn time. It's like the boy that cried wolf and then when sumone that really needs help come around ppl don't believe them cuz it sound like the same ol story. Now i'm not talking about all women so don't even go there, untighten yo butts this ain't about all of y'all lol. But this is my first entry of my diary. It's not all gon be bad or about hurt but it will be about what i'm feeling and the truth. I write what i see and I see what I write (I have been saying that saying for years). I'm still young but i'm trying to figure it all out. See Ya
Friday, April 3, 2009
Movie Day
It's movie day and i'm going to see Fast and the Furious. I think it's gonna be good as hell especially with the old cast coming back cuz the sequels sucked. I'm going back to my love of import cars and Asian chicks (lol) with this movie just like when i saw the first one. I think i'm gonna always gonna have a soft spot for a Honda, Anime, Japan, and Import Tuner lol...
Chess: The Game of Kings
Now before I start you should know that this is my own views and opinions and if I'm wrong I'll say I'm wrong, but prove me wrong in the right light. Now if u feel that some of these comments is directed towards you, I'm gon need you to un-tighten yo butt cause it ain't, but remember that old saying, "A hit dog will holler". I'm just putting this out there if u like u like it if u don't so the f*** what, this is for me and those who really want to listen. So let's get it going...
Now a few years ago i use to love this song by Papoose called chess cause to me it was so real and through the whole the song i'm just loving it cause he was spitting some truth even though some might disagree with me. But ever since I saw my friend Matt and nem play chess i been intrigued by the game. I think alot of people should partake in the game especially if you black in America. Now I gotta say this right now cause i might have to say it more than once, STOP PLAYING CHECKERS PLAY CHESS. See we as blacks are still playing checkers while the rest of the world is playing chess. We play checkers in many arenas especially in arenas that affect our survival. One is the relationship arena. We are not strategic with our choosing of spouses, boyfriends, girlfriends, etc. As Louis Farrakhan once said "We have not learned the science relationships."
Now choosing a mate is very important and something that has no longer been taking seriously since birth control came into effect. Look into it find out the stats before and after birth control. Another thing you wonder about is standards. What are your standards and not only that the standards of your generation and the difference of that with other generations prior to yours.
This is one of the first thing you must do before you play the game. Separating chess from checkers will help you be a better student of the game and lessen your chances of defeat.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Sexual Peer Pressure
I was watching a youtube video and it was about Tossing Salad. It was done by a girl and she was saying that guys should do this with their wife or girlfriend to spice up the relationship. Now she made the video to help those who have never done it but she criticized those who think it's nasty and saying that they were wack and their sex game was wack as well. Not only that, you had all these guys confessing that they do do it and they love it and other guys should want to do it too. Here's what i think of all of this.
If you like to do exotic sexual things and fetishes that's cool, because what you do in you bedroom is none of my damn buisiness. But when you try to force your sexual views on another person, then i have a problem with that. I mean you are telling guys they should do this and what i see is someone asking you to do a selfish sexual act on her. What you never do is ask someone to do something for you that you are not prepared to yourself. If you are not prepared to toss you guy's salad don't ask him to do that. That is just selfish, greedy, and wrong. Also, you don't wait till you are married to spring some kinky fetish off to your man. You let him know at the beginning, not when you first meet, but when you two have thoroughly gotten to know each other. Remember how you start a relationship, is how you finish one. Plus depending on the fetish (Now this is jus me), i'm gonna wonder who turned you on to this and how many times have you done it. Chris Rock said best, "Every Man wants a good woman with a little hoe in them." Notice the word LITTLE. Some women be far from little they be in the kinky slut category lol. Me myself, I'm gon definately wonder about your past depending on what you ask me to do to you sexually.
My Chemistry teacher told my class this and i have never forgot this. He said, "You may not know what you will do, But ALWAYS know what YOU WON'T DO. Ladies and Gents if you don't won't to do something and you feel like you would be compromise your morals and values, then don't do it. If you significant other can't understand that then F*ck em, kick they a$$ out your bed and house. If they think that you are wack for not doing it then tell them to kiss your a$$. Now there's nothing wrong with being adventurous in the bedroom, but when you feel like something is compromsing your values, then you need to draw the line right there. If a person is a slave to their passions especially their sexual passions, then you don't need that person in your life. They are prone to be a liabilty in the relationship you have established with them.
Some of these fetishes our not needed. My ex told me this when she told me her fetish, she said that she likes that done on her but if I'm not cool with it, that is ok with me, as long as i get d**k when i want it, I am cool with that. When i saw that she respected my beliefs and values, i knew that she respected me for being me. If a person can't accept you for being you, then cut they a$$ loose. Never give into peer pressure for another person. Always know that you are in demand, and something bigger and better always comes along.
I write what I see and I see what I write
Winning and Losing
This topic is very dear to me because of alot of things that are going on in my life that are very serious to me. I just happen to listen to a guy talk about certain issues and it got me to thinking about winning and losing. One thing you must know about me is that I spent alot of time in solitude and i would watch movies and t.v. alot (which is why i know alot of movie quotes)... One thing i realize is that movies and t.v. do have their own little message if you read between the lines.
I remember when Rosie Perez said this in "White Man Can't Jump." She said, "Sometimes when you win, you really lose, and sometimes when you lose you really win, and sometimes when you win or lose you actually tie, and sometimes when you actually tie, you actually win or lose." Now it took me some years but I got what she was saying. Now alot of people play the game to win because that's the object of the game. But this is what they don't tell you. In order to really win and beat the game you have to lose. Alot of people don't like to lose and alot of people cant take losing. Why is that? Vanity. In Devil's Advocate when Al Pacino was telling Keanu Reeves why everything happening the way it was happening he tells him that he told him to lose and it would be ok cause the world will understand, and Keanu Reeves says, "Lose? I don't Lose! I win! I'm a lawyer that's my job. That's what i do." Reeves character was so vain that he couldn't accept losing. This is where his vanity checkmates him into losing his wife (His Queen) and losing where it really counts. This tells you that you can win all you won't but if you don't win where it counts and when it counts, IT DON'T MEAN SHYT.
Hannibal greatest general of all time in my opinion, beats the Romans time and time again. When he won at the battle of Cannae that was a great victory cause really Rome is his for the taking. But Hannibal doesn't take Rome instead he retreats back to Carthage and loses where and when it really counts. The game is over for him and the game is over for Carthage. Now Hannibal's losing is a great lesson for black men. To simplify it I'm just gonna say what I heard Chris Rock say in a youtube video. He said, "You can't beat white people at anything, but you can KNOCK EM' OUT." Now what does that mean Lo? Well I'll tell you. You can't beat white folks at they own game but you can beat them to where they can't play no more. See Hannibal tries to beat the Romans into submission and this works against him cause 1. You can never leave an enemy behind cause they might rise again and fly at your throat (I got that from Shaka Zulu lol) 2. you don't fight and win just to offer sum type of agreement or peace 3.( is very simple we all have heard this) Never Underestimate your opponent. So you can't beat them and expect to expect them to play nice, but what you can do is knock they a$$ out in such a way that they never get up to fight you again and everybody else that think they can take you on next will think twice about doing it.
I was real big on the Arab-Israeli conflict back in the day and i would watch this documentary on HBO about it called "Persona Non Grata." At the end of the documentary when ex prime minister Shimon Peres gives his final thoughts and he said something like, "Always be prepared to lose, but don't lose too much because you'll end up losing your partner." Everybody loves a winner, but everybody hates a winner that wins all the damn time. When the Yankees and Celtics where no longer winning championships, i bet you everybody was happy. Why? Because now the game can get interesting and fun again. When you have a person that wins all the time, it takes all the fun out of the game because you already know the outcome. So it makes you not wanna play anymore or play something else. This is one of the reasons why we as black men are tired, because we are tired of losing and we wanna win. It's not that we want someone to let us win it's just that we want someone to let us win when we really have won. This means that we are tired of being cheated out of a win or a battle we know we have won. Some Ladies want to win every battle even when they have lost and its crazy. Now fellas you must always be prepared to lose especially when it comes to women cause they will come and go even if you're married. However, you also have to be able to take that loss and not let it effect your game. Alot of brothers when they ask a woman to dance or anything of that nature and get rejected, they let it effect them mentally. You have to be able to take a loss, dust yourself off and get back in the game. You must always campaign till you get elected, because the game is never over.
It is also essential to know what your are losing and why you are losing, the same with winning. Men and Women must understand this concept, cause just like the old country song say, "You gotta know when to hold em' and Know when to fold em'." Now, it's ok to lose and keep on losing, but here's the catch, when the time comes and it will come you must win if you want to win the game. In China's Warring States period, there was a man call Liu Bei. In every battle he was in he had lost. Yet in spite of that he had gained many great warriors and tacticians 6 of them stand out because the were feared by the other kingdoms. Now when it came for Liu Bei to win and win he did he gained a kingdom for himself. George Washington was the same way. If you lose all the time and people think that you're a loser and no one to be feared, they better be careful cause in you may rise a sleeping dragon and sooner or later it will awaken to claim what is his. That's why anybody can say what they want about me whether they be friends, family, enemies, or whoever. All I'm gonna say is this, "I'm losing, but I ain't lost." You can ask anybody that know me truly and they will tell you, I am not the one to be f***ed with, cause when i get where I need to be, I will be coming for that a$$ like Riley with laugh and a smile. I know that though I'm down, i'm not out, I still got moves to make and I always got more than one option. So you can think what you want about me and say whatever but I'm gonna to the championship and I'm taking it home with me, what about you? I'm like Steve Harvey He ain't through with me yet either, not by a long shot. "The Clay is getting ready for the Maker's hands" you feel me. Anyway, I digress. Winning and Losing is deep and so is this game. That's why the game is called checkers and not chess. The more you study the game you the more you want to play and the more you want to play to win. Study the game, Know when to win and lose, be able to take a loss, and win where it counts. Well that's all my thoughts for tonight. I need a drink seriously lol.
I write what i see, and I see what I write
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